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Cosmic Vision?

What do you see as the future for the spirituality of mankind? What does the future hold in store? Do the very diverse perspectives merely show that we're exploring all avenues on the way to synthesizing and experiencing the fullness of Oneness? Will there always be hundreds of differing beliefs?

((((((( Cosmic Sight )))))))

13 Answers

  • Shihan
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I see a Oneness based upon an awareness of unity of thought and heart. There are many paths that will take us to our journey's end, all of which are paths that have been walked by the Masters. I see these paths converging, blending, harmonizing, developing a synergy that cannot be denied. I see transmutation. I see dimensional shifting. I see lots and lots of people with differing beliefs being left behind because their arrogance will not allow them to accept that there is more than one way to get where we all need to go, which is back to the Oneness of Us All -- to the Tao.

    "Messiah! Welcome One and All!

    Messiah! Leave before the fall!

    Messiah! Face your Bardo here and thus your pathway you will clear.

    Messiah! Hear the voice of God!

    Messiah! He is there within!

    Messiah! He is there without!

    Selah! I shout: Hear, oh Israel, God is the One!

    Unity and Oneness blend and thus we reach our journey's end.

    Unity and Oneness blend, and THUS we reach our journey's end.


    Source(s): "Journey's End," Songs for the Master, © 2002, N.L. Montana Freemãn, Eleison Books, University Publishing Solutions, New Brunswick, NJ
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The 'powers that be' would like to, not only bring in a One World Government, but also a one world religion. We can only have "oneness" with the one true God, Jesus Christ. He is the Light, The Truth and The Way.

    But people have every right to explore for themselves. As long as they give all the different options a 'fair go', without been biased before they start.

    In the end, all roads lead to the cross and Resurrection.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    All that really needs to be done is for each individual to see reality for themselves. The truth or spirituality is always right here it's just that people don't see it mainly because of false beliefs. The truth doesn't require any beliefs, if it did it would not be the truth. And yes, if everyone knew the truth of themselves the world would be a Paradise. It is a Paradise for some right now in a way but there is much suffering, again because of false beliefs.

  • 1 decade ago

    Religion over the years has be distorted, and I don't think there is any way we will achieve oneness as you say, the only way that can happen is if we cut our population in a half or better and start fresh.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The idea that anyone can predict the future is part of the problem, actually.

    From here, that activities and paths you describe seem more like floundering in the dark.


  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    the fee is that Krishna represents the elementary fact of the universe, the totality of all existence. The cosmic innovative and prescient demonstrates this, as Arjuna sees all of the universe, all of the colorations of the universe, and all of the lads who ever lived in Krishna. He sees Krishna without initiating or end, purely as Krishna had defined previously - that the desirable Self is without initiating or end.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ouzibilliahi Mina Shytan Al Rajeem

    Bisimillah Al Rahman Al Raheem

    As Salam Alaikum

    Peace unto you All inshAllah Tahala

    We found a key link in the east to those who are guided we ask for order and peace inshAllah and patience and keep checking with the real Justice League you know how they type and act now, please keep checking for any of our messages inshAllah and please

    Ouzibillahi Mina Shytan Al Rajeem

    Bismillah Al Rahman Al Raheem

    We look to all the great they went east and found alight, some could take it some could not, some fell side left some fell side right, we found the promise land its in the East, they are the Wise, NOT "US"

    Khair inshAllah wu Al hamdoullah Rub Alameen

    the Quran is truly the word of the Absolute one that says: "He who is guided by Allah SWT is and forever will be in the guidance of Allah SWT, and he whom has allowed himself to be led astray have never been and never will be guided by anything on the face of this earth! BINGO! WE GOT IT!

    Just give us time to trickle the love down, turn no longer to each other in hate, please!!!! We made error also, but there had to be some defence and we had to play your game to learn the rules.. And that is what we do when we don't understand something we go back to Allah SWT, then Muhammed SAW and then all those loved him -"THATS US CAUSE HE MISSED US SO MUCH BEFORE WE WHERE EVEN BORN! PERFECT SENSE!" So no more Babble, and lets look towards this new found or shall I say old found promise land that we so are prejudice and ignorant to have kept bickering about what we have, and forget to see what we where given through all books.

    We mentioned Allah SWT is always in knowledge and the gift was for you each and every one of you! So please those who believe turn East to a name I will give once "We" will give once we iron out some details, you know our style its un breakable style just like the Quran :) Oh ya Jim C - we figured out the link thanks so much for the Gift, it was all that made the differance Al hamdoullah WE CALL NOW FOR PEACE AND THANK YEE THY LORD! SALAM

    AL QURANS ENDLESS LIGHT - That is why they say Al hamdoullah

    We found a link in the East they must be protecting it, please check with us later inshAllah

    Salam :)

    Salam The answer is in the East, will are reformatting and starting the process from scratch to point into that direction inshAllah

    All people of all walks of life, we found great proof along the way and we seen so much more to share but that is not important now, what is is to send peace, Listen to the Superfriends where you see them, and prepair for the Al Hijra back East to see why its beening protected from us, it must be a great reward indeed.

    Khair InshAllah Salam and please wash each others hands stand together and lets move to seek the truth inshAllah Love Superfriends love each other "WE" he loves us so much!


    Pillars must be kept, keep your faith and look EAST!

    Time for Google earth hmm you know I always wondered what all this stuff was pointing at!

    Now on Allah SWT blessed day I know! Salam:)


    It wasn't ment for just some! it was ment for all of us, we have to uncover it and see why they kept it from us all these years but kept pointing at it and so on.... answers will be asked and I will find the questions for such things! We have the bloodline of Adam and we have the knoweldge unto us from Allah SWT long long ago "WE KNOW WHAT YOU KNOW NOT!" Oh that is so great! SubhanAllah Azeem! Iits in L.... in the east!

  • 1 decade ago

    It's too early to make any predictions. Human recorded history, as we know it, is only around 10,000 years old. Any coming together as One would take a long time, I guess. I can't say.

  • 1 decade ago

    every one has to a degree there own different belief so there will always be many beliefs thats what we arguee about the most and none of us are ready to give that up

  • huffyb
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    If our spiritual evolution was as fast as our technological evolution we would now all be enlightened beings--unfortunately we still embrace the tribalistic "us & them" mentality that our cavemen ancestors embraced.

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