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Who is your favorite Author?

And Why?

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I presume you are talking about novels rather than non-fiction.

    I enjoy intelligent novels, preferably with a feminist touch, even though I am a man. (Have you read Fay Weldon? Wickedly clever!!)

    When I was younger, I might have said that my favourite author was Herman Hesse. Into my late 20s, maybe it was Stefan Zweig.

    By the way, I was very sad to read in this morning's paper that Grace Paley died. She wrote some amazing short stories over the last 50 years.

    Take care, APG. And it is great "seeing" you again. And as you can tell, Yahoo! Answers is NOTHING for me without you. (Please send my love to M, too. [If she remembers me.])

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    For all of your questions. I have been reading books for over 50 years. I have never found a favorite author. There are too many. Same thing for a favorite book. I am not reading anything right now because living on SSI leaves only a little bit for pleasure and reading is my pleasure. So I only go to the bookstore once every other month, and there are no used bookstores where I live. I also enjoy fiction over non-fiction because I don't think the authors are as biased as the 'rons who write non-fiction are. In my opinion anyway. Happy reading!

  • 1 decade ago

    Ernst Junger. He went up the ranks in the German Army in World War 1, He was awarded Germany's highest honor (the Blue Max). After the war the Nazis looked at his as a hero because of his writings about the war. He wrote an anti Nazi book the was so clever that they didn't realize what it was. After World War 2, he tripped out on LSD with the American Beatnik authors, to see if it would expand his mind. He lived to be over 100 years old.

    Source(s): Storm of Steel, Corpse 125
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It used to be a toss-up between JRR Tolkien - "Lord of the Rings"; and William "The English Bard" Shakespeare (althouhg the latter did write in a somewhat confusing language at times . . .), until I read the first Dragons of Pern book by Anne McCaffrey! I was hooked right from the first paragraphs! Being a science fiction and fantasy fan, this was an excellent combination of both genres which I love! The narative style is refreshingly unique and keeps you spell-bound right from the outset, and the tales, although on the surface maybe a bit far-fetched (to unimaginative readers!) - being set on an imaginary planet with imaginary beasties - were to my mind absolutely believable and realistic. I came to love each and every character (even if I hated some of them vehemiently for what they did, or didn't do!!!) The proof of a good book to me lies in how many times I've re-read them, and found something fresh again and again! Anything by Ms McCaffrey - dozens of times and I'm still astounded at every re-read!!!! Its simply GREAT stuff!!!!!

    PS: Like Wally I've been reading for close on 5 decades now too, and most days are reading more than one book at a time. To make a concerted choice of an all time most loved author is difficult, yet I stand by my choice . . .

    PPS: > Ginny Lou - Good choice . . .Jean M. Auel . . . loved that too!!!!

    Source(s): Obviously an Anne McCaffrey fan!!!
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  • 1 decade ago

    Jules Verne. His books have everything that any boy (er, man) wants in a story.

    Journey to the Center of the Earth

    20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

    Mysterious Island

    Around the World in 80 Days

    just for starters.


  • 1 decade ago

    Ooooh, tough question!

    I have two favorites.

    1.Piers Anthony - He gives me all of the fantasy and magic I could ever want.....topped off with a LOT of puns. :)

    2. Jean M. Auel - Her books about early man (Clan of The Cave Bear Series) are absolutely riveting! I will read them over and over until my eyes hurt!

  • 1 decade ago

    Toss up between Edgar Allen Poe and Stephen King. Why?? Because they can put you on the edge of your seat and always keep you guessing with a certain kind of darkness.

  • stephenie meyer

    bc she wrote the twilight series, nd there really great books, nd now since iv read thme i keep askn for more! shes such a great writer ... even tho it tends to make me a bit pissy with a certain character jacob .. eew i hate him.

    but yea shes my fav author

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I can't pick just one. I like Stephan King,James Patterson,John Saul,Nicholas Sparks,E.A.Poe,Charles Dickens,and James Fenimore Cooper,to name a few.

  • Anne Rule. Her books are true crime and very chilling.

    "The Stranger Beside Me" and "Green River Running Red"

    Source(s): bookworm
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