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bahbdorje asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 1 decade ago

Who created "God"?

Well, its been a few months since this question was asked. According to the ask page.

Telling me the Bible says nobody does not even come close to an answer.

God exists. Where did God come from? Out of nothing is not a proper responce. How about actually thinking about it before throwing out some dogma in responce?


Even tho I asked not to get the Christian dogma it seems about half the answers state something about the Bible.

Do Bible people actually think?

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Every person defines "God" differently. So "God" is created by each individual.

    If you gather enough people who define God in similar fashions, you've got yourself a religion (or lack of one).

  • 1 decade ago

    Depends on which "god". If you are talking a pagan god, then probably another one of the pagan gods, and if you get back and back to the beginning, the pagans really didn't have an answer for how the first god came into being.

    In Judeo-Christianity, God is not created; He is the Creator. God exists outside of time (hence He is called "Eternal"--this also fits into "time beginning at the precise moment of the Big Bang," which is what science tells us--freaky i know). Existing outside of time, and being furthermore the Creator of time, there would never be a point in ***time*** when He did not exist. Which is to say, there was never a point in time where God could ***not*** be (He had to be around to create time, after all), hence we must allow for God to have always been.

    If you recall that time is the 4th dimension, then you will realize that it, too, must have come into existence at the beginning of Creation (along with matter, etc.). In Christianity God created the very "reality" we now know, including time. This is part of why He is so much beyond humanity, and also so hard to understand. As mere limited mortals, we can't fathom an existence without time. God, however, is Omnipresent: everywhere. And because time is a dimension, He has to exist everywhere in it, just as He has to exist everywhere in an empty space (3rd dimension). He further has to exist beyond it, or He would not exist to create it! And because there was never a time when He could have been created, He was logically never created.

    That, and He's also an Infinite, and there's the question whether you can create an infinte at all. Can you count to infinity? No, because infinity is a number that never ends. Hence, God never had a beginning, He always had to exist, because if He had a beginning He would never have "reached" being an Infinite.

    i have probably totally mangled these concepts, but i hope you got a glimpse of what i'm trying to communicate. X\

  • Dr. D
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    What is ask is actually a nonsense question, like asking "which came first, the chicken or the egg". The reason why your question becomes a nonsense question is three-fold.

    First the process of creation assumes time. What existed before God? However, time itself is a product of creation. Science tells us that time did not exist before the big-bang (it doesn't exist on a black hole either but that's another discussion). So to answer your question we must remove the dimension of time from the equation and suddenly the equation becomes nonsense.

    Second, if anything created God, then God would cease to be God. Its the same as, "is God so great and powerful that he can create a rock so massive that even he cannot lift it?" The question itself eliminates any potential for a logical answer.

    Third, if God is God then it doesn't make sense that our minds should be able to comprehend his nature. The idea that there is something beyond our comprehension shouldn't be too hard to imagine. Science tells us that photons are both a particle and an energy wave even though it also tells us that it is illogical that it be both. Quantum theory says that quantum particles exist in two places at once, and that forces can link particles such that moving one will affect another a distance away.

    This does not mean that all logic is irrelevant with God. If we regard our conscious as a factor in the equation of reality. Such that our conscious affects quantum particles and energies, then our soul may be considered as a life product of our quantum consciousness. And the universe itself is the product of the consciousness of God. And we live and have our being within God's consciousness.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you choose to believe biblical reasoning, then the response is that he has always been and will always continue to be. In other words, he has always existed and thus had no beginning.

    If you're asking who created the concept of God, that's more complex. Just about every culture in the history of civilization has had some kind of God/Creator legend and worship system. There are certainly individuals you could pin with the ideas and beginning of specific religions, but not with the entire concept.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No one created God. As the Bible says he is the Alpha and the Omega, these are the first and last. So before him there was no other. He is the one who made the earth and the sea and humans and animals, to break it down he made everything that we see hear, smell, taste, and all our resources. If there was no God, than we would not be here. Sorry for the long explanation. But to sum it all up, God had no creator because he is the creator.

  • 1 decade ago

    You have asked us to think about our answer rather than respond with dogma - I suggest that you do the same - Asking someone to believe that the universe appeared from nothing, which is one of the main scientific answers to the origin of the universe is as much a leap of faith as believing in a god creating the universe, as it contradicts a scientific universal constant that matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed - only their states can be changed, (E=mc2) so the universe must have sprung from vast matter or an even more vast source of energy - what was this? does any of this or any other explanation make sense. This question can not be answered QED by any current scientist as our understanding of the universe is still so small, and we can,t even begin to understand god!

  • 1 decade ago

    God created God. He is doing again right now and you are a very small piece of that project. Eventually the universe as a whole will evolve into that entity you lable God. Amazing what lonliness will drive an omnicient being to do ain't it?

  • 1 decade ago

    The bible says he is the alpha and the omega, these are the first and last of the greek alphabet. The bible reavels that he indeed had no maker. It is hard for us to understand this fully because we were made, and the things we see around us were made.

  • 1 decade ago

    Grog of the Cave Bear Clan was dubbed "Creator of God" by the elders of the tribe in the Year 69,464 BC for being the first to come up with the concept of gods, goddesses, angels and devils to keep members of his clan in line.....

    Source(s): true story.
  • 1 decade ago

    If the omnipotent Judeo-Christian God is real, he is the creator of everything, including time - an eternal reality preceding everything else.

    If God is a fiction, then it is the creation of paleolithic humanity - several tens of thousands of years old, but hardly eternal.

  • 1 decade ago

    You seem to accept the existence of God as a fact. If this is the case, then you might want to ask your church, priest, religious leader... Personally, I don't believe in God. I think gods were created by man to explain the world around them. Many things happened that we could not explain so we used gods, ghosts and various spirits to explain them since we need to put some order in our chaotic world.

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