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Ricky T asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Why doesn't Hillary say what Universal Health Care IS?

Feel free to do a google search. Hillary says that Universal Health Care is the most important, blah blah blah. Hillary says that Universal Health Care is NOT socialized medicine. Has anyone noticed that she does not say, ANYWHERE what it IS.

Best answer goes to anyone who can prove me wrong, because I'd really love to know what she IS promising.


None of your responses is showing me what it IS, according to Hillary.

Help a guy out.

Update 2:

Regarding: "If you want to know what universal health care is, ask a Canadian. Ask a Swede, a Brit, a German or even a Frenchman. "

You just listed countries that practice socialized medicine. Hillary says that Universal Health Care is NOT socialized medicine. Are you calling her a liar?

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Here is her plan.

    Must we quibble over semantics? Argue with the policy if you do not agree with it. I don't really care what you label it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When any politician makes a proposal in detail they run the risk of having their work torn apart in detail, then misconstrued and misrepresented by the people who oppose the idea. Even if the basic plan is good the dissenters can create a diversion by exagerating the effect of Article 5, Paragraph 3 in the second Addendum.

    Maybe Senator Clinton is not being specific because she has decided to support the idea of a public health care system without demanding to create it in any particular image, but it is most likely because she knows that the weasels at Fox would misinterpret everything she said anyway.

    If you want to know what universal health care is, ask a Canadian. Ask a Swede, a Brit, a German or even a Frenchman. All of those democratic countries have managed to build their own systems to suit their own needs, and we can do the same once the political will is mustered.

  • 1 decade ago

    What Hillary is promising you (and me) is free health care run by you know who? Our federal goverment, that's who. That's right, free health care for all. Won't it be great? Brought to you by the same people who can't build a bridge, a dam, or a levee. The same people who have gotten us into trillions of dollars into debt and an unconstitutional war we can't win while making enemies and empires all over the world. I can't wait until Hillary takes the presidency and continues the madness while Congress sleeps.

    Seriously though, if you look back at what she did during her husbands presidency, she pushed socialized medicine for a system like Canadas. That means 6-8 months for a referral and if you're over 70 you get nothing but a casket and like it. Sorry, I can't prove you wrong, but I did need to rant.

  • 1 decade ago

    Heh, very good point. Universal Health Care IS INHERANTLY SOCIALIZED. I have no problems with that system, because I believe that health is so important that everyone should have access to the best in healthcare that this country has.

    This is probably the main reason I don't like her. She's trying to avoid the facts of her own statements. In fact, she supported universal health care during her husband's presidency, but about 1/4 of the way through, decided not to talk about it anymore. She was paid off by health care companies not to talk about it. I don't trust anyone whose opinion is in their pocket.

    Oh, and in terms of it being too expensive, that's hardly the case. Yes, there's an increase in taxes that accompanies it, but that's better than being forced to pay 20,000 dollars for a single surgery, especially for those with low incomes. For that matter, practically everything in health care becomes available to these patients, whereas now insurance companies wont pay for many of the more expensive surgeries. So you tell me which is better.

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  • Ellie
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Hillary is not saying what Universal Health Care is because maybe she is not sure of it herself.

    As far as my knowledge goes the Universal Health Care that the Democrats are pushing is:

    -Free or affordable health care for every

    -It would take out the middle man (the insurance companies) and have deal directly with the doctor and the government.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Thisn is a classic idiot Neo Con Bait question

    The question will be answered over and over again, so much so that anyone with an IQ over 90 will understand it, and then the questioner will claim that the question hasnt been answered.

    Neo Cons are detached from reality, so this is what they do

    Everyone knows what it is..and all that anyone can say to opppose it is spew moronic sound bites like "socialized"

    Socialists are the Chinese who currently own half the debt and our *** at the moment..(Thanks to GW Bush) ..NOT Hillary...and not universal healthcare

  • 1 decade ago

    When Bill was president, he put Hillary in charge of a commission to fix health care. Nothing was accomplished.

    The ONE thing she was in charge of and NOTHING got done.

    She is just blowing smoke like she always does.

    As a Senator, what has she done? She has co-sponsored a couple of gun grab bills. Someone else wrote them, and she agreed to co-sponsor them. What has she actually DONE as a Senator?

    Go back and read her quotes. There are many very specific quotes by her that she was not going to run for President, including one that specifically said 2008. Yet everyone knew before she even got into the Senate the first time she was going to run.

    Look at Yucca Mountain. Not ONE person who has ran for president BEFORE the election said they were in favor of it. Yet each time we elected someone who BEFORE the election says they are opposed to it flip flops as soon as they got elected. Bush is no different. You think HILLARY really means it when she says she is opposed to Yucca?

    Hillary is no different than all the other Democrat candidates except she is a she and you can prove she lied just by reading her press releases.

  • I believe that socialized health care is government sponsored healthcare with the government making health related decisions. Universal healthcare is government sponsored health care with doctors and individual citizens making decisions about their patients/their treatment options. Don't know if that's what Hillary meant though...I try really hard to tune her out.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    the comparable way Clinton supporters and different supporters of basic well being care have been announcing this for 15 years, with easily no bias - she failed miserably, and it grew to become into between the main important coverage defeats of the Clinton administration. it incredibly is often widespread that sending her to help get this plan by using congress grew to become right into a mistake, and that she antagonized Republicans and others extremely of bringing them diplomatically around a plan or some type of compromise. i grew to become into very upset on the time. i think of even Hillary admits her failure back then, does not she? She could do extra powerful now, and that i voted for her interior the time-honored - yet i'm easily going to vote for Obama interior the final election. in case you fairly care approximately getting basic well being care and ending the warfare, you're able to desire to vote for somebody who plans to do those issues, no longer out of spite. Or out of a constrained awareness of political history. :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You just have to understand the DNC's plan on this. They're trying to balance two groups of people.

    The poor/welfare class that forms the DNC's most loyal voting base wants "free healthcare" because they don't pay taxes and somebody else would foot the bill.

    Meanwhile, middle class America doesn't want to see their taxes doubled so they can get lower quality healthcare.

    So essentially what the DNC is doing is SAYING they want socialized healthcare ( to keep their voting base happy ) while never actually implementing it ( to keep middle class america from revolting on them ).

  • 1 decade ago

    Universal healthcare is:

    -too costly (will raise individual taxes 10-15%)

    -gives limited choices on care

    -gives bad doctors license to operate for years hurting patients

    Source(s): A helathcare worker who has relatives in canada, denmark, and other places where socialized medicine DOESN'T work.
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