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If Hillary Clinton is elected president, do you think PMS would alter he decision making?

...assuming she hasn't gone through menopaus yet. That could be even more dangerous!


Lighten up cantcu, its a joke. Perhaps you are not intelligent enough to answer?

Update 2:

Wow, I'm getting some off responses here. Guess I'm pouring salt into some open wounds, huh guys?

Take it easy everyone, it's a joke. I'm a woman myself.

However, in response to one of your answers, PMS can alter your day to day life. Mental health professionals have actually added it to the DSM as an actual disorder. I've had PMS alter my moods from time to time, but not as bad as some of yours!

23 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    What...Hitlery is a female? No the bad judgement she has without PMS is bad enough.

  • 1 decade ago

    Grandpa? Is that you??

    Seriously though, please consider the hypothetical scenario of a nuclear launch:

    Emotions, and associated irrational behavior, are NOT specific to the female gender. Very strict procedures, including two-person code verification sequences, are in place (for good reason!) to deal with emotions in this type of scenario. These procedures have been in place long before a woman's finger was ever near those buttons.

    In this scenario, would you rather have a president that:

    1. promotes and encourages diversity of opinion from their staff to ensure that someone will give them a 'reality check' if they are being irrational

    - OR -

    2. surrounds themselves with "like minded" people because they are intolerant of opposing viewpoints. Even if it means culling 150 members of their staff from a tier 4 (lowest rung) institution of "higher learning".

    You decide! I'm not a Hillary fan by a long shot, but not because she's a woman. I do know that Bush's way of thinking, influenced by ego and intolerant of dissenting opinions, is a very real danger!

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Obama could be a much better perfect decision than Hillary. we ought to opt to now no longer enable the Clintons back in place of labor. this could be a great mistake! Hilary Clinton doesn’t have the journey, indoors the army or intelligence sectors of our government to attain a time as at as quickly as as we are struggling with a conflict oversees and achieving a broader “conflict” on terrorism. usually, this would not be an obstacle, and there have been many solid Presidents, without extreme defense force credentials –– her husband being one in each of them. even with the undeniable fact that, as a thank you to rectify the quagmire that Bush has have been given us in, and additionally to redirect the “conflict on Terrorism” better effectively, and lots off from this Cowboy/Rambo attitude employed via utilising Bush and his Henchmen, demands somebody of the two defense force or strategic competence. Hillary could be solid at baking chocolate chip cookies... yet perfect now we choose somebody who demonstrates mastery of the two defense force procedures and foreign places places worldwide family members.

  • cantcu
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Why don't you ask something intelligent, if you can?

    You think males don't have a menopause?

    So what happens to men. Some men experience a true biological menopause like women do. This is called viropause or andropause and will be discussed in another article. Most men however experience a developmental change in their psyche as they reach a point in their lives where the need to fulfill the traditional roles of achieving power, wealth, success, fame is resolved, either through success or failure or simply being tired. While the relationships of early adulthood between the sexes has been traditionally one of separation and marked differences because the woman is tied up with her children and home and the man with work, things change and the roles of men and women often tend to converge and even cross over so that the role of the man and women are quite different in late adulthood. Many men in their fifties develop a nurturing, artistic and expressive self while many women of the same age become more assertive, focused, and political. Gail Sheehy refers to this as "the sexual diamond". There is even some data coming from research in the neurosciences which suggest that the right side of the brain (which regulates logic, orderly thinking and cognitive type skills) is larger than the left side of the brain (which regulates feelings, sensitivity, and artistic qualities) in young men but as the man ages, the sizes become equal. On the other hand, in women, the two sides are equal in young adulthood but then the right side increases with aging. Of course this data is very preliminary.

    After reading that, perhaps you should elect a woman!

    Source(s): Anthony Karpas, M.D. Andrew B. Dott, M.D Caroline Dott, Ph.D.
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  • 1 decade ago

    I think Hillary would alter decision making in the White House , and not for the better.

    Bhutto, Aquino, Thatcher, Ghandi, ET AL: have done about the same job as any male as chief's of state.

    Male or female, Hillary is a danger to America, and it has nothing to do with gender.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Haha, it would be funny if she was in the middle of a speech and started having a heat flash! Imagine what she would do/say! She'd be an embarrassment to the Demoncrats, that's for sure!

  • 1 decade ago

    No, Hillary is not the kind of person that would let a perfectly natural occurrence alter her decision making.

  • 1 decade ago

    Since she is in her late 50's, I doubt that she has not gone through menopause yet. So she's post-menopausal---if that made women dangerous people like you would be dead.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow, canctu are you menstruating now??. BTW, yes it would effect her decision making abilities. WWIII 30 days after she's elected!!!

  • Enigma
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Here we go with the cheap shots. Has PMS altered any womans thinking and reasoning

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