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Global Warming and our earth?

During "climate gate" emails were leaked that scientists admit to "skewing and fudging" data to say that global warming is a problem.

Next, we learn that the last century was 6 degrees colder than the last century (as reported by NOAA).

Isn't this further proof that Global Warming is a made-up problem or at least, overblown minor issue?

12 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It will not change the believers of the true global warmed earth minds

    It has to get colder to get warmer that will be the new thing

    or they will go back to the stand by, its not global warming now its climate change and any and all climate is proof that we are destroying the planet

  • 1 decade ago

    I would say yes, and anybody over 40 knows this. Weather is in constant motion, as the earth is. To predict the weather the Earth would have to stay in one place, motionless if you will, If anything we are heading for a Miniature ice age. You have to understand that the left always pulls on the youth to scare them, or for better words (shame them) into thinking they are destroying the planet and they need your help to fix it. The whole Global Warming issue is about money and lots of it. Its almost a crime to see these crooks exploit this topic. But i feel people are waking up.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, global warming is all but exposed to be a fraud. I wish we could have a public vote on this cap and trade, but the liberals seem so intent on passing it, that they are willing to take huge losses despite of its eventual passage through congress.

    PS… I hope Scott Brown of Massachusetts wins, because it would upset the apple cart and take the 60 votes away from them.

  • 1 decade ago

    When facts start to confuse the issue, change the definition of the problem. Thus does global warming change to climate change as the thermometer dictates.

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  • Green
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Fact, the climate temperature has raised over the past several decades.

    Global warming has been occurring, it is the cause of it which is unknown but believed by most climatologists to be the result of humans.

    The climate has been recorded for over a hundred years, one email does not discredit over a hundred years of research.

  • Hey mistakes were made, now lets get on with more important issues like Harry Reid and Sarah Palin

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, of course it is. But the Warmers wont believe it. They will just shout you down and say you are wrong for pointing out facts.

    America currently is having the coldest winter in 20 years and we are suppose to believe in global warming. LOL.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The problem with the earth and these that "care for it" have a rocky molten core instead of a brain.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    isnt it interesting that all the things that will supposedly fix global warming,are exactly the same as what liberals socialists and communists wanted to do...

  • 1 decade ago

    ahhh al gore is a funny one.

    Perfect scam though ill prop him for that

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