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The US House Republicans walked out and is shut down now - I didn't see that on MSM did you?

Republicans continued to steam, however, over the episode in which they appeared to be the winners by a 215-213 tally on a procedural motion designed to make sure illegal immigrants would not get certain benefits from an agriculture spending bill.

Instead, with several lawmakers milling in the well of the House registering votes, Rep. Michael McNulty, D-N.Y., quickly gaveled the vote to a close, saying the GOP measure had failed on a 214-214 tie vote.

and you want - hillary or obama??

Update 2:

Coragraph I'm not an attorney I'm a registered voter reading about a partisan precedent that according to McNulty was set. The democrats declared this wrong and put a stop to it and had a remedy according to the sources.

Win lose or draw what I want your not supposed to steal votes which is what this is being called - I don't accept your quizzing read over the surface everybody does it when in fact it is reported as precedent by Republican Whip Blunt.

6 Answers

  • DAR
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I read about that, but I had to hunt. I can't get the sound on your video, though. I understand there is video floating of the actual chaos with votes changed after the vote was called closed, to kill the Republican motion. They need one like it for the children's health care bill, as well. Everyone is presumed legal under that, and the funding appears to come in part from seniors medicaid for HMOs.

  • 1 decade ago

    It did happen and here is what one congressman had to say about it:


    Democrats Abuse Power - Alter Vote Count

    WASHINGTON , D.C. - House Democrats last night overruled a clear vote showing that the Republican Motion-to-Recommit on the Agriculture Appropriations bill had passed. Democrats ruled, instead, that the motion failed.

    With the vote total boards at each end of the House Chamber clearly showing the Republican motion prevailing by a vote of 215 to 213 and the word "FINAL" displayed beside that count, the Democrat Chairman gaveled the vote closed, announcing the Republican motion had failed on a 214 to 214 tie.

    "I have been here almost 13 years and I thought I had seen it all, but tonight's display of corrupt, raw, partisan political power was stunning," said Rep. John Shadegg (AZ-03). "I honestly didn't think this could happen in America. This is a sad day for the U.S. House and a tragic day for our nation."

    Following a protracted period of chaotic protest and procedural wrangling, Democrats altered the displayed vote total two more times. However, when Democrats refused to acknowledge their abuse of power and accept the passage of the motion, Republicans walked out en masse in protest.

    "If my vote doesn't count, what point is there in voting?" Shadegg said. "I owe it to my constituents and to this nation to demand integrity and fairness in the operations of this institution."

    Congressman John Shadegg

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am NO Bush fan but it appears the House is also without ethics.What a bunch of Idiots. They have done NOTHING since being elected except Bitching. I thought the republicans were bad but by electing a woman as speaker, we have hit bottom. She cannot control the Good ole Boys with years of rule and she cannot reign them in. Look for more of the same. They can do as they please. Nancy is just a figurehead. She has not said a word about this fiasco....and won"t.

    Source(s): Drugge Report
  • 1 decade ago

    It was a House member who did this -- McNulty.

    Why are you blaming Senators for an action that someone in the House did? Or are you assuming that everyone who is a member of the same party always acts the same?

    Because by that logic, every Republican is guilty for what Nixon did. And every Republican is guilty for the crimes of every other Republican who was ever convicted.... just as every Democrat would be guilty for the crimes of every other Democrat ever convicted.

    How about just blaming the individuals involved, and stop trying to make this about political partisanship?

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  • 1 decade ago

    Hilary please

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