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Need help with the code of the man. Above 18's only please. Do I tell him his wife is cheating?

Short and simple version. I work with this woman who I know is cheating on her husband with at least 2 other people.

I don't know him that well. We meet at work social events and he seems like thoroughly nice bloke (who frankly deserves much better than her) but since I know this, am I honour bound to tell him what I know or leave him in blissful ignorance?

42 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It has nothing to do with you. Mind your own business. If it were your friend it would be different but you dont even know this man well! Stay out of it, its more trouble than it is worth and you still have to go to work everyday!

  • 1 decade ago

    well 1st off u dont know if this marriage is an open marriage or if both agreed to the wife seen some1 else due to problems he is having or their mariage could of ended and they only live under the same roof...

    are u friends with this woman u work with, if so sit her down and have chat with her, find out if any of the above isnt why she is sleeping with 2other guys and if they are not and u dont agree to it (if u were cheated on u would know how it feels like and any1 who is been cheated on would want know hence been betrayed) and if u like give her time limit to get her to confess to her husband and if she dont, let her know u will tell him urself but also, u need catch her with these 2men and take a pic 4proof, if ur up 4bit conflicked at work or every1 given u the silent treatment...

    but if it was me i would want to know if my man was sleeping with 2other women and if he dont relise this of his wifes actions, then i would give a call without saying who iam and tell what the wife is up2, after all she is playin a gamble with her husband health, god knows what she might catch and how many she slept with in the mean time of these 2other guys

    its ur choice at the end of the day but i wish u the best in it

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You need to stay out of this, my friend. Concentrate on your work and leave these people alone. If the woman is cheating, it will all come out. Don't get involved with something that's not your affair. This guy may be the worst husband on the planet, or he might be a nice guy. Either way, it's none of your concern. Do your job and go home.

  • 1 decade ago

    The "code of the man" as you have phrased it has been tarnished over the years with countless acts apathy and selfishness. By simply asking your question you show that you want to act on it, but need just a little more courage to do so. Your actions define who you are, but it is always your choice as to what those actions are. Don't doubt yourself claim every action completely. Following the lead of others simply mores their demons yours, their fears your fears, their short comings your short comings. No one here can tarnish your sense of honor, but you. Just because a thousand people say "No" does not make it the right thing to do. The majority can be wrong and have been wrong before. You should look into yourself and decide what is right to you and then do it. Its taking responsibility for our own actions that make us complete. I wish you luck.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not a man, but since you don't know this person well, I'd say you should not be the one to tell him. Most likely he is away of her "unaccounted for time" and other signs of affairs (especially is she's got two going on) and is either looking the other way or accepting this behavior of her. It would embarass him to be confronted with it and therefore you should allow nature to take its course and he will either admit to himself that this is going on or she will eventually leave him. Good luck and God Bless.

  • 1 decade ago

    That's a hard one-some people would want to be told while others wouldn't--it's hard to watch people to do that to each other especially when no one deserves that--but on the other hand it's not your business-- this ones a doozy--I would stay out of it unless it was a good friend or a family member--

  • 1 decade ago

    don't you have enough DRAMA in your life already? why involve yourself with a family you don't personally know that well? your not honor duty bound your being nosy and judgemental. If you feel you MUST do something or your head will blow up you won't sleep at night ask her to tell him it's her place to make that call...tell her you disapprove it bothers you. i'm shocked at all the answers to tell him guess there are a lot of nosy people in this world.

  • 1 decade ago

    You work with the woman, so telling her husband she is cheating could cause issues at work if she blames you.

    I wouldn't tell her husband.

    But that doesn't mean I wouldn't talk to her. They may have an open relationship and he may be cheating on her.

    If you are friends with the woman, let her know that you know and believe it to be unacceptable. Ask her to not bring her spouse to company events because you can't look him in the eye.

    But go no further than that.

    If you should decide to go to him against advice, please go anonymously

  • 1 decade ago

    Okay..How long have you been working with this woman? And I was thinking that maybe you could threaten her but if her man was to ever find out afterwards, she would automatically assume that YOU told him. Considering you know this woman through work, maybe you should just leave it alone. It could put your work in jeopardy as well as hers. Naw Meen?

  • 1 decade ago

    Leave him and her be. This man is just a work acquaintance and not any kind of real friend as is his wife. You don't even know if he is ignorant of what's going on or if he is cheating himself. Code of man: mind your own business.

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