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There is a Jewish Quarter in Hebron (Israel). Why is it called Jewish?

From the year 1540 until 1929, Jews lived on a large plot of land in Hevron, commonly known as the Jewish Quarter. It was purchased by Rabbi Malkiel Ashkenazai, a refugee from the Spanish expulsion in 1492. Following the 1929 massacre and the exile of the Jewish population, the property, including houses and synagogues, was abandoned and left uninhabited.

What then?


DCCII misunderstands and calls names. No one ever said that Palestine NEVER existed. The encyclopedia you quote errs in calling the land Palestine at a period when that was not its name. By the same logic you could call Iraq "Mesopotamia," or Istanbul "Constantinople."

The point that DCCII misses is that while there once may indeed have been a place called Palestine, there NEVER was a people known as a "Palestinian People."

It is from the term "Philistines" that the name "Palestinians" has been taken. Actually, the ancient Philistines and modern Palestinians have something in common: both are invaders from other lands! That is precisely the meaning of their name, that is not an ethnic denomination but an adjective applied to them: Peleshet, from the verb "pelesh", "dividers", "penetrators" or "invaders". The Philistines were a confederation of non-Semitic peoples.

Bottom line: There once was a place called Palestine. There never was a Palestinian People.


7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is disingenuous of another Arab to call himself "Jonathan" as though he were Jewish.

    His unfortunate use of name-calling and half truths does nothing to advance the Arab cause.

    Jordan never had sovereignty over Hebron and was merely an occupying power. As "Jonathan" certainly should be aware.

    But to the asker's point: When the State of Israel was established in 1948, Hebron was left under Jordanian control. In 1953, Jordanian troops assisted the city's Arab population in devastating the remains of the Jewish Quarter. The beautiful Avraham Avinu Synagogue was razed and turned into a goat sty, apartment buildings were destroyed, and virtually nothing remained of the Quarter's earlier splendor. In one section of the Jewish Quarter, the Jordanians built an outdoor market, which continued to operate even after Israel liberated the city in the Six Day War of 1967.

    Some 12 years ago, when Arab-initiated violence in Hebron was at one of its highs, the Israel Army decided to clear out the Arab store-owners from the marketplace. "The sole purpose for the closing," wrote Hebron Jewish Community spokesman David Wilder at the time, "was to provide security for the Jews in Hebron, [which had been] jeopardized by the hundreds of Arabs who frequented the market every day.

    Interestingly enough, the Commander-in-Chief of the IDF at the time was none other than Maj.-Gen. Ehud Barak, who supported the action.

    Several years later, after 10-month-old Shalhevet Pass was shot to death by Arab terrorist snipers with a bullet to her head, Jews decided to renew their title to the land, and began renovating the stores, turning them into inhabitable apartments, and moving families in. Eleven families moved in.

    A year and a half ago, several weeks after the Israel Supreme Court ruled that the land should be given to the Arabs, the Jewish families moved out voluntarily. They came to an agreement with the army, and specifically then-Judea and Samaria Division Commander Brig.-Gen. Yair Golan, that all legal measures would be taken in order to return them to their homes as soon as possible.

    And the latest events there show that the Jews fully intend to return to their homes in the Jewish Quarter of Hebron.

  • I think that most of the answerers have established the valid Jewish claim to Hebron. At the very least the land that belongs to Jews was placed in the hands of the Administrator for Enemy Property by the Jordanian government for a scant 19 years. Not in the hands of individual Arabs.

    Legally there is no doubt that the Israel government took over the properties of the Jews (who had been slaughtered by their Arab neighbors in 1929) from the Jordanian government. This is in no way similar to the case of properties in Israel that were abandoned by Arabs who were told by their leaders to leave and then come back victorious when the seven invading Arab armies would conquer the fledging Jewish sate.

    "Jonathan S" claims to be an Israeli Jew, but if so he must be part of what I understand to be the small leftist lunatic fringe that never has anything good to say about the Jews, and advocates reducing the size of the Jewish state so that it becomes nonviable, unwittingly aiding the Arabs who wish to wipe Israel off the map.

    It has been said that the Arabs can lose many wars, but it would take only one Israeli loss against the Arab states to end the existence of Israel.

    Mr. S asked whether we support his argument over that of Mr. Baqir. I vote for Mr. Baqir.

  • 1 decade ago

    In Hebron, under Jordanian rule, the former Jewish Quarter was repopulated by Palestinians, much as Israel ,at the same time, repopulated former Palestinian neighborhoods and villages,whose inhabitants fled or were expelled during the 1948 war. In 1994, after the massacre perpetrated by Baruch Goldstein, the Israeli occupation authorities ,in a twisted logic,decided to further punish the Palestinians and closed their market in the old city of Hebron, instead of taking steps against extremist settlers, some of whom applauded Goldstein's deed.

    Any demand to return Jewish property based on pre-1929 ownership, will inevitably lead to a similar demand to return Palestinian property based on pre-1948 ownership.

    In reply to Mr. Mashtin Baqir:

    Mr. Baqir is so bigotted that he thinks that accusing another contributor of being an Arab automatically discredits him...

    I happen to be an Israeli Jew and proudly so. Not all Israelis support the occupation and the settlers. Many Israelis would not call the aftermath of Goldstein's massacre "Arab-initiated violence". The Palestinians in Hebron have been terrorized by the settlers for years,(though that doesn't justify Palestinian violence aimed at innocent children, such as Shalhevet Pas).

    I'll leave it up to the readers of Yahoo Questions to determine for themselves whether or not Mr. Baqir actually answered the points that I raised.

  • 1 decade ago

    What then? The Balfour Declaration, the creation of Palestine, the creation of the State of Israel, a few wars, and it became a part of the Palestinian "refugee camps?" Of course, "refugee camps" is a topic for another day!


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  • ST
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Palestinians took the properties.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hebron is the world's oldest Jewish city.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    To all the morons who say Palestine never existed

    Ever here some tool say Palestine was never a state? Or even more ridiculous that Palestine never existed?

    If you are one of the many idiots who say that I say to you:

    This is the dumbest thing I have ever seen; where did you learn your history son, a Jewish Library? Palestine was a State even in My Grandmother's life time. Of all the Jewish Prime Ministers only one has ever actually been born in Israel.

    Even in Biblical times Jews never made up more than 3% of the population. Palestine is pronounced Falestine, if you go there no one says Palestine. It comes from the word Philistine you know the people the Jews were always writing about killing in the Bible. Note the Story of Samson who supposedly killed 1,000 Philistines with the jawbone of a donkey before a woman Delilah tricked him and cut off his magical hair which gave him super strength.

    Yes, I am not making that up. Quote:

    "And she made him sleep on her knees; and she called for a man, and she caused him to shave off the seven locks of his head:

    . . . and his strength went from him."

    (Judges 16:19)

    This is the kind of crap that Jews try to pass off as history. Christians believe it too yet basically none of them have bothered to read it since they were being brainwashed as small children and had it read to them.

    He also supposedly killed a lion with his bare hands and also carried the gates of a city he destroyed away on his shoulders and also got water from the ground after praying to god because he was thirsty after he killed 1,000 men. Awe how nice of the Jewish god to give water to his favorite mass murderer. Read the book of Judges it’s full of all kinds of fanciful fairy tale bullshit.

    You can't make up **** more wacky than the Bible stories.

    Ok here is the flag of Palestine before 1916

    Palestine was under Ottoman and British occupations and also Roman but under Rome (who they kicked out) and in between occupations they enjoyed autonomy.

    The Bible is pure BS. Moses didn't free Hebrew slaves, Cyrus the Great did and that is a historical fact. Moses is copied from the Misis mythology in Egypt as are the trinity gods Isis, Ra, and El (Israel) and Horus aka the Jesus myth. History vs. Religion


    Cyrus the Great (c.600–529 bc) King of Persia, founder of the Achaemenid Empire in Persia. He overthrew the Medes, then rulers of Persia, in 549 bc, defeated King Croesus of Lydia (c.546 bc), captured Babylon (539 bc) and the Greek cities in Asia Minor. Although he failed to conquer Egypt, Cyrus' empire stretched from the Mediterranean to India. He delivered the Jews from their Babylonian Captivity, sending them home to Palestine. His decree, held in the British Museum, is regarded as the first declaration of human rights.

    -World Encyclopedia (that's a real encyclopedia not Wiki [however even Wiki agrees on this])

    It was a Persian King Cyrus the II who freed the Jews from what is now Egypt but at the time was part of the Babylonian empire. The ancient Jews were saved by ancient Iran. Cyrus entered Babylon (now Baghdad) and replaced an unpopular king, a King who worshipped the Moon god Sin rather than the more popular god Marduk, the Harvest God (whom the famous Hanging Gardens was made for). The People wanted the king to worship Marduk not Sin so they welcomed Cyrus in ridding the corrupt king. The Persians did not believe in slavery so all the slaves in the Babylonian kingdom were set free not just the Jews.

    That's right it was Cyrus not God who freed the Jews from Egypt. And they were lead by an Egyptian (not a Jew and yes that river in the basket story is nonsense) into what is now Palestine/Israel. There the nearly all male force (because slaves were usually men used for labor and the women probably opted to stay prostitutes rather than wonder around in the desert) immediately began their long stint of raping and murdering and constant warfare. Read the 4,5,6 books in the Bible and get a feel for the blood craze and if you really want something sick read Leviticus and learn the details about sacrificing animals and sleeping with your own daughter and all the laws that would result in you being put to death (by very creative means) if you broke them.

    Now contrast the World Encyclopedia with what Zio-Wiki tries to say about Palestine. Here is the world encyclopedia.


    Palestine Territory in the Middle East, on the e shore of the Mediterranean Sea; considered a Holy Land by Jews, Christians and Muslims. Palestine has been settled continuously since 4000 bc. The Jews moved into Palestine from Egypt c.2000 bc but were subjects of the Philistines until 1020 bc, when Saul, David, and Solomon established Hebrew kingdoms. The region was then under Assyrian and, later, Persian control before coming under Roman rule in 63 bc. In succeeding centuries, Palestine became a focus of Christian pilgrimage. Muslim Arabs conquered the region in 640. In 1099, Palestine fell to the Crusaders, but in 1291 they in turn were routed by the Mamluks. The area was part of the Ottoman Empire from 1516 to 1918, when British forces defeated the Turks at Megiddo. The Balfour Declaration encouraged Jewish immigration. After World War I, the British held a League of Nations mandate over the land w of the River Jordan (now once again called Palestine). Tension between Jews and the Arab majority led to an uprising in 1936. World War II and Nazi persecution brought many Jews to Palestine, and in 1947 Britain, unable to satisfy both Jewish and Arab aspirations, consigned the problem to the United Nations. The UN proposed a plan for separate Jewish and Arab states. This was rejected by the Arabs, and in 1948 (after the first of several Arab-Israeli Wars) most of ancient Palestine became part of the new state of Israel; the Gaza Strip was controlled by Egypt and the West Bank of the River Jordan by Jordan. These two areas were subsequently occupied by Israel in 1967. From the 1960s, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) led Palestinian opposition to Israeli rule, which included acts of terrorism and the Intifada in the occupied territories. In 1993, Israel reached an agreement with the PLO, and in 1994 the Palestine National Authority took over nominal administration of the Gaza Strip and West Bank. Failure to find a peaceful settlement saw the resurgence of the Intifada in November 2000. The death of Yasir Arafat led to the election in January 2005 of Mahmoud Abbas (also known as Abu Mazen) as Palestinian leader.

    Another encyclopedia says


    In the Bible, Palestine is called Canaan before the invasion of Joshua; the usual Hebrew name is Eretz Israel [land of Israel]. Palestine is the Holy Land of Jews, having been promised to them by God; ...

    -source Even the Bible admits that The Philistines were living there for Joshua invaded it and the Jews self proclaimed the land by say that loll GAWD promised it to them. Sorry but you can't just write a book saying god gave you land that people were already living in and then start murdering everyone there.

    If you want you can go read the bs that Wiki writes.

    There you have it Zionism is as old as Judaism with a certain swath of people believing that God granted then land which only their ethnicity could live on. The Samson story and countless others praise the murder of Philistines/Palestinians.

    Please see this to look at current conditions.

    Truth is Israel didn't exist until 1947 and it is Israel that is wiping Palestine of the map.


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    "The man enslaved to wealth can never be honest."-Democritus

    Jew is a Language Group Not a Race - Nodwells

    Semitic Semantics

    Semitic is a Language Group, Not a Race or Ethnic Group

    One of the myths that has been perpetrated on the world is that only Jews are semites. This is totally inaccurate. Unfortunately, the ADL (the Anti-Defamation League) has made a fortune in donations and has conned most media networks and most people in the world into believing this untruth.

    If one looks into the history of the word, "semite", it has to do with a language group and no more. The semitic languages are, at least according to most linguistic experts, Amharic (spoken in Ethiopia and Eritrea, the lands once known as Abyssinia), Arabic (spoken in all the Arab countries and in many Muslim countries because it is the language of the Qur'an), Hebrew (spoken in Israel and by some Jews and others outside of Israel), Aramaic (spoken primarily by the Chaldeans of Iraq and by some Catholic and Maronite Christians in the world, at least in their church services if not in their homes or business) and Syriac (spoken by a few in various parts of Syria and in the Middle East). Incidentally, according to most linguists, Abraham, the father of the Jews and Arabs, spoke Aramaic, that was the language of the land at the time, not Hebrew.

    To get back to facts about semites, Jews, language and genetics, let me go futher. The actual genetic Jews were born in the Middle East and are known as Sephardic Jews. These Jews did speak a semitic language, Hebrew, from their earliest incarnation, but also, some at the time of Christ, also spoke Aramaic, Arabic and Amharic because of their location in Jerusalem and other Middle Eastern cities such as what is now Addis Abbabba, Cairo, Baghdad and Damascus. One rarely hears a Sephardic Jew yelling, "anti-semite" because he knows better and because he is aware of his own history within semitic language speaking lands.

    Let me be clear about another important matter; I am not touting for people who are anti-Jewish or anti-Arab, or anti-any ethnic or racial group; those people who stereotype or attack others based on their race or ethnicity are dead wrong and should be condemned so too should those who abuse labels and use them wrongly to stop others from being justifiably critical should also be condemned (and in this case, I am referring to the ADL and other groups of that sort who label people with impunity and carelessness, sometimes wrecking their careers, their reputations, their businesses and their lives!)

    Thus, when a person from the ADL calls someone who is critical of Israel, Zionists or Zionism, an "anti-semite", this is pure nonsense. The person speaking is simply critical of Israel or Zionism. Also, if a person speaks against an Arab, and as I pointed out, Arabs speak a semitic language, he may be anti-Arab, but he is not "anti-semitic.". In both cases, the person may be anti-zionist or may be a racist and be anti-Jewish or anti-Arab, but the person is SIMPLY NOT ANTI-SEMITIC.

    Source(s): WOLF: INTC, SpecOps, Commando, BlackWatch
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