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Mel asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Does anyone out there actually believe the candidates?

On one hand, I feel like I MUST vote in every presidential election because if I don't, then I have no right whatsoever to complain about the state of things in this country.

On the other hand, I cringe everytime I watch any of the candidate debates, speeches, commercials, etc. I really don't believe one word they say, any of them, regardless of party affiliation. Of course each candidate is going to force feed us their utopian solutions for immigration, healthcare, terrorism, poverty, minimum wage, education, medicare/social security, etc. But, are any of these ideas actually valid? Could any of these so-called solutions actually be implemented in the real world? In the gigantic bureaucratic monster which is our federal government?

Sadly, I don't think so.

What do you think?


Absolutely agree 100% with these quotes:

Peter T said "Americans do not want, and will not accept real solutions to the issues impacting America. "

Booger said "Ross Perot meant what he said, and he was right about so many things, but he would have found himself in the same corrupt system they all do.....It is the very structure of the system that needs remodeling. Nobody talks about that."

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I totally know what you are talking about. I feel they are just saying what they need to just to get elected.

    I do vote in every election but what I do is if I don't like either candidate from the two big parties, I usually vote for some one from the lesser known parties...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I recall Bush I, after being in office a couple of years, why do people go through so much to become President. He only said, "the honor and prestige." and i totally believe what he said and i believe it is the same for all of them. None do it for financial or spritual gain. Why is Hillary going though all the hell of becoming the first female American president? I think the honest answer is the same that Bush I admitted. He was quiet and honest kind of guy. The honor.

    Reminds me of guys i knew who went for football in high school. the run until they are sick. the get beat up. what do they do it for? Are they, too, seeking a little honor?

    Do i actually believe the candidates? Are they sincere? Do they mean well? No, i guess i believe they are in a contest and they are playing to win. so with some knowledge of how that dilemma works, i don't believe them. I don't even believe a flaming idealist like Ron Paul. I believe Ross Perot meant what he said, and he was right about so many things, but he would have found himself in the same corrupt system they all do. Bill Clinton understood the corrupt nature of it all and knew what he was getting into. He learned well from the corrupt system in Arkansas and my a lot of study on the nature of politics in history. But he had faults, too. It is the very structure of the system that needs remodeling. Nobody talks about that. The electorial system, the pork barrel politics, the social "scientist" administering and brainwashing the teachers and such bureaucratic outrage that is the problem. It is not Bush and it was not Clinton and it will not be another Clinton. You have two groups of sheeple. one sheeple group on the left with the social scientists and the other group on the right with patriotic christian sheeple. that is baa baa baa bad!

  • 1 decade ago

    The proposed solutions will never be implemented. There is no risk that a candidate will do what they say they will do. Candidates put on a dog and pony show to satisfy the public desire for political entertainment. Most "great moral imperatives" are presented with a careful eye to good theater and in a setting that cries out for attention from television crews.

    Americans do not want, and will not accept real solutions to the issues impacting America. There is no desire in the American voter to accept responsibility for the current status quo.

    Just listen to the members of the public who think that the President rules with Imperial authority and ask yourself if you know of a way to bring that person to reason.

    Immigration? Simple solution - Open every border and pass legislation to deny tax paid benefits to any person who does not have legitimate immigration status in the US.

    You will not get support for a solution. Churches, politicians, illegals, business, and many more are prospering by stealing assets from our future generations

  • 1 decade ago

    I know I am voting for ron paul in the republican primaries becuase I feel he is the anti-thesis of what you just spoke about - I have researched all the candidates closely because there is so much information now on the web -that when I got to him it was refreshing - I really dont care what anybody else thinks- he is the right candidate for me and I believe for the future of the US- show me a candidate with more integrity and a more well thought out platform and I might vote for them but right now he is the best thing going in the race

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If Condelleezza Rice would run, she would be a candidate I could truly believe in.

    However, as it appears as though she isn't going to step up to the plate, take a look at Ron Paul. Of all the candidates out there (of any party) he looks the best to me.

    He once ran as a Libertarian but is now running as a Republican because, let's face it, it's good to have the support of one of the major parties. However, his politics have changed little. He is fiscally conservative without the whole fundamentalist right wing social agenda baggage.

    Actually, I believe this is what most people really want in a candidate.

  • 5 years ago

    I used to be Paul supporter, prier to the 2008 elections... Paul dose an first-rate task, of facet steeping disorders, he does not desire greatly identified... But his son Ran, that echoes this father's ideas... Isn't close as well, at hiding they are real time table... While Paul dose certainly, relate to the loads, via being in opposition to warfare... Stop bribing different nation's, into being our buddy, or killing us... He's just like the leisure of the Republican applicants, on the subject of any style of social trouble... Only deference, he does not desire tremendous trade, to get executive aid ether... But proper now, the folks that want probably the most aid... Paul's proposal, is to reduce them off.... I recognize there are quite a lot of, that consider that is a well proposal, as good.... But I with no trouble can not aid it...

  • People vote, but political cronies set up the election and oversee the counting of the votes, where does the real power lie? Think florida (2000) and Ohio (2004) Go online and look into it for yourself

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I believe Ron Paul and a little bit of Obama. Not too keen on him yet though (Obama) because he seems too "proper" and not sincere. I want to see him speak from his heart like Ron Paul does without caring if his answer is "right' or "wrong." He said he'd nuke Pakistan then rewords his phrase....dammit, just say what you mean and don't fall back on what you say. It makes him lose a little credibility. I think

    Ron Paul is very sincere and has a lot of common sense!!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You know, it a crying shame that no one can be believed anymore. It seems that this new attitude of not telling the truth shows up everywhere but especially in our leaders. Now why do we have leaders if we can't believe or trust them? There is no accountability at any level and its hurting us all. Maybe its time to change the whole bunch of them or at the very least more often. Don't let them sit there and become professional liars!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    All politicians are bogus!

    Do you reeeeeeaaaaally believe that either the "left" or the "right" are either one going to save your ***?

    Save yourselves dam*it!!

    Let's get rid of ALL of them!

    We con't need another lawyer. We need the Doctor!

    Dr. Ron Paul may be the last chance we have to keep from completely selling out the future of our country.

    Look into him. Yes, he's technically a (R), but he's no lawyer!

    I'm not extending a fist or a finger your way. I'm offering you my hand in true unity.



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