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Anonymous asked in Science & MathematicsAstronomy & Space · 1 decade ago

The black hole theory again?

Ok undoubably I'm going to debunked for this theory but what the here you can give your opinion.

my theory is this a black begins as a super massive star that has burned up all its energy but before the final supernova there is a very dense central object. rotating at very high speed upon the final supernova this energy speeds this central core to faster than light. its outer surface is moving faster than light but getting slower as it reaches each pole.

now if the object is travelling faster than light it will have a tendency to rip the fabric of the universe thus creating a gap between it and the outside universe except closer to each pole of object where the surface is moving slower at these two points energy will be released the reason why we cant see light is that light needs a medium to travel same as sound or throwing a peeble in a pool take away that medium and light cannot escape. there are no wormholes just a very sold object in our universe.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Interesting theory with one major hole: nothing with mass (and black holes have mass) can travel at the speed of light, let alone faster than the speed of light. So a "rip in the fabric of the universe" cannot happen. And, light does not need a medium in which to travel - it provides its own medium in its electromagnetic field.

  • well.... ur right about getting debunked rofl. a black hole is formed when a star collapses under its own weight (imagine a sumo with heat stroke). under normal circumstances, matter would only be able to be compressed so far, but with these extreme conditions, strange things happen.

    when stars the size of the sun collapse, the atoms merge together, and the electrons move around quite freely. this is called degenerate matter. one thimbleful would weigh as much as a Toyota. stars that collapse to this point are called white dwarfs.

    when stars from 1.5 to 2 times the size of the sun collapse, the electrons are forced closer to the nuclei of the atoms, making contact with the protons, merging with them to make neutrons. now your star is 100% neutrons. its like a gigantic nucleus. it is often called neutronium, and is so dense, and light is warped so much, that the escape velocity is half the speed of light. if one were to drop a marshmallow onto the surface of a neutron star, the energy release would be that of 100 atomic bombs.

    when stars larger than twice the mass of the sun collapse, they collapse even further than this. what do they collapse into? they collapse into a single point in space, called a singularity. a singularity has no volume. it has the mass that the star had, but no volume. it is smaller than the head of a pin, smaller than the molecules coating the pin, smaller than the atoms making up those molecules. smaller than the electrons orbiting those atoms. it is literally infinitely dense. when matter gets "sucked" (black holes dont really suck, they are quite cool actually. just kidding, its the gravity that pulls matter inward) into the hole, it merges with the singularity, and becomes one with the hole.

    your theory is very unique ill admit, but not likely = )

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i began out out with the suitable comparable queries. in accordance to the massive Bang form proposed via George Lemaitre, the Universe composed of all the subject, antimatter, darkish potential and darkish remember, all compressed interior the area smaller than that of the smallest particle. any such particle could have close to countless density, making it volatile. So it exploded outwards, and 13.8 billion years on, remains increasing. there could properly be parallel universes, yet this concept has some extreme flaws. I easily have accomplished extensive analyze interior the subject remember of black holes. So right here is your answer. whilst a celebrity having a minimum of a million.40 4 circumstances the mass of sunlight (a million.40 4 is the Subramaniam Chandrashekhar consistent), it has the skill to break down in on itself so rapid that all the mass is drawn interior a very tiny sphere.certainly, this could have a very great density, and consequently a very extreme gravitational container. Any physique having mass has gravity, and products prefer a undeniable get away velocity to flee the sphere. The earth has an get away velocity of 7miles/sec or 11.6 kilometres/sec. Black holes have a gravity a techniques larger that something known, so it incredibly is get away velocity exceeds the cost of sunshine. Then gentle itself isn't able to flee. there's no advent or destuction of Mass or potential in touch. Of the subject sucked in a black-hollow, some is going perfect into the form horizon, and something revolves around it, forming an accretion disc around it. those debris get ejected at extreme speeds on the rotationary axises as jet streams, or extreme potential X-ray/Gamma debris. the subject which fits contained in the black hollow contributes to the dimensions of the black hollow (comparable reason as above, greater mass, small radius). for greater documents, I recommend "a short heritage of Time" via Stephen Hawking. He explains this lots greater appropriate than I do. There are explosion of various cost and potential. There are Novae, Supernovae, and hypernovae. in accordance to estimates, one hundred supernovae happen someplace interior the universe each 2nd! yet those supernovae are actually not something, no longer something in comparison to the massive Bang. Supernova is in simple terms one star. the massive Bang replaced into the whole UNIVERSE!!! think of!

  • 1 decade ago

    a black hole is caused by a supernova star burning out,exploding what ever however a black holes gravity is so dense that it draws everything into it, in fact it is so dense it bends light in to it:If we were to live in a black hole we would probably be an inch tall and 20 feet spread all over the floor,, have you seen a black hole if you watch certain stars sometimes.they don't twinkle but seem to disappear then come back, this can be two things one a black hole travelling by or a UFO....a black hole is more than likely as they are not a stationary object,, years ago i did find out how close the nearest black hole is top earth,, i forgot now but i do know we are not in any danger of being sucked into one just yet

    oh well back to the old drawing board then

    see you

    Source(s): from space and science books out of local libraries and patrick moor's sky at night books and proggramme
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A black hole's ability to prevent light from escaping is a function of its density, not its rotational speed. Any amount of material could achieve this if sufficiently dense.

  • Irv S
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Mostly no.

    The effect is gravity driven and could occur without rotation.

    That said, frame dragging due to rotation has been observed,

    and it is unlikely that any star can form without having considerable rotation.

    'Tearing` space/time is however, at the moment,

    pure unsupported arm-waving.

    If you want to pursue this, you'll have to do an awful lot of math, not just lazily conceptualize.

  • 1 decade ago

    in the case of very, VERY massive stars it can be the case that a black hole is formed inside the star before the supernova occurs.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't necessarily agree with it, but your "ripping the fabric of space" statement made some sense as a theory. Nice thinking.

  • 1 decade ago

    I wholehardedly agree 100% with what you said and its weight is many times heavier than can be imagined!

  • 1 decade ago

    Fine - except that nothing (NOTHING) can travel faster than light. EVER.

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