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WHAT do people mean POLICE brutality ???

How about the brutal slayings of POLICEMEN AND WOMEN out there who are killed by violent criminals that is brutality --- POLICE BRUTALITY --- the hell you say....the POLICE ARE more brutalised than any other members of society by the rigors of their jobs and what they have to do and see in their daily duty.......

BRUTALITY of the criminals out there towards our POLICEMEN AND WOMEN needs to stop now..So does the insulting way that we as a public treat our POLICE OFFICERS ------------

24 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The badge does not give the officer the right to become like the criminal and violate the law. Some officers have a problem of letting their rage control their actions and that is something that cannot be allowed in a police force. Unfortunately, there are many people who want to be police officers because of the power they get over other people - those types need to be weeded out early on but too many seem to make it through.

  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): Criminal Records Search Database :
  • 1 decade ago

    The vast majority of officers are good people who are professionals and don't violate rights of people, including violent felons. The very few officers who give others a bad name are the ones who make the news and give the impression that they are all bad. Good cops don't sell newspapers. The embarrassments do.

    Eliminate parole for violent felons so crime will drop and fewer officers will be injured or killed. Some friends of mine who are cops lament on occasion that it seems that everyone thinks cops are bad. The fact of the matter is that the majority of people do support the police and would love to say "Thank you." but since they are not the ones causing the problems that police respond to, the police rarely get to meet them.

    Police are human beings who pay taxes, insurance and tuition. They have spouses, children, parents and neighbors just like the rest of us. They are individuals who go to church, who laugh and cry like the rest of us. I am sick and tired of seeing funerals and reading about officers who were murdered by parolees or beasts with violent felony histories. What the heck are these criminals doing on the street when they should be in prison?!?

    It's so easy for some brats who run red lights or want to "protest" to scream "brutality". So often the people who cry "racism" are themselves the racist. For those people who watch too much TV and think they know all about how to be a cop, turn the darn thing off.

    Next time you see a cop, stop and say "THANK YOU." They would love to hear it.

  • Debs
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    You know, its the ones that shoot the home video of policemen's beating a civilian with their sticks. We don't know the cause of what happened (or what went wrong) to have the person beaten. I would definitely say that MUST HURT. But if you have 3 or more police officer's beating on that one guy; I agree that is police brutality. You are also correct that the police officer's are in grave danger every single day and almost always THEY ARE THE VICTIMS. It so sad and I will tell about this recent one and hope I don't cry first thing in the morning. Front page news CHP Officer Struck, Killed on Tuesday.

    Douglas Scott Russel, 46 killed, a 22 year veteran of the CHP was trying to stop David Charles Zanon by putting spikes on Highway 50 at Ponderosa Road.

    That guy Zanon ran over the CHP at a high speed! His life was taken just like that, in a blink of a eye. Yes I do love and respect our Officer's and the next time I go to a restaurant and see them eating their lunch or dinner; I will be more than priveleged to pay their tab. We should ALL treat the Officer's with Loving Care and make them fill that what they do is worthwhile. What about the family they leave behind; the wife, children, parents, how sad, it breaks our heart.

    Do you think its O.K. to pick up their meal tab?

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No one asked you to go into the force. But since you did you should hold your self and all you coworkers to a standard of quality. I have seen officers be extremely brutal. I watched a dog rip a mans leg to hamburger over him selling pot. I do not agree that he should have been breaking the law but that was excessive and brutal. The cops did little to stop the dog. Another incident cops went to a mans home to issue a subpoena for him to go to court they entered his yard the dog went to growl at them and they shot the dog. That was excessive. The dog was leashed on his porch but could not get near the door where the cops were standing. So in saying why don'y you learn to be a good cop and quit having a chip over what your fellow officers have done to make your proffession look like hoodlums. If you want to make a diffence without feeling like a target go into social work. We still get the All social workers want to do is take your kids away. We do alot more helping than most people realize. But I don't have a chip on my shoulders about what some have experienced from social workers I at least try to educate. All you want to do is attack. Not a good attitude when you go into the field I hope you leave that behind. But then you need to get out your aggression some where.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Very little of what is shown as "police brutality" actually is. Today people think anytime an officer lays a hand on someone that it is brutality. A lot of people think that they can question and resist what the police do. In reality there is a law that requires people to obey a lawful order given by an officer. If you don't the officer has the right to arrest you. If you resist arrest the officer is allowed and trained to use force on the person. The more resistance the person gives, the more force the officer is allowed by law to apply to the person being arrested.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Some minutes after 2 AM my friends and I observed four big policemen picking up a young teenage Black girl by her arms and legs and THROWING her into the back of a police van containing MORE policemen. Her screams could be heard as the van sped away. Twenty minutes earlier, she had been walking along the street minding her own business. The police were frustrated because they had initially chased a couple of Black guys and failed to catch them. Admittedly this was the bad old days of the late 1970's (in London UK), but police behavior and attitude cannot change by magic. Racism and consequential police brutality still exists today.

  • When the police allow themselve to be involved in a police brutality case then they are showing no better morals than the criminal themselves. What gives them the right to jump on someone and do this to them just because some other criminal acted in someway hostile towards them and maybe even hurting or killing one of our fellow officers. That still does not give them the right to lower themselves to the level of a criminal. If that the case who do we have to trust as we stand as law abiding citizens? No one.

  • 1 decade ago

    Great statement, there is some police brutality The good cops out weight the bad cops. They are trying to i do their job,but as in any job someone is going to complain. I do know they serve and protect. I don't want to think what would go on if there were no cops,

  • 1 decade ago

    It will never change. The people I have dealt with will pass on to their children an innate fear of the police.

    Example: I walked into work one day and there was a woman who was waiting in the visitor center of the Jail to see her husband or boyfriend and as I walked by in uniform, she said to the 3 or 4 year old playing beside her, "you behave or that policeman is going to arrest you!" I had to stop and explain to her that we don't arrest children but are out there to be a refuge for children in trouble. I told her if she would teach her child to be a friend to the law and respect it, he wouldn't have to be a future patron of the jail and could be a contribution to the community. She did not like it and complained that I was harassing her.

    It doesn't get any better in the courts for us either. I had 4 members of my team attacked by drunks or drugged up perps and when it got to the court, the charges were either dropped or reduced from felony assault on a police officer to simple battery on certain personnel and given time served. The courts are basically saying that we get paid to get assaulted by the criminals in our society.

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