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Have you ever made up your own lyrics to songs just to irritate your kids?

I do that from time to time and this morning I was making up my own version of ABBA's "Momma Mia": singing about diarrhea and "Momma Mia,here I go again...momma, how can I resist it?"


My daughter looks at me like "Geez, she's at it again..." and sometimes my son is amused by it.

Do other people do that to irritate their children?

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, I do that alot. I also sing popular songs Gospel style to piss them off too. That gets them worse than lyric changes.....Too funny!

  • 1 decade ago

    Most definitely. I do it on a regular basis. That is hilarious - momma mia, diarrhea! I usually make fun of the pop music on tv like that montana girl and that type of stuff. There is no greater joy than the joy you get from a little friendly badgering of those little rugrats running around eating everything in sight and leaving a path of destruction that would rival Katrina.

  • Paula
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I find that the older my child gets, the more things I do to irritate him. Actually, I amuse him more than anything. I tell him that it's my time to get even with him and try to embarrass him. haha It's all in good fun. He's 18 now and I think he would worry about me if I didn't mess with him. Have fun!!

  • 1 decade ago

    yes I do! In the morning when I go to wake up my 8 year old daughter I will sing a stupid wake up song that sounds like it is for a toddler, like "wake up little's time to rise and shine...lets wakey wakey and go to school and play and learn....!"

    She gets mad and me and tells me to leave her alone!

    In the evening we entertain ourselves by singing songs to our cat Tom. We will take a popular song and replace the words to include "Tom" "tuna" "munchy crunchy" "loves to play" "fierce predator" etc...... it is actually hilarious!!! Tom will just flop on the floor and look at us and listen like we are nuts!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm guilty of that and my daughter really gets fired up when I do that and keeps telling me to stop it that's not the way it goes , it's very funny .

  • 1 decade ago

    All the time. It annoys my 3 yr old. I sing, spongebob recktangle pants. He yells everytime. lol

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is my sworn duty as a father to irritate and embarass my kids at every opportunity.

  • 1 decade ago

    no but my mom does it all the time like to the theame song to the show franklin


    but its really like "hey its franklin....commin over to play!"

    and she knows the words too

    she does it like at the mall or in the grocery store just to get on my nerves lol i love her though!!!

    great question i have that song stuck in my head!

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes. Isn't that a parents' JOB ? ? ?

    Many songs also have a 'fraternity version', but they're not suitable for children !


  • 1 decade ago

    I don't have any children so I use the same techniques to annoy my friends

    Source(s): I didn't know that pretty Agnetha from Abba used to have such problems
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