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Another child dies, killed by other children?

Isn't it time that we reintroduced proper discipline in schools and allowed teachers, parents and police to administer a clip round the ear (or something a little stronger) to kids who show no respect for others? I'm not advocating beating kids up for the sake of it, just proper corrective discipline.


Stewar t: it's attitudes like yours that got us where we are today. There's a world of difference between gratuitous assault and proper corrective discipline. I suppose you think that people who go around assaulting others should should get off scot-free. Disciplining our children should teach them that it is not OK to hurt other people. It does not encourage them to become yobs.

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree totally. Children should be disciplined physically. 95% of people know the difference between a swift slap or clip and all out assault with a chair or a stick.What do the liberalists say: "Stop all contact that might make a mark", a heavy kiss would leave a mark.

    When I was in school the cane was a real threat, I never had it but I knew if I went over the line it was a distinct possibility. Most 'naughty' boys were prevented from going too far by this threat. Nowadays they can swear at a teacher, throw things around, disrupt classes in the knowledge that the teacher and headmaster can't touch them.Being forced to stay in at break/lunch time is no deterrent as many don't want to go outside anyway.Suspension is very uncommon and expulsions are as rare as hen's teeth.A boy from a school near here was suspended by the headmaster for having cannabis (which was illegal) in school. His parents appealed on the grounds that the school rules did not specify that cannabis was forbidden and he had to be re-instated.It didn't say 'no machine guns' either but I think everyone takes that as read. Children's 'rights' are often quoted but what about their responsibilities? Pupils now go up to teachers and tell them in their faces.."Can't touch me, I'll report you, get you sacked and sue you." The sad thing is that they probably could too.

    Children should learn from an early age..I must behave or I get punished.Once they know the rules the vast majority will stick to them.True, you will get some hard-core louts but that can't be helped.

    The liberals' 'naughty step' approach is evidently not working as the discipline in schools and on the streets is at an all time low. Look back and you'll see it started after corporal punishment was abolished by the so-called do-gooders.

  • LillyB
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I understand where Stewart is coming from but this philosophy has been tried in this country and where we have ended up is with young people who have no respect for anyone and it doesnt work. I don't think simply reintroducing corporal punishment is necessarily the answer however when I was at school people did get the cane (although very very rarely - it was a big deal) and there was very little violence. It acted as a deterrant but parents also generally disciplined their children (not necessarily by smacking) and backed up teachers too.

  • 5 years ago

    The court system is insane. No one should be allowed to have children again after they have done something so horrible. This country needs to examine just how far parental rights should go. If a child is taken from the home because of abuse than I believe the parental rights should be terminated once the abuse if proven. These people should not get a second chance ever!

  • Amanda
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Quote Stewart1::::

    'no one has the right to hit or hurt anyone else.......if you hit, it just teaches hitting is okay......children that get hit.....hit others! '

    Typical PC attitude, which is the downfall of this country.

    I was smacked plenty of times as a child. I have NEVER gone around hitting others.

    I did the crime and I was punished for it.......I learnt right from wrong real fast!!!

    Not done Me any harm.....and I have a nice healthy respect for authority,and my fellow Human beings.


    Quote bazzy2128;

    'children are the only people in our society that you are legally allowed to physically beat.... what does that tell you'

    that tells me that you obviously know nothing about the law.

    As parents we arne't able to smack our is called disapline..physical beatings are not the same and as a parent, I know the difference.

    No-one is allowed to physically beat another person..thats called assult...seriously, where do you people get your facts from????

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  • 1 decade ago

    Children have been allowed to express their feelings in stupid, feely, touchy sessions in school. They are granted rights over, common sense. They want respect before engaging in manners. And they knife, or, shoot someone who disses(disrespects). We need a curfew, as mentioned, from 7:00pm, for all unsupervised children. And we need to put the backbone into this country before we end up like quivering jelly, unable to face a warm day!.

  • 1 decade ago

    I definately agree, I haven't got any children yet, but I was clipped over the ear as a child and I'm not harbouring any trauma or suicidal tendancies so I think I'll do it to my own children.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    More discipline.

    7pm curfews for all under 18's.

    Hard, proper jail time for people caught with guns.

    Armed, trained police who shoot the little scumbuckets.

  • BAnne
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    If the parents step up to the plate then the teachers and police wouldn't have to.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    thank you i agree i have 3 kids & the oldest is a mouthy lil buggar & im not allowed to discipline him so i dont let him out as with the mouth on him, im scared he'll get shot!!

    please please let us discipline our children otherwise society is going to pot!!

    glad theres a like minded person who thinks the same as me

    Source(s): experience
  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, chidren need discipline in life.

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