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Who is really being persecuted, Christian or Pagans?

Can anyone show proof that Christians are being persecuted worse than Pagans. Let's use any media that isn't owned by a Christian so that we can say there isn't a bias. The last publicly fought discrimination case against Pagans was their lawsuit agaist the VA and the adoption of the pentacle as a symbol of faith for deceased Pagan war veterans!

Did anyone watch any story concerning this lawsuit on any public news agencies on TV or in the newspaper?

Enquiring minds want to know!


Dze, Persecution is the systematic mistreatment of an individual/group by another group. The most common forms are religious persecution, ethnic persecution, and political persecution, though there is naturally some overlap between these terms.

Why did it take 9 years to get the Pagan symbol of faith adopted if there was a group that didn't want it. Is my religion less equal than your's?

Update 2:

skahhh, but you as a Christian could stand out in your community and ask for help and you wouldn't worry that people would harm you. As a Pagan I cannot even causually imply my "paganism", let alone say something in public. Try attending a Pagan Pride gathering and see what is happening publicly.

Update 3:

butterflimoon, it is very hard not to word a question so that doesn't hit everyone. For this I am sorry. My main goal is to get Paganism, Witchcraft and all alternative religions to be honored equally even if mainstream religions have their doubts. You and I both know that the modern Witch is not dangerous, nor do we harbor ill will toward any who might harbor it towards us.

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I do! that sounds awful, email me that if u can, thankx.

    I think christians r jus fine, in fact they out number any other religion in this country, and then complain about the other ones "taking over" or w/e.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, first of all, I did read the story about the pagans and the VA. Interesting, I thought, because it was the VA and NOT the military that refused to accept their religion!!! However, all seems to be well now on that front.

    I don't usually indulge in the media if I can help it. But I believe that in some ways, YA is what is going on out there in the world, in a microcosmic form. For that reason, I would say that probably all groups are persecuted about equally alike, not just Christians, but pagans, atheists, agnostics, wiccans, etc. etc. and that all those groups seem to also want to persecute Christians in return.

    Those that are on the receiving end of the persecution are just as willing to dish it out.

    That, in a nutshell, is why I don't subscribe to any religions.

  • 1 decade ago

    I did follow some of the news reports regarding the battle to have the pentacle recognized. I was very glad to see this happen; although I feel this should have happened in 1995. In this year, the US Military officially recognized Wiccan and Pagan faiths instructing their pastors to familiarize themselves so to provide support to soldiers overseas, battlefields, etc. It would seem a natural assumption that the government would accept symbols for grave markers as well. As to your question regarding persecution...I believe the Pagans are taking a bigger hit; however, when such accusatory words are used such as your question, would you consider it may fuel this battle? I mean no disrespect by my answer or comments to you: however, I will say that if we focused on accepting all (including the Christains accepting Pagans) we will be a better society? .

  • 1 decade ago

    Christians will say 'Christians', Pagans will say 'Pagans'. The truth is that both religions have had their share of persecution. Pagans have been persecuted by Christians, and visa-versa. In America nowadays, it's still the same way. Just not as violent.


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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Christians are belittled for unproven mythological faith and for their discrimination materially against pagans for not belonging.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    in the US nobody is really being persecuted and most dont even know the meaning ...

  • Julian
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I'm sorry, I wasn't informed that pagans were being persecuted, thanks for bringing this to my attention.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i try not to dwell on such things

    Source(s): pagan
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    here it seems Christians are but other places may be different

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