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if you knew this was the last day that you would live, what would you do for those last hours of life, and why

As a follower of Jesus Christ, I would pray and pray and pray , that other people on this earth would come to know Him before it was there last moment on the earth. I would be ready to meet my Maker. How do I know that? Because Jesus paid the way for me to have a eternal relationship with Him. Also I would pray that I lived my life to please Him, and ask Him to forgive anything that i have done that disappointed Him. And I would seek people out and not just say I love them, I would show them, A matter of fact this is the way we should live as Christian's every day, so I pray there would be nothing that I would have to change that day.


I too would spend time with my family and tell them i love them, however I pray that i do this everyday. How sad that people do not believe in an afterlife, if this was all there was, how sad we would be. My hope is firmly planted in Christ, and enjoying the life He gave me here with my loved ones, and then face to face with Him in eternity.

For the one that does not think millions of people can see Christ when He returns. You will be so surprised!!

Update 2:

Teasergirl- know that I will be praying for you that the storm will pass over you, and your loved ones. Hope I did not upset you by this question

Update 3:

blessedwoman1- great answer

34 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    First I would call everyone I love and tell them i love them and i am going home to God. they dont live close so I couldnt get there to see them. several states away. Then I would write a few letters on yahoo and try to lead others to God. Then I would spend an hour in town, on a tall builidng telling all about God, then the rest of the time I would be on my knees, praying and singing and worshipping and letting the Lord know I happy I am to be going Him What joy and pleasure that He has deeemed me righteous and is calling me home. I would show my love and adoration and I would let Him know that if I had ever done anything that was wrong that I didnt know to please forgive me, as I never want to let Him down. I am a loyal and faithful follower of Jesus, I believe in all of the Bible and I obey what God tells me. I am not perfect yet or without sin, but He daily makes me more like Jesus as I am willing to obey. OBedience leads to blessing I would simply continue to pray in the spirit and be singing christian love songs to Jesus, and I would sing my way into Heaven as I left, and anyone with me I would request to be singing too First songs I can think of . AMazing Grace TUrn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in HIs wonderful face, there is power in the blood, I can only imagine, oh mine I am sure I wouldnt get half of them sung, but I would sure be trying.

    Hope this question makes ppl think thanks. God bless you to overflow.

    Source(s): God, the Holy Bible and the Holy SPirit
  • 7 years ago

    We have no way to decide that.

    Eccl 9:11 I returned to see under the sun that the swift do not have the race, nor the mighty ones the battle, nor do the wise also have the food, nor do the understanding ones also have the riches, nor do even those having knowledge have the favor; because time and unforeseen occurrence befall them all. 12 For man also does not know his time. Just like fishes that are being taken in an evil net, and like birds that are being taken in a trap, so the sons of men themselves are being ensnared at a calamitous time, when it falls upon them suddenly.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would be prepared. We are told to watch for His coming and this is an everyday thing. Now, if I knew i was going to be in His presence this day...then I would first make sure that my loved ones understood that I am not leaving but, for a short time. I believe this as they are professing Christians.

    I would pray and give thanks for the wonderful people God sent to me in my lifetime and for my life which He provided. I would pray for those who have not experienced HIM and HIS love...that they will come to know HIM. I would read the scriptures that have always given me peace and joy so that I may meet HIM, face to face, with a smile HE has provided throughout my Christian walk!

    You are right, we should live each day as though it were our last one! Tomorrow, is not promised to anyone. Fact is, one day we all will experience a NO tomorrow. So, I took out eternal life insurance with the one who provided it so freely....Jesus Christ, my Redeemer!

    Source(s): Ready and waiting
  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Seeing that a storm is headed right for my country and all, i must say this is a very troubling question but i would like to take the time out to tell you folks out there that Jesus love you very much. He died just for you and only He can give you true peace in the midst of the storm. He loves you so much. I have spent a lot of time knowing Him and if i don't make it through this one, I hope to see you all in that sweet place called Heaven.

    All the best

    God bless

    I leave with you Ecclesiastes 11&12

    Go bless You all

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    I would spend as much time as possible with my family and children. I would take the time to pray and thank my Father in Heaven for the time he has given me on this earth and for all of the wonderful blessings of my family. I would pray for them and for their comfort and well being after my departure.

    I don't believe I would be seeking for death bed repentance as it is in vain. I try to live my life the best I can each day and I know that those efforts won't go unrecognized.

    My main concern would be taking care of my family and making sure they were set to sustain themselves.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because I have been born again, I would just ask God to forgive my sins I might have committed today and love my family and tell them good-bye. We should live life for God every day without fear and love our fellow man. I try to live my life for others everyday. God bless

  • grnlow
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I have had a bad heart for years and never thought I would survive this long. I get weaker all the time but would do nothing different. Just another day. It is my entire life's attitude (I would not use "heart condition as it would be confusing) which Jehovah and Jesus examines as to our future life.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would fall down on my face any pray. When I got up, I would make financial provisions for my son, find a home for my cat, and call my best friend to tell her where they key is to my apartment.

  • Petina
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I would pray too - for everyone who hasn't devoted their lives to God. I'd pray my death would be a wake up call to those who tend to forget they really are going to die at somepoint... and not necessarily at 80. I'd pray that my loved ones would view my death as something happy rather than sad. I'd pray for forgiveness. I'd pray to thank God for my life and that I'd see him soon.

    Cool Question! :)

    God Bless you!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i could admit my emotions for a woman i've got been fairly into. i'm not in love, nowhere close to, yet I even have needed to confess emotions and characteristic not yet completed so. it fairly is on the top of my strategies plenty those days

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