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I ruffled a few feathers last night...talking about the Nephilim...?

The Nephilim are fallen angels spoken of in the OT and you can read about them in Genesis 6: 1-5. There are other places as well where they are mentioned in the Bible.

I was trying to reconcile in my mind, why the Nephilim were able to impregnate women on earth (as it's stated) with what Jesus has to say about our ethereal forms in heaven, which are suppose to be neither male nor female as the angels are.

I want to see how the day crowd feels about the Nephilim.

Here are a few links about them.


Who do you think the Nephilim are?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The Nephilim were not angels. Though they were agents of God's celestial government, they were given corporeal, gendered forms in order to assist in the plan of biological uplifting of the human race which was a big part of the mission of Adam and Eve.

    77:2.1 While this is the narrative of the origin, nature, and function of the midway creatures of Urantia, the kinship between the two orders -- primary and secondary -- makes it necessary to interrupt the story of the primary midwayers at this point in order to follow out the line of descent from the rebel members of the corporeal staff of Prince Caligastia from the days of the planetary rebellion to the times of Adam. It was this line of inheritance which, in the early days of the second garden, furnished one half of the ancestry for the secondary order of midway creatures.

    77:2.2 The physical members of the Prince's staff had been constituted sex creatures for the purpose of participating in the plan of procreating offspring embodying the combined qualities of their special order united with those of the selected stock of the Andon tribes, and all of this was in anticipation of the subsequent appearance of Adam. The Life Carriers had planned a new type of mortal embracing the union of the conjoint offspring of the Prince's staff with the first-generation offspring of Adam and Eve. They had thus projected a plan envisioning a new order of planetary creatures whom they hoped would become the teacher-rulers of human society. Such beings were designed for social sovereignty, not civil sovereignty. But since this project almost completely miscarried, we shall never know what an aristocracy of benign leadership and matchless culture Urantia was thus deprived of. For when the corporeal staff later reproduced, it was subsequent to the rebellion and after they had been deprived of their connection with the life currents of the system.

    77:2.3 The postrebellion era on Urantia witnessed many unusual happenings. A great civilization -- the culture of Dalamatia -- was going to pieces. "The Nephilim (Nodites) were on earth in those days, and when these sons of the gods went in to the daughters of men and they bore to them, their children were the `mighty men of old,' the `men of renown.'" While hardly "sons of the gods," the staff and their early descendants were so regarded by the evolutionary mortals of those distant days; even their stature came to be magnified by tradition. This, then, is the origin of the well-nigh universal folk tale of the gods who came down to earth and there with the daughters of men begot an ancient race of heroes. And all this legend became further confused with the race mixtures of the later appearing Adamites in the second garden.

  • Levone
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    The angels of heaven-those that did NOT fall-do not procreate, as it is forbidden. Once humans have died, they lose that ability-apparently even in glorified bodies.

    However, the fathers of the Nephilim were fallen angels who, for reasons we don't know, had the power to impregnate mortal women. An unholy race was beginning to grow-which is one of the main reasons that God destroyed the Earth in the Flood-except for Noah and his family.

    There are hints of nephilim cropping up again-such as, the original inhabitants of the Promised Land. But, it seems they were wiped out again-as, by the time of the New Testament, there is no more mention of them.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Nephilim were the spawn of the Grigori... the lowest choir of angels and thus the closest to humanity. The Grigori were the watchers... left on earth to watch over the humans. They ended up getting lustful and mating with the humans (who they were probably too close to in form in the first place), and spawned the Nephilim.

    Thus the Nephilim themselves weren't fallen angels... but half-angel, half-human monsters spawned from a "sinful" act.

    Once you take that into account, things should make a little more sense..... yes?

  • 1 decade ago

    The Nephilim are not themselves fallen angels, but are the progeny, the result of angels coming down to earth, materializing human bodies, and having sexual relations with ordinary women.

    The Nehilim are their kids.

    The Bible calls them;

    (Genesis 6:4) The Neph′i·lim proved to be in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of the [true] God continued to have relations with the daughters of men and they bore sons to them, they were the mighty ones who were of old, the men of fame.

    Ancient myths talk of Giants in the earth in those days.

    That is why the Bible calls them mighty. Not necessarily good.

    Because of them, Jehovah God brought on the flood that Noah survived.

    Source(s): NWT
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Wikipedia entry is really eye-opening.

    Most interesting to note that “In Aramaic culture, the term Nephila specifically referred to the constellation of Orion, and thus Nephilim to Orion's semi-divine descendants…”

    Did you know that the three stars in Orion’s belt were referred to as The Magi in ancient Middle Eastern cultures? Fascinating when examined in the context of Jesus being the “son of God”, born of a supernatural being and a mortal woman… whose birth was announced by The Magi.

  • 1 decade ago

    In the time these stories were told (remember that the original tale was told orally long before it was committed to writing) they (the tellers of these tales) may have seen aliens, or some absurdly different hominid species... anything that could be mistaken as "fallen angels"

    Whatever they are, they (probably) dont exist anymore to be of any real concern to us today.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Annunaki

  • Gir
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Good question but unfortunately I don't have the answer. I can't even guess what God was doing. You will have to ask Him yourself.

    Starred for follow up...

  • 1 decade ago

    over sized half human, half angel an not real

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What makes you think it is day here?

    Source(s): Anyway, like talking donkeys I think it is safe we can relegate these 'giant men' to the myths of yore.
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