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Why is Michael Vick sorry?

Is he sorry that he was involved in dogfighting, or just sorry that he got caught?

23 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm the only person who thinks this and i will get 8 thumbs down for this but

    I think he was completely sincere

    he's finnally being a man and taking responsibility for his actions. He'll spend a year and a half in prison and learn his lesson

    please dont ask for my opinion and get mad when i give it

  • 1 decade ago

    To the author of the comment above mine:

    Have you ever heard of the food chain?? There is a difference between killing for food and killing because we want to see something suffer, if its OK to kill for sadistic pleasure then why should people not be allowed to do so to other people. What you forget is, people that harm animals for pleasure usually do so because they are of easy access and more trusting because an animal wouldn't harm for pleasure. It is usually a stepping stone before these people go on to kill another person or abuse children. So don't be crying on the news when these people get bored of harming animals and move onto your loved ones.

    In my opinion he's sorry he got caught.

    I'm willing to bet he didn't feel sorry 6 months ago or a year ago...

    At his age, people have already become the person they are, in respect to morals, the way they see things, the amount of respect for other humans, animals & everything else.

    Just look at some of his past interviews, he is quite a cocky S.O.B.!!

    I think the way he was raised & the people in his life as he was growing up had a BIG part in determing the type of person he has turned out to be today.

    Sorry to say but I think he's definatley has some traits of a sociopath.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    For five years (or more) Michael Vick had numerous opportunities to feel 'sorry' about what he subjected so many dogs to over those years--

    If he didn't feel sorry when:

    He saw a dog in his kennel skin and bones because they didn't feed them

    A stolen poodle from a local neighborhood screaming and squealing as the starved pit bull in the cage where he had been placed as bait is torn to shreds

    A dog who wagged his tail at Michael Vick as he stuck him in a cage with another killer pit bull-- and watched as the other dog attacked and tore that tail wagging dog of his to shreds

    A dog that was repeatedly thrown to the ground until it was dead because it didn't 'perform' well

    A dog wetted down electocuted as a live electrical wire is stuck up his behind

    A dog that had been hung with others, still hanging onto life as Vick and his gang cut it down, and as the dying dog looking into Michael Vick's face as if to say WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME, having his sad head submerged into a bucket of water until it has gone limp

    Can you imagine the screams and whelping of these tortured animals? Could you sleep ONE night after doing any ONE of these things?

    My point: If none of these things done repeatedly over the past 5 years or more did not make Michael Vick sorry, then I agree with the rest of the posters, the only thing he is sorry about is that his cousin was a druggie and brought the authorities to that house in the first place, that he didn't help his buddies get better attorneys, and MOST of all ---


  • 1 decade ago

    More sorry that he was caught, and he's just realized how much money he is going to lose out on, as well as fan support and how hard life will be to get a job. He's sorry that he couldn't buy his way out of it and keep on playing foot ball and now will have a hard time coming back. Thats why he's sorry. Its like the guy that gets caught cheating on his wife, obviousley he wasn't sorry he was doing it or he would have stopped long ago, he appologizes to his wife because he is sorry he got caught, sorry that he realizes what he had in his life and now is going to lose it.

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  • 1 decade ago

    He shouldn't be sorry at all. The judge, lawyers, and half of the closed minded media opinion regergitators on this site probably all have taken part in some form of animal cruelty. How many of you judgmental people have hunted... fished... even eaten meat period... Ever wonder about the chicken that was in that confined slaughterhouse and had it's neck broken and head cut off? Ever think about how many people go out and shoot a deer or bird or chop a fishes head off everyday? That's ok to be a sport, but dog fighting isn't? Let's all look down on this guy and send him to jail for fighting dogs, but deer season started last weekend and nobody had a word to say about all the people that will go out and shoot an animal, let his blood fill his lungs until he suffocates on his own blood, then cut his head or antlers off so they can show off. That's ok, but fry Mike Vick.... yeah, think about this double standard and quit casting stones in a glass house. He deserves punishment, but the whole animal treatment system needs an overhaul. In the meantime, it's pretty sad that he is getting fire and brimstone rained upon him from people who watch and participate in the same type of activities daily.

    PS- This is coming from a Southern White male who hunts, eats meat, and can't stand when people play the race card... so yeah, it's sincerely a double standard, and not just someone taking up for him b/c he's black... If one person is held to a standard, everyone should be. Otherwise, leave the hunters and carnivores alone, and let Mike Vick choose his enjoyment however he sees fit. ~1~

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The only thing sorry about Vick is that he is a sorry POS and maybe sorry he got caught.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not in his shoes, so it's tough to say.

    I'm sure he's upset about being caught, but I'm hoping that he really has recognized that what he did was wrong. He'll have plenty of time to think about it, anyway.

    I believe that he's being punished appropriately, but I can't gloat about him going to prison. I honestly don't think he would ever have realized that dogfighting could mean federal charges.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sorry for getting caught!

    He did the wrong thing and got caught for it and he needs to go to jail for it!!

    30 years L0L

    Source(s): =]
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sorry he got caught. He lied to us to the very end. He only came clean on the day that they were going to bring more charges that could land him in jail for 20 years. Let's never forget that!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He's sorry his sponsors dropped him, women think he's a creep, he may not get to go back and play ball, he didn't clean up the dead dog bodies that was evidence, that his fans use to cheer him and now they want him locked up.

    I haven't heard he's sorry about his cruelty.

  • E A C
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago


    But he definetly pleaded guilty to get lighter sentences, just like on the witnesses 'confessed' about his involvement (whether it's true or not) to get lighter sentences.

    In short, if you plea innocent, you will still be find guilty. If you plea guilty, you will still be find guilty, but with lighter sentences.

    What kind of justice system is that?!

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