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  • Isn't it interesting.....?

    Why did Yahoo cut all mention of Maliah's mexican vacation. It was featured on most other news outlets (because of the earthquake) but the links on yahoo began disappearing.

    Could this be a security matter or is it just more millions of taxpayers money wasted (25 secret service guards and a motorcade)?

    Did anyone else notice this on Yahoo?

    5 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Mr. President, please help?!?!?

    Can you please do something about the price of gas...approve the pipeline...allow offshore drilling.

    My groceries have gone up at least 35% thanks to high fuel prices.

    Will obama ever stand up for the american working man??

    5 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Obama's care of the Poor?!?!?

    Obama says that the "Top 1% gets everything, and the bottom 99% get an unfair shot."

    Did his love of the "poor" and "middle class" assuage his guilt while he was helping his slumlord boss in chicago evict the poor and needy from their apartments??

    7 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Once again Mr. President?!?

    The Keystone Pipeline was, once again, turned down. Citing environmental concerns, the Obama administration stopped construction that would have created (at minimum) 6500 jobs.

    During the BP oil spill, the Obama administration wanted to halt all off-shore drilling and work on all off-shore drilling rigs.

    Isn't this further proof, the Obama administration doesn't want to create jobs and help out of work americans?

    10 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • The OWS and their support of the common man?

    What has the OWS crowd done for the common man?

    So far their record is:

    -Disrupt workers on docks and at wall street

    -Cost cities $13 million each in property damage and police overtime

    -attract rapists and criminals

    What are their ultimate goals?

    It seems like their "protests" are just costing the working man money (if they slow shipments of products at our ports).

    How are they helping us workers?

    3 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Shovel Ready job update?

    President Obama was given $850 billion for "shovel ready green jobs."

    He later joked at a fundraiser "I guess those jobs weren't really shovel ready."

    Where did all that money go?

    Did anyone's community get that money for green jobs?

    6 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • Our President cares about workers?

    Our President put on hold a pipeline that would have employed 22,000 people due to "environmental concerns."

    Barack Obama also put a moritorium on deep sea drilling which cost a further 25,000 jobs (drillers, services to platforms, etc.) after the BP oil spill due to "environmental concerns."

    Isn't this just proof that Obama is more about smoke and mirrors ("environmental concerns") than for the american workers?

    10 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • Toddler hair care issues?

    My 2 year old daughter hates to have her hair washed. She loves bath time but will scream and cry when we have to put water on her head. It isn't an issue with getting water in her eyes, it is just getting water on her head.

    The last time we tried to shampoo her hair, she cried and screamed so much she made herself sick and threw up.

    We think she may have had a bad experience at a party when someone threw water on her head and since then she doesn't like water to be poured on her head.

    Has anyone else had a toddler who doesn't like to get their hair wet/water on their heads?

    Any good tips from the experienced moms out there?

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Global Warming and our earth?

    During "climate gate" emails were leaked that scientists admit to "skewing and fudging" data to say that global warming is a problem.

    Next, we learn that the last century was 6 degrees colder than the last century (as reported by NOAA).

    Isn't this further proof that Global Warming is a made-up problem or at least, overblown minor issue?

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Want to post a video clip to a free website question?

    I am selling my house and would like to post a video clip to a website so potential buyers can see.

    What is a good host to post through?

    Does anyone know of some (preferably) free website host to post my video clip?

    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Why does our president STILL not get it?

    The democrats are trying to rush the healthcare bill through the house with little consideration from the right.

    With the new healthcare bill we MUST choose an insurance plan or pay a penalty. In addition, unemployment benefits are now taxed.

    My question is what good is universal healthcare if we have fewer jobs in a recession?

    Shouldn't we hold off on the healthcare bill and get people back to work?

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why is our president bankrupting us?

    Can someone explain why our economy is going to recover when President Obama:

    -Gave hundreds of millions of dollars of stimulus dollars to insurance company executives

    -Is trying to pass a $1.2 trillion dollar healthcare system (that he said would only cost $900 billion)

    -Hasn't spent any money for job creation

    With all this willy-nilly spending how are we supposed to fix our economy?

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • A universal healthcare question?

    President Obama has appeared multiple times this weekend on the air with his healthcare initiative.

    The first paragraph of this yahoo news piece says we are now "required" to get health insurance (please look carefully at the wording).

    Is this constitutional that the government can "require" us to sign up for insurance?

    Isn't that a scary trend that the government can "require" us to do something?

    What will the government "require" us to do next?

    18 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Still no answer Mr. Obama?

    Does president Obama love america?

    His two friends are:

    -Bill Ayers who bombed military recruiting centers with the weather underground in the 60s.

    -Reverend Wright who married the Obamas and said that america deserved 9-11

    Further, why has no one explained why he didn't salute the flag or recite the pledge?

    What does he like about radical beliefs and what are his beliefs about america if he won't even salute the flag?

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Who are Obama's friends?

    President Obama has chosen some interesting advisors and friends.

    -Hillary clinton who screamed at an african kid that "I am the secretary of state, my husband was the president!!1"

    -Van jones who was fired because he called republicans s--t and said 9-11 was an inside job.

    -Reverend Wright who had obama as a 20 year parishoner and married the obamas who said "whites are evil and jews are keeping me from obama."

    WIth friends like these, can we trust this man?

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Government Healthcare question?

    If we are expanding a government run healthcare system can someone explain what has the government done that has been:

    -Under or on budget

    -On time

    -Worked as offered

    In the last 30 years?

    I can't think of any government project that has been successful.

    Can you?

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Town Hall meetings and our President?

    With all the rhetoric about healthcare and "Death panels," it seems to me like President Obama's town hall meetings are really "orderly and quiet."

    Is it just me or are his questions pre-screened?

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • A foreign policy question?

    Hillary Clinton and President Obama have repeatedly said that the bush foreign policy was "flawed, dangerous, and alienated us from the rest of the world."

    I wonder what the rest of the world thinks about Hillary Clinton:

    -Calling North Korea "spoiled teenagers"

    -Yelling at the african kid saying "I am secretary of State, not my husband!"

    Any ideas out there about our Secretary of State?

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is it true Mr. President?

    President Obama said he would not raise taxes for healthcare unless you were the top 1% (making over $250,000).

    Now his officials state they must raise taxes across the board.

    Isn't this proof that the President is taking us down an expensive, bad healthcare path?

    What happened to the promise of no new taxes?

    Does this just mean he is another tax and spend liberal?

    22 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • A hillary clinton question?

    Isn't it a bad choice for a secretary of state a woman who goes around telling a unstable nuclear power (North Korea) that they are "an unruly bunch of teenagers?"

    Shouldn't that name calling have ceased by the 4th grade?

    Isn't it also interesting that the only person running around "like an unruly teenager" was her unfaithful husband?

    Am I missing something here?

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago