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Someone arrests you -- a member of the POLICE -- how do you react...?

You have no right to act up and resist arrest and then moan about that POLICEMEN OR WOMEN who is just doing his

job --- think about this question and answer it truthfully..........

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You go with them... To Jail..... @

  • 1 decade ago

    Guilty or not my response is the same. Cooperate fully provided they respect my constitutionally protected rights, and take accurate notes and or remember everything and write it down at the first opportunity.

    Admit to nothing and summon an attorney immediately once I determine that the matter requires one.

    Always ask them a question for every answer I give.

    They don't answer I don't answer their next question.

    Determine If They Have Reasonable Suspicion to Detain.

    'Reasonable suspicion which will justify officer in stopping defendant in public place is quantum of knowledge sufficient to induce ordinarily prudent and cautious man under circumstances to believe criminal activity is at hand."

    Why have they detained me? A Dispatch to look for a suspect who looks like and is dressed like me? (there will be a tape - if they answer yes and it's a lie they are in trouble constitutionally.

    A witness description? Who is the witness? Where did they allegedly see me?

    Something they observed? What? When? Where? Their answers could save you. If not handcuffed take notes. Um remember to not wave the pen or pencil in a rude and threatening manner. It will stand up in court as an offensive weapon if they choose to shoot you. Be nice.

    Am I under arrest?

    Based on what?

    Probable Cause where the facts and circumstances would warrant a person of reasonable caution to believe that an offense was or is being committed.

    A Warrant? Sworn out by who? Let's see it.

    Build the foundation for your defense. What is said in the field often changes slightly in the report and again in court.

    Be polite, respectful and nice but listen with a cruel ear to their every word. A single phrase they leave out of their report might change everything and an honest officer will reluctantly admit they said it once reminded while on the stand. I know some cops lie, but I've never met one.

    And remind myself constantly that even though I do have the right to resist an illegal detention or arrest it's really difficult to win that case when you're dead. Just play nice with the men and women with the guns.

    Source(s): Former Law Enforcement School Black's Law Dictionary The Things People Don't Do and Should When Being Arrested - A lecture from my favorite instructor, a defense attorney, who tried to teach us how to not screw up our arrests.
  • 1 decade ago

    As an officer, if I was to be arrested for something whether I was innocent or guilty:

    I would shut up and do anything I was told to do without question. That way there would be abslutely no reason for the officer to give me a hard time.

    I would be honest with every question, no matter how it made me look. Lies are usually obvious and almost always come back to haunt you.

    I would allow the officer to do their job without the pain of being hassled.

    Years before I was an officer I was pulled over 12 times...eight of those I got tickets (deservedly), and the other 4 I did as I said above and I was let off with a warning.

  • 4 years ago

    they are particularly that dumb. law enforcement officers isn't a scripted coach. digicam and sound human beings experience with officers on accountability and checklist what happens. many human beings look to have the belief in the event that they are able to combat and the two beat the law enforcement officers or escape, then there will be no costs. What particularly happens is the two resisting arrest or fleeing and eluding

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  • ©2009
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I have never been arrested but should the event arise, I will be cooperative and respectful. Since I always try to obey the law, it will obviously be a mistake which will quickly be settled at the police station.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No 1. Keep Your Mouth Shut!!!

    No 2. Keep Your Mouth Shut!!!

    No 3. Keep Your Mouth Shut!!!

    Show all proper respect to the man. Be very Polite!

    If they ask you questions, tell them you would like your

    attorney present during all questioning.

    It is the attorney's job to do the talking NOT YOURS!

    I don't care how much you dislike attorneys or police

    in our system the above behavior is most appropriate.

    Pray always. This is your most important strength.

    I Cr 13;8a

    Source(s): Military Police.
  • 1 decade ago

    Submit to the arrest, go to jail, and IMMEDIATELY request a lawyer. Don't say one word in your own defense. Don't talk to anyone. The police are legally bound to allow you the services of a lawyer. Any word you say can be used against you. Remember, these people are not out to prove your innocence. It is their job to prove your guilt. So, be quiet, and if you don't know a lawyer, find one!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why bother resisting? They're just going to arrest you anyway even if you do resist... Common sense, really... Plus resisting is ANOTHER charge that will be against you....

  • 1 decade ago

    I would probably cry since I'm a good girl, and wish out loud I would have prayed harder, LOL!!!! I'm such a wimp. But I've been successful at being on the good side.

  • 36
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    ...check with the papers they have and verify it....

    ...drop dead if caught in the act to lessen physical abuses ...

    ....fight or run from em if they look suspicious, uniforms, cars and id's are not enough for me if they are really law enforcers....

    ...have hidden short circuit tv's and recorder ready at all time to have my own files for possible counter charge.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm innocent, so I will go with them to explain the misurnderstanding.

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