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  • Religious Equality. Why do news stories concerning alternative religions get little media coverage?

    I can't say I am mad, but I am frustrated. There have been several Pagan and Wiccan related news stories that concern religious equality and Yahoo News and most National news medias fail to carry any word about them. Do they think that there is no interest in these stories or are they afraid that the Main Stream religions will be upset.

    Back in March there was a story about the Veterans Administration being forced to adopt the Pagan and Wiccan symbol of faith for Pagan and Wiccan soldiers.

    This week the wife of one Pagan soldier was not invited to meet with the President when he met with the families of fallen soldiers in Nevada.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians, what is wrong with people being Pagans and Witches?

    I have been a Pagan and Witch since 1954 and I have never worshipped your devil, I have never done anything evil and I want to know why you can't give us a small place on this Earth to follow our beliefs in peace? Explain the purpose of demonizing people who you do agree with? Why does the child molesting/abusing point get pulled out pointed toward people whom you don't agree with?

    You say homosexuals abuse children also, why?

    Hatred and intolerance is taught and Christians think it is alright to use any trick in the book to vilify people that they don't choose to like?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • My Jack Russell Terrier is being stubborn and doesn't want to be potty trained?

    I have tried every trick in the book and I'm getting close, but she is old enough to have learned. She loves to stay outdoor, but I think she forgets what she out there for and then comes back in and soils. I got that pretty well under control and then she has been messing at night. She and her sister have dry food out all the time and I feed them at 6pm which I figure will give them enough time to process dinner and leave their offerings outside. Any help will be... helpful.

    16 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • My Jack Russell Terrier is being stubborn and doesn't want to be potty trained?

    I have tried every trick in the book and I'm getting close, but she is old enough to have learned. She loves to stay outdoor, but I think she forgets what she out there for and then comes back in and soils. I got that pretty well under control and then she has been messing at night. She and her sister have dry food out all the time and I feed them at 6pm which I figure will give them enough time to process dinner and leave their offerings outside. Any help will be... helpful.

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • My Jack Russell Terrier is being stubborn and doesn't want to be potty trained?

    I have tried every trick in the book and I'm getting close, but she is old enough to have learned. She loves to stay outdoor, but I think she forgets what she out there for and then comes back in and soils. I got that pretty well under control and then she has been messing at night. She and her sister have dry food out all the time and I feed them at 6pm which I figure will give them enough time to process dinner and leave their offerings outside. Any help will be... helpful.

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Fear and hate generates big money for churches and religions. So will we ever see peace and medical cures?

    There is so much money made from hardship that it begs to be questioned. Cures for disease would put pharmacology businesses out of business as well as doctors and other medical related jobs. Peace would put churches, religions and lawyers out of business. It is sad to think this jadedly about life, but you explain it.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can there be world peace with religion and churches?

    Are mainstream religions working together to keep the world in turmoil so that they can keep and increase the people and money that fear and strife generates? People would turn away from religion and God if there was no reason to call on him for protection! Your thoughts?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If you asked for an answer you should accept what you get. Opinions?

    Sisterzeal posted a question where she asked gays to answer honestly and then she gave the best answer to another gay basher. This makes me think she was just enjoying listening to herself and she wasn't willing to listen to the people she said she was questioning. Why?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Should all mainstream religions have a standing army?

    The top three Religions always talk about the war on evil, so if makes you wonder if the different religion should all have a standing army with which to fight this war with. Who would the enemy be and why?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do all religions other than Earth based ones need to kill and destroy to be good religions.?

    Let's face it, the mainstream religions seem to have a problem with the need to hurt, kill or destroy to become greater. Wouldn't more people flock to your religions if you preached love and understanding and you really meant it. Bad in the name of Good is an oxymoron. Heavy on the moron part!

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Puppies. Dorthey and her Wiz/Oz friends were running through a field of Puppies. What kind of Puppies?

    The puppies made them fall asleep, so what kind of puppies were they??? Really bored minds want to know.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • A need for more interesting questions. How does your religion promote peace?

    Not much detail needed here. I've had this Christian song going through my head and it got me to thinking how each and every religion is working towards peace on earth. Can you also guess the song?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What tribute do you think I should make to my best friends who just passed?

    My best friend of 37 years just passed, she was 53. She called herself an atheist because she couldn't understand why the Christian God would let her go through the horror of being abused by her step-father.

    In my mind's eye she is in the Summerland waiting for me and her husband. He is having a wake in Georgia and then he will come up here (Kentucky) to bring her ashes so we can bury them here on the property in the Fall.

    I want to plan a local memorial/wake and I would like to know what others think would be appropriate?

    If you have something nasty to say or your want this advantage to spread your Christian anger or righteousness just remember, I am a Witch and you are supposed to afraid of us! And believe me the pain I am feeling can be shared.

    Thanks to all for your good thoughts in advance.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Adoption versus a sacrificial offering?

    As a person who DOESN'T believe in abortion but I do believe in a woman's right to do as she chooses, I am curious to understand why the Christian God would ask his followers in the OT to kill a member of their family as an offering and not be able to accept that a woman might not be able to support or cope with being pregnant?

    What is wrong with the day after pill?

    Do we have to legislate at what point in the blasocyst's developement that it could survive outside the woman's body unaided to declare that it isn't a baby yet?

    No cut and paste Bible verses! How about just some good thinking.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians, please explain why allowing Pagans/Witches/Wiccans to follow their religion, endanger your's?

    I feel that as a Witch and a Pagan I lead a pretty moral life. I don't molest children, unless they are well beyond 21 and want to be molested. I have no problem with sharing my planet with other religions and I have a lot to contribute to my community. But I am judged by Christians based on their unenlighted modern view of modern Witches and Pagans. We don't do missionary work to add members to our religion because we believe that people who need our type of religion will come on their own. The God and Goddess that I worship don't condemn anyone and they are here only to encourage my spiritual growth.

    Please don't cut and paste Biblical verses since I believe that if you value a book over someone's life then that book need shelving and a new book written.

    I stand out in the open and accept whatever pot shot that you want to take.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Who is really being persecuted, Christian or Pagans?

    Can anyone show proof that Christians are being persecuted worse than Pagans. Let's use any media that isn't owned by a Christian so that we can say there isn't a bias. The last publicly fought discrimination case against Pagans was their lawsuit agaist the VA and the adoption of the pentacle as a symbol of faith for deceased Pagan war veterans!

    Did anyone watch any story concerning this lawsuit on any public news agencies on TV or in the newspaper?

    Enquiring minds want to know!

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is my hand basket nicer than yours?

    I just got my hand baskets all spruced up and I am wondering if I should insure it seeing that it gets really hot in hell. Plus I'll have to launch mine a little before Friday seeing I am typing this question with my eyes closed. My furkids are calling me to bed. A gay guy couldn't have any better girls to sleep with!!!!!!!!! Goodnight, sleep tight??? and don't let the bugs bite. I guess that is why all three of us have matching flea collars.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Are Christians bearing false witness against Pagans and Wiccans? And if so why are they doing this?

    I decided to ask a few questions today to see just what the modern person (Christians and others) thought that "bearing false witness" meant. I got 17 answers and all of them said, lying!

    Many Christians seem to have a poor view about Pagans, Wiccans and Heathens because they "believe" that these different groups worship the devil and they do evil things to people. Unlike our Christian cousins, we are not Christians denying our Christianity but people who truly believe in other Gods and Goddesses. The "fundies" are constantly parading born again Pagans who turned away from the devil and returned to Jesus. The fact that they found a Pagan or Wiccan who admitted that they were Wiccan/Pagan would not state that they were devil worshippers, cause we don't believe in the Christian devil or the Christian God.

    So are Christians willing to admit that they having been bearing false witness against us?

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • "Thou shalt not kill" is one of the 10 Commandments, so where is the list of those that can be killed?

    This is a very broad statement, but Christians break this Commandment on a daily basis. I thought that the fight to keep the 10 Commandments in courthouses was a great idea as long as these commandments are the word of God, given directly to man from God. Is there a list that supercedes this law or what?

    29 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is "The Rapture" and how do you know of it? It is not in the bible!?

    The "End Times" have been predicted since the beginning of time. So where did the concept of the Rapture come into being and why teach something that isn't in the bible?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago