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How does a soul come into being?

Do you not agree that it is the soul which gives life to the body?

If not, do you believe that life is just spontaneous? Your parents had sex and here you are?

Only the mind animates the body?

Where does personality come from then? That one thing that makes us each individuals...


Common Sense: I don't ask questions because I can't comprehend or don't know the answers...

I feel that I know the answers to these questions. Thanks for the sarcasm though.

Update 2:

Common Sense: I bet you wouldn't talk to me like that if you were looking me directly in the eyes, face to face. It doesn't seem very Christian-like to me.

Me? I would still thank you for your sarcastic remark if you were standing in front of me, after listening to your last condescending sentence.

But would you reply back in the same way? I doubt it.

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


  • 1 decade ago

    The way I see it, the soul is a metaphor for the mind. So, yes the mind animates the body. Where does the mind come from? Who knows? What happens to it after the body dies? Who knows? Where does personality come from? The environment in which you're brought up. It's impossible to tell whether the personality comes from how the subject was raised or elsewhere, since there are literally millions of things that can drastically effect a one's personality.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I agree with home security

    souls began with God breathing life into the nostrils of Adam.

    Life began then and continues to this day and we will continue our lives either in Heaven or hell for eternity. The body as we know it returns to the dust of the ground, but, our souls continue for eternity<><

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    My view of when we are created has indeed changed since having a special child. My daughter has autism and knows many spiritual things that has blown me away. I believe from the bible that God speaks us into being. But what I didn't know or even think about was when.

    My daughter has high functioning autism. When she was 5 we passed the hospital where she was born. I pointed it out to her and she said, "Mommy being born made me so mad, I wasn't ready!" She was a scheduled C-section and the nurse said as The Dr pulled her out, "Look, this baby is mad! look at her little lip!" I kind of freaked when she said this. But there's more...

    Then she said, "I wanted to stay in your tummy mommy". I said, what were you doing in there (trying to be funny)? She then could not put it in words but curled up in a ball. more...

    Then she said, "And before that mommy I was in heaven with God". OK, I'm completely freaked. Was just listening and wasn't really asking questions now. I just replied, "oh yea?" She went on, "I was in heaven looking for a nice mommy, and we found you". WE! Then she went on..."Mommy, I was afraid of the Angels at first but God held me and I got used to them, they are so big!" OK, I'm kind of scared now. She then said, "God's REEEAL nice!"

    She's also known other things, like who's pregnant, when someone lost a child, who lost a child a long time ago and they are in heaven with God. All without being told.

    I don't believe in reincarnation "man is appointed once to die.." And I found in the bible were it says, "I (God) knew you before you were in your mothers womb."

    God bless,

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  • 1 decade ago

    I absolutely agree that the soul gives the body life..I believe that from the moment we are just a ball of cells dividing in our mothers womb that we have a soul already. The soul is what makes who and what we are in every aspect.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    To put it in simple laymen term - the soul is the real you that lives on forever - eternally. Either in Hell or in Heaven.

    When God created, He formed Man from the dirts(Earth) and joined it to His Spirit by Breathing -the Breathe of Life(Spiritual /Heavenly into the nostril of Adam. Thus God took something from the Heavenly Realm and joined it with the Earthly Realm and He created the Garden of Eden which was also partly Earth and partly Heaven for this unique partly earth and partly heaven creature(species) called Adam to live in.

    The coming together of the Heavenly and the Earthy produces Man's Soul - A unique species unlike all or any of His creation - And so, Man became a Living Soul.

    Can you comprehend all that in a nutshell ?

    P.S. - What a prideful and haughty spirit you have in reply to a simple honest question within my reply to the questioner; surprises me indeed!

  • 1 decade ago

    You are assuming the existence of a soul - what is a soul? how do you know one exists? how can you prove that it exists? what is it's purpose? Do only humans have soul's? Do animals have souls? If they do what makes humans so different? If they don't, why, how can they be alive and have personalities? You have answer some important questions before you go making such grand assumptions....but then again the only field that requires proof is science...religious poeple can just make it up as they go along because it's called faith...go figure.

  • 1 decade ago

    the Scripture gives us these words:

    "For I will not be contend forever, neither will I be angry always, for the spirit would faint and be consumed before Me, and (My purpose of) creating the souls of men would be frustrated."

    Isaiah 57, 16.

    Source(s): the Bible.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The soul is the very breath of God!

    Gen 2:7 And the LORD God formed man [of] the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

  • THA
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    --THIS IT HOW it happened when God made the first human a living soul:

    (Genesis 2:7) “. . .And Jehovah God proceeded to form the man out of dust from the ground and to blow into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man came to be a living soul.”

    --AFTER THAT and reproduction took place, the breath of life animating a embroyo would take place as in the birth process!

    --PERSONALITY is passed on in variance with the many opportunities in the chromosomes of the parents in millions of combinations. ONE MAN had all the gene pools in his loins along with one woman for every different personality to ever exist:

    (Acts 17:26) “. . .And he made out of one [man] every nation of men, to dwell upon the entire surface of the earth, and he decreed the appointed times and the set limits of the dwelling of [men],”

    --PRIOR TO that , these souls were made:

    (Genesis 1:20-21) “20 And God went on to say: “Let the waters swarm forth a swarm of living souls and let flying creatures fly over the earth upon the face of the expanse of the heavens.” 21 And God proceeded to create the great sea monsters and every living soul that moves about, which the waters swarmed forth according to their kinds, and every winged flying creature according to its kind. And God got to see that [it was] good. . .”

    Source(s): --Bible *** w90 5/1 pp. 20-22 Your View of the Soul Affects Your Life *** ***Bible’s Use of “Soul” --11 In the Hebrew Scriptures, the English word “soul” comes from the Hebrew word ne′phesh, which appears over 750 times. Its equivalent in the Greek Scriptures is psy·khe′, which appears over 100 times. The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures consistently renders these words as “soul.” Other Bibles may use a variety of words. Some of the ways the King James Version translates ne′phesh are: appetite, beast, body, breath, creature, dead (body), desire, heart, life, man, mind, person, self, soul, thing. And it translates psy·khe′ as: heart, life, mind, soul. --12 The Bible calls sea creatures ne′phesh: “Every living soul that is in the waters.” (Leviticus 11:10) The word can refer to land animals: “Let the earth put forth living souls according to their kinds, domestic animal and moving animal and wild beast.” (Genesis 1:24) Hundreds of times ne′phesh means people. “All the souls who issued out of Jacob’s upper thigh came to be seventy souls.” (Exodus 1:5) An example of psy·khe′ being used this way is 1 Peter 3:20. It tells of Noah’s ark, “in which a few people, that is, eight souls, were carried safely through the water.” --13 The Bible uses the word “soul” in many other ways. Genesis 9:5 says: “Your blood of your souls shall I ask back.” Here the soul is said to have blood. Exodus 12:16 says: “Only what every soul needs to eat, that alone may be done for you.” In this case the soul is said to eat. Deuteronomy 24:7 speaks of a man “kidnapping a soul of his brothers.” Surely it was not an immortal soul that was kidnapped. Psalm 119:28 says: “My soul has been sleepless from grief.” So the soul can even lose sleep. The Bible also shows that the soul is mortal. It dies. “That soul must be cut off from his people.” (Leviticus 7:20) “He may not come toward any dead soul.” (Numbers 6:6) “Our souls are to die.” (Joshua 2:14) “Any soul that does not listen to that Prophet will be completely destroyed.” (Acts 3:23) “Every living soul died.”—Revelation 16:3. --14 Clearly, the Bible’s use of ne′phesh and psy·khe′ shows that the soul is the person or, in the case of animals, the creature. It is not some immortal part of an individual. Indeed, ne′phesh is even used of God himself: “Anyone loving violence His soul certainly hates.”—Psalm 11:5. ***Many Scholars Agree --15 Many scholars agree that the Bible does not speak of an immortal soul. The Concise Jewish Encyclopedia states: “The Bible does not state a doctrine of the immortality of the soul, nor does this clearly emerge in early rabbinical literature.” The Jewish Encyclopedia says: “The belief that the soul continues its existence after the dissolution of the body is a matter of philosophical or theological speculation rather than of simple faith, and is accordingly nowhere expressly taught in Holy Scripture.” The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible notes: “The nephesh . . . does not continue to exist independently of the body, but dies with it. . . . No biblical text authorizes the statement that the ‘soul’ is separated from the body at the moment of death.” --16 Also, the Expository Dictionary of Bible Words says: “‘Soul’ in the O[ld] T[estament], then, does not indicate some immaterial part of human beings that continues after death. [Ne′phesh] essentially means life as it is uniquely experienced by personal beings. . . . The basic meaning of [psy·khe′] is established by its O[ld] T[estament] counterpart, rather than its meaning in Greek culture.” And The Eerdmans Bible Dictionary states that in the Bible, the word soul “does not designate a part of a human being, but rather the whole person. . . . In this sense human beings do not have souls—they are souls.”—Italics ours. --17 Even the New Catholic Encyclopedia acknowledges: “The Biblical words for soul usually mean total person.” It adds: “There is no dichotomy [division] of body and soul in the O[ld] T[estament]. . . . The term [ne′phesh], though translated by our word soul, never means soul as distinct from the body or the individual person. . . . The term [psy·khe′] is the N[ew] T[estament] word corresponding with [ne′phesh]. . . . The notion of the soul surviving after death is not readily discernible in the Bible.” And Georges Auzou, French Catholic Professor of Sacred Scripture, writes in his book La Parole de Dieu (The Word of God): “The concept of ‘soul,’ meaning a purely spiritual, immaterial reality, separate from the ‘body,’ . . . does not exist in the Bible.” --18 Thus, The Encyclopedia Americana observes: “The Old Testament concept of man is that of a unity, not a union of soul and body. Although the Hebrew word [ne′phesh] is frequently translated as ‘soul,’ it would be inaccurate to read into it a Greek meaning. . . . [Ne′phesh] is never conceived of as operating separately from the body. In the New Testament the Greek word [psy·khe′] is often translated as ‘soul’ but again should not be readily understood to have the meaning the word had for the Greek philosophers. . . . The Bible does not provide a clear description of how a person survives after death.” It adds: “Theologians have had to resort to the discussions of philosophers for an adequate means of describing survival of the individual after death.”
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