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Are some religious questions so difficult that they should be dismissed or deleted immediately?

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, in our quest for Truth, questions will have to be asked, otherwise we will never get the answers. But that does not mean a willing suspension of disbelief when we view the answers on offer. I feel all intricate religious issues should be approached with an open, rational mind, tested for validity and then only accepted. Unless we do that, I do not think we will get anywhere in our quest for truth. I at least do not believe in BLIND faith.

  • 1 decade ago

    Difficult? no.

    Silly? you betcha.

    Questions that people should be asking themselves instead of other people? All the time.

    You shouldn't dismiss questions because they're too hard (unless it's the "You know, that one's a stumper, I don't think I can help you, but don't give up" kind of dismissal). You absolutely should dismiss a question where the person asking it either stacked the deck so that they get an answer they want, or is asking you something that is more a matter of personal opinion and perspective ("what should I believe" or "what is the purpose of my life" type questions).

  • 1 decade ago


    I don't think so. Difficult or contentious questions are the most popular as we constantly see from the number of answers.

    It reminds me of a show like Jerry Springer; many condemn it yet the same will watch it just the same.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There are hardly any good questions on this forum, I think Yahoo keeps it that way by deleting anything to pointed or contraversial.

    Answer. They are deleted immediately. Musn't rock the boat.

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  • grnlow
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No. But your clergy would like to as they do not have a clue. there are things we do not have a full explanation of yet but we know enough to answer most questions.

    Think of it this way. How would you explain a personal computer to your great-grandparents? They could understand some surface stuff but not the inner workings.

    As we gain knowledge and understanding of the Bible, it reveals more and more to us. Questions are how we learn and show how we are progressing.

  • 1 decade ago

    No! If people don't ask difficult questions, they will never get answers. And I don't mean just on here, I mean in life as well.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The only difficult religious question I'm aware of is, why do people believe that crap?

  • 1 decade ago

    If a question is to difficult for you, just ignore it and move on to an easier one.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Especially the ones related to Old Testament.

    Not a single word from Old Testament is allowed to be written in public.

    It's that sort of book you know... *shakes head*

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nah. Only if they are offensive shoud they be dismissed or deleted.

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