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Lv 4
loser asked in Society & CultureEtiquette · 1 decade ago

Why does need outweigh want?

Such as, I was offered a car, and though I do not need it desperately, I want it and have the money to pay for it. Someone else is asking for the car, though they don't have the money to pay for it, and say they should get it over me because they need it more...why?


What I mean is, if I was given the offer first, even if the other person did have the money, why shouldn't I be given the first chance to buy the car? The other person asked, was not asked, and is trying to raise funds to purchase the car. What makes it the right thing to sell to them even though I was asked first?

Update 2:

What I'm getting most is that need outweighs want because it keeps them alive...such as I should give water to someone even if they cannot pay me for it and they need it. What I do not understand is this. If we all just start giving things away based on need, what will be left to sell? If I want a cup of water, and can pay for it, why should the beggar without any money be given the water? What has he done to deserve it? Why is he allowed to survive on the wellfare of others, while I have to now go spend more money and find another person to sell me a glass of water?

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Need outweighs want when it involves something critical. If you're a little thirsty, and someone else hasn't had a drop of water for three days, and there's just one glass between you, the nice thing to do would be to let them have it.

    But in this case, "need" means want. Nobody really needs a car. This person just thinks they should get it because they have a sob story. They think that just because they've suffered, in their mind, more than the next guy, they deserve something better. Stupid, but that's actually how some people think.

    IMPO, this goes back to a victim mindset. That's where a person doesn't want to be controlled by anyone else, but they don't really want to control themselves either. So they just let what happens, happen. And when something bad happens, they latch onto it and turn it into their sob story.

    So that's why this destitute whiner thinks they deserve the car. Fortunately, the Golden Rule these days is, "He who has the gold, makes the rules." Wrong, right, buy the car and roll up the windows, so you don't have to hear the whimpering of yet another "poor me" loser.

    Or if you wanna be a prick, you can offer him some money, then roll up the window on his arm when he reaches for his hand-out. That could be fun.*

    *Don't actually do that.

  • 1 decade ago

    How bad is his 'need'? If someone is disabled, or has a disabled child, then they really need a vehicle to get around, if you can't walk any distance at all it's very, very difficult to do without. If someone is a cab driver I guess they need it to have an income. But for most people 'need' of a car just means a rather strong wanting... if you're able-bodied, you can in most places get around with public transportation, rides, bicycles etc; it takes more time and you get wet when it rains but it's not impossible. So unless there is a *real* need, of the desperate kind, or the person is a friend & you feel like being nice, you're under no obligation to let him have the car. You were first, you should have the right to buy it without anyone laying a guilt trip on you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Have you ask this other interested party what type of impact having reliable transportation will make on their life? Do they have kids that need to get to school? Is their employment going to be in jeopardy if they have no ride?

    See, the world is not all black and white. If it would have the car and the NEED for this question would not have arisen. If you ask some questions and find that there is a real need there for the other party. You should WANT them to have the car. Helping people better their lives with something so simple is great karma and will come back to you in the long run.

    My final word..if the car is so great and you want it so badly, buy it and sell the person who needs it your old car. You both get what you want and you get the good karma from doing something for your fellow man. That is what it is all about. The world is not black and white, right and wrong. That's what makes it all so interesting.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, if they don't have the money, it's not really an issue.....

    Generally, though, people try to do the right thing. It makes the person selling the car feel better if they think they helped someone. As unfair as this may seem, it's just a fact of life.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I am unclear about the situation. Perhaps the other person is a mom with young kids, needs to work, take the kids to the doctor, school etc. in order for them to survive. It is very difficult in that situation when there is no transportation. Many people find in helping other people, that they grow personally, that they have done the right thing. Is there another car that you like? Maybe there is one out there that is super cool for you to drive. and it would be a win win situation for all of you.

  • 1 decade ago

    If someone needs something, they must have it to survive. Perhaps a car isn't the best subject to use in discussing the motivations of need before want in this case. Surely there are other cars that that person could have. If it was the last one on earth, it might apply.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because when people need's necessary for their survival. The things you want are the things you can live without but the things you need are the ones that have a direct impact on your life. For example:- you may want soda and refuse to drink water but someone else needs may need water to survive. In all of our lives, what we need always outweighs what we want which is why we all learn to prioritize.

  • tuxey
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    unless this is a transaction which is taking place commercially, it's the sellers' choice to whom to sell the car. whether or not you agree, whether or not it goes to you, ultimately, it's still the sellers' choice. if they feel that the other person's need outweighs yours, then they might well decide to sell/give the car to them, regardless if you had been 'offered' it first.

    you 'want' the car, not need it, perhaps you have other transportation. if the other party lacks that, then the current owner could decide that their need far outweighs your want.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because needs must. Satisfying needs ensures the survival of the species. It's evolutionary, what Richard Dawkins would call a 'meme'.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yes they should get it over u. Have a heart man. It doesnt matter if they offered u the car first

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