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How do you get a 14 year old girl to dress appropriately when she only visits only every other weekend?

I recently became a mother of a 14 year old daughter. She comes to my house dressed in a very low cut tank top where her bra is 1/4 showing and shorts up to the cheeks. Her father has tried to talk to her about her clothing and she gets very defensive. She says she likes boys looking at her and she doesn't care what he thinks. She also told her dad that her mother lets her dress this way. I have never raised or a girl this age.Any advice?????

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Tell her that the type of attention that she is getting from the boys that look at her, isn't the type of attention she wants to attract. Also let her know that boys around her age are possibly looking at her, but there could also be pedophiles and old men looking too.

    Source(s): I was once a 14 year old girl who dressed in a similar fashion and this is what my mother told me.
  • Amy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    honestly? my advice to you is to stay out of it. it's great that you are concerned but you did not just become a mother, you became a stepmother. and trust me when you're dealing with a 14 year old, a stepmother is far from a mother. she has a mother. you are her father's wife. period. if you try to come on too strong with rules she'll just rebel more. talk to your husband and have him lay down some rules. if it's at all possible for him and his ex to talk, that would be great but i know sometimes that's not an option. if he can't do anything about what she wears when she's with her mother, he should at least make some rules so she can't dress like that in his house and hope that has some affect on her.

    i don't mean to be harsh about you not being her mother, but please trust me. my parents divorced when i was 13 and even now at 21 while i am able to love and care for my mom's fiance of 4 years, he is not and will never be my father. try to develop a relationship with her so she can see you as a member of her new family and gain trust. i dont know what you mean by "recently" but it will take years of building a relationship with her before your opinion matters at all to her.

  • 1 decade ago

    Since this isn't really your child I advise you not to try to talk to her about it because she will become more defensive. But what best is to talk to her mom. Ask her why is she letting her daughter dress like this.If that doesn't work the dad might want to take an upper arm in this. Take away everything that might be causing this sort of thinking (radio, t.v., cellphone) The Daughter being very defensive is something natural at her age.You can't support it though my dad had told my sister that she really isn't allow in his house dress like that and that she couldn't come back dress like that at all. Now my sister has a new closet. But not all kids are open like that.

    I hope this help

  • 1 decade ago

    The only advice I have to give is explain to her what could happen to her if she keeps dressing that way. If that does not work you can always try talking to her mom and explain to her mom that you don't appreciate her coming there dressed that way. Other than that I'm not really for sure what to tell you to do to try to help. The way that my aunt and grandma was able to stop my cousin was by getting rid of all of the clothes that showed parts of the body that should be covered up by clothing. I hope this helps you out with our situation.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Her mom and dad need to burn ALL her hoochie clothes, and buy her what THEY KNOW is decent regardless of what SHE thinks.Then they need to watch her like hawk.No dating,no b/f's no going to friends when parents arent there and the parents should be decent and trustworthy(like, they would not let a guy come over and let him be alone with their daughter in her bedroom).Spy on her calls(all of them)Computer use and any diaries she may have.The parents NEED to be PARENTS and quit begging her to do what is right.She doesnt KNOW what is right.She thinks because boys look at her and she can make them want sex she can control any of them for life.Most girls do not learn their "sexual powers" die after a few orgasms.Some women NEVER learn this and repeat the same mistake over and over and over.She is telling the guys by the way she dresses it is ok to think of her as a disposable sex toy and not as a human being.

  • 1 decade ago

    Tell her what she wears at her moms is between them,but when she comes to your house she needs to cover up more.Tell her she can bring some appropriate clothes,or you will be glad to get her some.She'll have the horrors over you buying her some LOL.She'll bring some decent clothes!Stick to your guns,it's your house.Good Luck.Have a sense of humor,& remember you guy's are in charge,not her.Don't let her con you.

  • 1 decade ago

    You could butt in and talk to her mother but that won't help the young lady in question to trust you more. Before you start making demands to this young woman, you should try to get to know her. Stop judging her and just try to accept her for how she is right now.

    She is only 14 y/o and she's not going to be how she is right now, forever. Just get to know her and after you gain her trust, talk to her about it. Don't try to fix her without even knowing her.

  • 1 decade ago

    You could talk to the mother. Or, you could take her shopping and show her that there are cute/sexy outfits that cover her body. Not that a 14 year old needs to be sexy, but it would help if you got her some cute t-shirts and such.

  • Jdude
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Set the rules for your home, or dad should anyway. When she comes over, she has to follow them, that includes behavior and dressing. This is your home and that's how you want it to be run.

    When she's home with mom, she can do what mom wants there.

    Dad has to do this and be strong about it. If he hasn't yet, he must share parent authority with you so she respects you too.

  • 1 decade ago

    talk to the mother and be very blundt! tell her mom that the way she dresses shows she has no respect for her body and will one day get raped. Explain to her mother what her daughter's life means to her, if she even cares...

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