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Do we need a Revolution?

Let's see we got a war without end - the war on terror.

We got a national debt unlike anything seen before in all of history.

We are entering a scientific age and we have a large segment of society that does not believe in evolution.

We got the largest private debt in the history of the world.

We got a trade policy which is for free trade but we are the only nation in the world playing by that rule. The rest are out to screw us.

We have an emerging Social Security fiscal crisis.

We have an emerging healthcare crisis.

We cannot provide out own energy needs.

We have a segment of the population that believes America is special and the rules of history do not apply to us, ignoring the examples of Rome, Spain, The Netherlands, France, Britain, and China, who all felt the same at one point in their history only to fall.

We have political leadership that would rather argue about social issues.

Should we throw all incumbants out? Revolution '08!!!

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, we desperately need a revolution. Throwing out MOST of the incumbents would be a good start, but perhaps a few deserve to stay.

    More importantly, though, we need a revolution in understanding. We need to educate ourselves about how the government operates, how economics works, and how our foreign policy functions. Because, if we don't understand these important issues, we're doomed to get another round of pathetic politicians pandering to our emotions. We need to KNOW what is sensible policy, so that we can push the representatives to go that way. We need to be an educated electorate.

    That's my kind of revolution!

  • 1 decade ago

    No. Not yet, at least. I am expecting the need for one before very long, but if nothing else the revolutionaries need to get things straight. What would we replace the current government with, communism, feudialism, theism, anarchy, another republic or democracy? Would the physical country change, for example would we be split into two or more countries? How would revolutionaries beat the government, via a coup or by somehow overpowering the military? There is a lot that goes into revolutions, since they are the most powerfull way to change government. Read the Decleration of Independance for details on the first American Revolution, a very good example of a good revolution.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    My typical of the three is the unique, so-called B-area ( it became extra wisely a 'double A' single) to "whats up Jude". the different 2, on the White Album, are exciting. The sluggish one is truly like the fore-runner to the unplugged classes that have been so time-honored with many musicians interior the Eighteen Nineties. the different Beatles, distinctly Paul, curiously weren't that enthused approximately "Revolution 9" making the suited decrease for the White Album, yet John held his floor and insisted on its inclusion.

  • 1 decade ago

    "It will be a shame if a revolution like ours does not happen once every 10 years."

    "Any government who feels unthreatened by its people will quickly stop being for the people, and start acting only upon what will benefit them."

    - Thomas Jefferson

    It's time for some serious awareness and protesting for sure. If it doesn't work, I'll be on the frontlines of the revolution.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes you should get it together now and spread the word. Those who think you are silly should read about the Amero, REALID cards, and the RFID (sp.?) microchips. Sure we have the best country now but how will it be when we are united with Canada and Mexico. After that the whole world will be governed as one. All of our rights will be trash. Wake up people. You don't know any of this because they run our Media!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Lets look at some of these.

    GW wanted to tackle the Social Security, but the dems did not.

    Energy, ask a tree hugger what to do, as we will be in the dark. They do not want us to drill for oil, they do not want nuke plants, what is their answer??

    Health care. If your thinking of hillary care forget it. We would be taxed up the ya hoo to pay for it..

    I have said many times they all need to be replaced. Then Washington needs to be run by "WE THE PEOPLE"

  • Daniel
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Wow. This Complain all you want, but we hands down have the best country to live in. Policy-making isnt what it used to be. Do you honestly think Hillary and Edwards are going to save the world? Neither party is doing its job, its not just the Reps or just the Dems, its everyone. By all means vote if you can in 08, I am. But be smart and be thorough.

  • 7 years ago

    I have been waiting for it for 35 years, Need it to happen soon while I am still able to fight!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    "WE" do need a revolution of the mind and the electorate.

    WE need to stop accepting this crap.

  • 1 decade ago

    yes we need a revolution elect the liberest one!!!!

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