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Questions from Bristol?

Yes it's true there weren't all the 7 car pile ups we all love, but I still thought the race was good. I loved loved loved seeing my Junebug scrapping it up for the lead. He never made it but he sure did try!!!!

Now then the race left me with alot of questions that I'd love your opinions on.

#1 The radio conversation Jr and Tony jr had about the pit stop strategies. Dale was telling Tony to quit bugging him about getting out of the pits faster because he didn't want a speeding penalty and Tony was trying to explain how if you do it right you can gain some much needed spots. This leads to my question(s), would Jr be so bold to tell a new crew chief off like that? Would he be more willing to listen and take the advise and try it? You know it's often said that your mother can tell you to do something till she's blue in the face and you blow her off as just nagging, but let a stranger or your friend tell you the same and all of a sudden you've just heard the gospel for the first time. I guess what I'm asking, is Jr too comfortable with Tony Jr to even listen to sound advise anymore?

#2 Michael Waltrip is about to get lapped by the leader, Kasey Kahne, who has like a 1.23 second lead on Carl Edwards and Dale Jr. He races Kasey like he's fighting for the win in the last lap, which allows Carl and Jr to catch up to him. The announcers are baffled as to why he's racing these guys so hard, then one announcer has an epiphany. Is Michael doing this to get camera time for his sponsors???? WTF? I'm thinking, who would of thought Mickey had any brains to think up something like that, but if you think about it it's a pretty damn good idea? He did get ALOT of attention for all that blocking (all be it the wrong kind) but ALOT of attention none the less. Do you all think that's what he was really doing?

#3 Kevin Harvick vs Juan Problem Montoya. There was plenty of opportunity, especially at Bristol, to bump the jackass in retaliation for Watkins Glen and blame it on the track with no appologies. But he didn't. Then I notice that Flaps (Ku Bush) has taken the 11th spot in the points from Happy Harvick and now Jr is battling him for the 12th spot. My question, If Harvick was higher up in the points with nothing to lose, would he have tried something on Montoya??? Or did he lay off because he had to consider his points? If he misses the Chase do you think he'll get his revenge then??? Or did he just give up on the whole thing?

#4 Ricky Rudd, could this guy have a worse last season or what?

#5 David Ragan ???? WTF? Did he just make the Guiness Book of World Records for most cautions in one race??? And will he have a ride much longer?

#6 When Matt Kenseth got caught up in the mishap with Ricky Rudd and Jimmy Johnson in lap 452 was it wrong of me to jump up and down doing the Snoopy Dance and crying out "Yes Yes!!" in sheer extasy? I did have about a .008 sec twinge of pity for him, then it dissapeared and I was reveling in my crashgasim again. Is something wrong with me?

And last but not least #7 What ever happened to MaryD? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL I actually thought of her because a Ford won!


You all crack me up!!!!!!!!!!! I posted this question on NASCAR Nation and no one replied. I was bummed so I decided to give Y!A a shot.... boy am I glad I did, you all had some great answers!!

As for my Matt Kenseth question, I said I had a twinge of pity...lay off me woman I'm trying!!! LOLOLOLOLOL


11 Answers

  • Gene L
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Long question there.

    #1 Junior and Tony Jr. have always had their spats on the radio; just how they are. They even had a trial seperation, but just can't seem to get anough of fussin and cussin with each other.

    #2 Michael should have moved his goofy self out of the way. Interfereing with the Leaders like that was just down right wrong and Mickey knows it.

    #3 Harvick is trying to stay in the Chase. He has no time for such trival squabbles with an F1 has been who is becoming a NASCAR never was.

    #4 Ricky should have stayed retired and taken over Rusty's spot on the Announcers booth. Just kidding about the Rusty thing.....he just needed to stay retired. RYR is not the Team it was when he was there and probably never will be.

    #5 WTF is right; but then again he is a Rookie. I did see a Driver way way back bring out 5 cautions, so Regan needs to step it up if he is going to even be great at Sucking.

    #6 Matt is a nice guy and a very consistent guy but there is just something about him that makes me cringe. Ok, so it is not nice to revel in someone elses misfortunes, but we all do from time to time.

    #7 Mary D was at the Carl Edwards post race Mardi Gras celebration and doesn't plan to be back till at least 2027.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow, it's a little early in the morning for this much thought but here goes.

    1) This comfort level and familiarity is one of the reasons that they swapped crew chiefs for a year (when Mikey was still at DEI). Even though that ended up being a failed experiment they were thinking along the right lines. Jr won't back talk and question authority (owner/crew chief) at HMS the way he has the last few years. He has known his value and importance to DEI but now he'll be just another fish in a bigger pond at HMS. The new dynamics there will certainly help him mature as a person and driver.

    2) Mikey just looking to get more air time and exposure at the expense of the leaders is highly probable. With the season being a bust he is merely trying to milk his limited TV time on the track for all he can get. It was rather pathetic actually.

    3) Kevin is learning how to play the chase game. Be smart anf make sure you hold your spot. I also don't think he is as mad at JPM as some people think. He had to see the replays and the fact that Montoya didn't really do anything all that bad, in that particular instance. If he takes him out later he will still have that for an excuse and give one of his no answer answers and smile for the camera.

    4) Man, I hate it when those formerly great drivers go out this way. As Neil Young once said, "It's better to burn out than to fade away."

    5) Most cautions in a race? I think he's caused more cautions for and entire SEASON! They don't call him David "Wreck 'Em" Ragan (that's what I call him anyway) for nothing and there's a reason AAA is his sponsor (free towing).

    6) Shame on you Shorty : ) I do like the new buzz phrase you started, though. Crashgasim is too funny!

    7) I think Mary D might have been an earlier troll alias. I was to the point where I thought she was kind of funny and you had to respect her hardline Ford support. Even though her logic was often flawed she managed to make me laugh. The whole Jr going to HMS deal might have put her over the edge, remember how sure she was that he was going to the now non-existent Ginn Racing?

    See you back in NN, great questions and observations.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    HELLLOOOO Shorty. You been saving up questions or what?

    #1: I think Jr. would probably be more comfortable with Tony, but I think he would be better off with a new Crew Chief. I hate to say it, but I agree with what you said about listening to someone new. He and Tony seemed to be a good match, but you bring out a good point.

    #2: I think Michael was just racing to be racing (including anybody around him). I think he hasn't been in enough races this year, and he just wanted to "go for broke" (3 laps dosn or not). I really don't think it was anything intentional, but I could be wrong.

    #3: It is possible he has more class than we give him credit for, but I doubt it. I think it has to do with the points, and his position. He has to bust his @$$ to stay in the chase, and I think that is the most important thing on his mind.

    #4: I think maybe Ricky Rudd is "tired" and needs to retire. Maybe that's why he's gonna retire from full time racing after this year. He didn't finish too bad though.

    #5: I don't know when David Ragan's contract is up, but he is 24th in points, nothing to brag about. Wouldn't that be kool if Guiness was actually at the race to score some new records? Ragan could be the first in the book! LOL....

    #6: Except for Rudd, I wasn't upset at the wreck either. Kenseth is a nice guy, but he flies under the radar with all that consistency. A reality check once in a while doesn't hurt. As far as Johnson goes, he's kinda on my Jeff Gordon list. Don't hate hime, but he's a Gordon (wannabe) clone, and I don't really like either of them. I know, here come all the thumbs down. I don't really wish anyone to wreck, but if I did...LOL...

    #7: MaryD...Where are you????

    Go Jr.>>>>

    Source(s): just my opinions... simone: I thank you for that. I am not trying to bash anybody, I just have never been a fan of either one. I am married to a Gordon fanatic, and we go back and forth over it constantly...nothing serious here either. Gave you a thumbs up too!
  • 1 decade ago

    1. I had the same thoughts, and I truly think it might be a great idea if Junior had a different crew chief.

    2. Mikie is a mystery? I think he was probably doing it for the sponsor thing. Or else he's drinking again, or just plain ole stupid.

    3. It was the points, but I wonder if later some of/or all of the drivers get even with Juan. wish they would, that would be funny

    4. Don't have a clue.

    5. Think he just might have, and I doubt it.

    6.No, nothing.

    and that's all I say about that...

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    okay shorty...

    1. Jr is playing it clean and should be applauded for not trying it the shifty way, I hope that continues at the next team.

    2. Mikey and the is he smart enough? No not really, I think he was just trying to stay where he thought he still might have a chance...see commercial for where his head was thought to

    3. If Happy were secure in the chase, you betcha he would have gone for it. Who wouldn't?I don't think we have seen the last of this one.

    4. Rudd, man it just can't get worse can it?

    5. David was having too many problems for his tender years, gear shifter keeps popping out on him, and oops there he goes again. Hope it gets better for him.

    6...I was waiting for this one...what is your problem???jumping up and down? I broke 3 toes kicking something because of that incident, we need a break(no pun) (do I hear you laughing???) If it was someone that deserved to crash, yep I'm there...Matt is a great driver and there my friend we toes still hurt should have heard the laughter in the ER...On to Cali GO !7!!!!!

    Mary who??? LOLOLOL

    love ya short

    Source(s): Kenseth and Ford RULE
  • 1 decade ago

    hey shorty hows it going let me see if i can answer a few of them with my opinions

    1.yes i think dale is to comfortable with tony jr. but i think that makes for a great driver crew chief relationship i would like to see them together at hms

    2.i think mikey was just trying to stay in front of the leaders to keep from going farther down paul menard did the same thing and no one seems to be talking about him

    3.i believe if harvick was farther up in points and in the chase jpm would have been in the wall but harvick cant chance a suspension a wreck or a penalty

    4.yea i like rudd thats a shame i would like to see him go out with a win

    5.probably wont be driving nextel next year he needs to go back to busch and practice a few years

    6. nothing wrong with that as long as you allowed for the right amount of time to worry .008 sec is more then enough

    7. havent seen her on here in a long time

    8.these are good questions for nascar nation

    gloria hahahahaha

    jeff gordon wanna be clone i have fought all my urges to give you a thumbs down so i gave you a thumbs up

    thats cool tina i was joking with gloria i wouldnt give a thumbs down to a fellow member of the nascar nation i have given everyone who answered this question thumbs up so far

    sorry shorty i must have missed it in the group

  • Jim M
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    #1- Jr. and Jr. fight like a couple of old women. It's pretty humorous.

    #2- Mikey was just racin.' Would not surprise me to find that he was mugging for camera time, though.

    #3- Harv has bigger fish to fry, It's a bigger deal to us than to him.

    #4- It's sad to see ol' Double-R go out this way. They need one "Old Timers" race like we had at the flat track I used to announce at. Let Ricky, Sterling Marlin, and all the old schoolers go at it. Poor Mark Martin would still finish 2nd.

    #5- There's gotta be better ways than this to get camera time!

    #6- Nothing wrong with you. It's just a bad time for me to admit that I did that when Harvick & Montoya went at it.

    #7- Who??????

  • 1 decade ago

    1 JR has a long way to towards proving himself before he should shun away suggestions that can better his times.

    2 Michael should of gotten out of the way. He sure is lucky this was not the old Bristol.

    3 I've seen so much video of Kevin Harvick trying to fight with other drivers. In every case he is way cool the next week. If he wanted to fight so much he should of gotten involved in UFC. He probably would of done better.

    4 True, I'd like to see him with the Woods Bros. though. They fit his driving style better.

    6 That's OK

    7 I agree LOL

    And I'll add another

    8 GO 20

  • Tina
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    1 - He would listen to Tony Eury Sr better and they would be a better match.

    2 - Michael Waltrip was just trying to hang on to laps simply because only one person gets the lucky dog and he would have never got that lap back.

    3 - I believe Harvick probably has just gone back to racing and blown off the whole revenge attitude until a more appropriate time.

    4 - Ricky Rudd to me was his best when he drove for Texaco

    5 - I agree he had some bad luck

    6 - As long as you had a .008 sec twinge of pity for him then it wasn't wrong

    7 - Who's Mary D ?????

    Source(s): I'll give a thumbs up even if I don't agree with someone's answer simone - I save my thumbs down for the idiot tr0ll and trouble makers. I knew you was joking - no offense taken.
  • scooby
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I have seen this question before

    1. yes he will listen ultimately driver has the decision

    2. I think he was just confused and thought he was still a contender.

    3. I feel he is waiting a little longer so it is not as obvious.

    4. possible

    5. His car would not stay in gear.

    6. what ever works for you. Didn't know snoopy had a dance,

    7. On this site I think most ran for cover.

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