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michael vick defenders? Did you bump your head? Or just insane/stupid?

The man violated the law. MULTIPLE laws. AND he was also admittedly gambling on these dog fights as well. Which is another topic I'll touch on. But he violated NFL by-laws, and his contract by doing all of these things. By breaking the law, and gambling on the fights, he put himself ina position where he could be blackmailed or otherwise coerced into throwing games, modifying points spreads, etc... And don't even say he had enough integrity he would never have done such a thing. We already know all we need to know about the man's integrity. Or lack of. When Pete Rose, (A WHITE MAN) violated the same section or clause in his contract, he was banned from the game of baseball for LIFE. Why should Michael Vick be treated any other way?So no racial B.S. about a rich colored man in Ga. being discriminated against. He isn't.


Well, Carolina_boy, just to show your ignorance to you, I'll admit right here and now that I am a convicted felon and spent 5+ years in the N.C. Penitentiary system. BUT... I'm not a Marine any longer either, and because I'm a felon, I never will be again. That's just as hard on me as leaving the NFL will be to Vick. Ther are lots of things I USED TO BE that I'll never be again, simply because of that felon tag on my forehead. Vick gets to wear it as well, and he should NOT be allowed to walk back into his former life just because he can run and throw a damned ball. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. I cut a man open because I felt he deserved it. I lost my career and family and a good part of my future and years of my life because of my decision. Not a mistake. A DECISION!!! Why should an athelete be treated any differently? Would that not violate my constitutional right to be treated equally under the law? That all men of similar circumstance be treated similarly.

20 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    I think you can see by the answers exactly how intelligent the Vick supporters are. I won't go into my usual diatribe about the idiots that still think Vick is a saint. as so many others have done a wonderful job of that already.

    Nice to see someone admitting to their past, owning up to it, not pleading that he made a mistake, and accepting the consequences of his actions. Good luck in the future.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    K your first answer on this question.... dude just shut up and accept the fact that the NFL is never going to put up with these thugs anymore. I mean look at the highlights on ESPN, its always a black man screwing something up in the NFL. Pacman Jones, Chris Henry, Michael Vick, LANCE BRIGGS TODAY, A bronco DB who died, all the fines come from black guys in the league. Their just stupid and their only here cuz they basically pay Goodells salary with all the fines and rules they break. Pete Rose, was a white man, and if he would have been black, his wrist would have been slapped and the judge would have said NO NO! Thats bad! Then hed play the next day. Michael Vick is gone so you dont have to worry about what anyone says anymore. Just look at the world today. Hurricane Katrina, my white folks were helping people survive, while you saw some ignorant black guy running across chest deep water with stolen goods over his head. Vick broke the law and he is paying. So shut up everyone!

  • Sam H
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Don't worry about Carolina Boy. I'm convinced he believes in reverse racism and that everyone has it out for black people. Doesnt matter to me what damn color Vick is, what Vick did is a KNOWN crime. Its not a fuc*ing secret. Vick rolled the dice trying to get away with this stuff, and he lost. But like ALL other convicted criminals of ALL races, once Vick completes his sentence he should be able to return to his life as long as he stays on the straight path.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Well I beg to differ. Vick IS going to jail, and he won't be playing football in the NFL again. Maybe one man's opinion means nothing, but his opinion with the other 100's of thousands outraged at what this monster Michael Vick has done will make a difference. You'll see.

    And don't count on the CFL either. They don't want Vick. The CFL commissioner made a statement that they would not be taking any players suspended from the NFL. (see link below)

    What are you so angry about Thomas????

    Bantam Rooster, I agree with you 100%

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    total agreement.

    And to answer the first poster....all of us have made mistakes. what vick did was well beyond a mistake.

    mis·take /mɪˈsteɪk/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[mi-steyk] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation noun, verb, -took, -tak·en, -tak·ing.

    –noun 1. an error in action, calculation, opinion, or judgment caused by poor reasoning, carelessness, insufficient knowledge, etc.

    2. a misunderstanding or misconception.

    So, knowingly doing something that is wrong, is NOT a mistake. if it was, for instance, if he had gone to a dog fight ONCE, or even fought a dog ONCE, it would be a lot different, and I would say the man deserves a second chance. HOWEVER, he knowingly ran a sadistic, felonious enterprise for at least 6 years. A sudden "I saw the light" moment after that, just proves his insincerity.

    And for more on this, since I am getting tired of typing about Vick all the time......feel free to click on my Avatar and peruse the liberary of my other Vick answers.

    *thomas paine.....Federal law on a federal conviction....a minimum of 80% of the minimum sentence MUST be served. No lawyer can get you out of that. Only an act of Congress, or a Presidential pardon.....SO GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD......Vick will see at least 1 year in the pen. First good use of my tax dollars in a while.

    *Bantam....thank you for your honest post. the sad fact is that those who support vick will never change their minds, because for 90% of them its a "race" thing, and the other 10% either hate dogs, or abuse the ones they own ( and guess what ? people who abuse animals abuse their spouses and children, too. Statistical Fact. )

  • imrt70
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Bantam...I have to give you props. I think the animosity should be aimed at our legal system, not at Michael Vick. What Vick did was assinine, but it exists everywhere. Not until A scenario presented itself, where a nationally recognized person, with major marketing deals was indicted, did the federal government decide, "Hey, here's our chance to look good for the cameras" my opinion.

    By the way, Pete Rose's sentence wouldn't have been life, if he wouldn't have bet on his own team....that did him in.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, but the people who hate definitely did!

    It's pretty stupid to say this isn't on race, there's prolly about 1000 white guys running dog fighting leagues, he did this in his freakin house, wow some notorious league going on there.

    What he did was wrong, but not wrong enough to be sacked from the NFL, i mean look at all the other celebs who were Free'd on drink driving charges they Judges didn't find a fault with them pffttt only endangering human beings i mean no ones cares about people, animals are the future.

    Please don't pollute your ignorance.

  • 1 decade ago

    Man another one of the Micheal Vick topics how bout somebody start a new topic.Like OJ killed his wife and is writing a book about it.Or Kobe the man the legend the raper ha ha ha.Boy Kobe would have been screwed if he raped a pomeranian.Or if Oj killed 2 collies.Vick did the crime he deserves to be punished I say give the man his time let him serve it and move on.

    John why would you bring up DARRENT WILLIAMS getting murdered?And how many DUI'S have brett farve got thats no worse than lance briggs did.This has nothing to do with race.Gypsy MY BAD THE DUI CASE DID GET THROWN OUT.But he was in rehab for a problem with pain pill's huh?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Bantam Rooster - That was one of the best posts I've read! I agree 100%. Best of luck in the future.

    The people sticking up for Vick are the same racists that cheered for double murderer O.J. Simpson. You cannot talk sense into them because they have no sense.

    Source(s): Brett Favre never got a DUI. He never left the scene of an accident.
  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    This does not answer your question at all I know ,,,but,,,,every one is talking about his football skills ,,i dont know because i don`t follow football...BUT what i do know is that the so called human tortured animals to death for a profit!!wasn`t his millions enough for him to live on??For him to physically drown,electrocute,and slam dogs to their death is very frightning...and then the next day to go onTV and be worshiped by America is truly insane..we now know WHAT he is!!!!Its time for every one to wake up....Oh. by the way ---you are right about Pete Rose!!!!!!Banned for life?????? while vicks options are still open???? CRAZY.....

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