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Two story home with open balcony. Dangerous for kids?

We live in a two-story home with a balcony that is open to the hard tiled foyer. The wood railed banister is a standard height. I am worried that my kids might decide it would be fun to try to climb over it or (may God forbid) try repelling or jumping down. Is this a legitimate worry or am I scaring myself over nothing? My son is under 2 and is already piling toys up next to it and climbing. Obviously he is always supervised right now, but what happens when he is older and in a bed he can get out of? I know some people suggest gating the kids room, which would be fine for a year or so, but I am sure he'll figure out how to climb that before long. Our bedroom is downstairs and both children's rooms are up! I am seriously considering selling and buying a single story. Has anyone ever actually heard of kids hurting themselves in a situation like this? (No details please.) I am just trying to figure out if we should really consider moving.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Congratulations on being an aware and careful parent-a rarity these days. As a parent it is all about anticipation of danger. You are NOT scaring yourself over nothing. I would be worried also. Even gates are not kidproof. There is no subsititute for 24/7 parental observation.

  • 1 decade ago

    You already know the answer to this. Is it really worth losing sleep over worrying about this. First, You have inquistive boys, and there is no predicting what they will do. Most of the major accidents I have heard about was children slipping through the rails. They should be about 3-4 inches apart, otherwise they could fall. Second, what would you do in the event of a fire? With your kids upstairs and you are down....I know you would fight tooth and nail to get to them, but it isn't just about the desire to reach your kids, smoke, heat and flames will turn you around. For now, I would put some very plyable plants around the banister, you could even put little bells like the ones I had on my shoes as a little girl. You could hide some with string in those large house plants, that would make a sound to alert you. They also have little portable motion sensors that send an invisible laser to a receiver, so that when it is crossed, it makes a sound. (Some people use them at their driveways, to alert them when someone pulls up in the yard. You are obviously very worried about this, and with good reason. I figure, house plants would look nice (real or artificial) and kids don't really pay much attention to those. I don't see how you do it with 2 kids and stairs in the house. MY HATS OFF TO YOU!! Good luck

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You can by the thick shatterproof plastic banister/balcony guards. They make it more difficult to climb the banisters. If you get the right kind you can turn it into an art area where the children can color with washable crayon or window markers! They wash off so easy with just water and distract the children from climbing over! Designating the approved area for coloring also can help resolve or prevent issues of coloring on unapproved surfaces. Plus it will be much cheaper than buying a new home and moving. I am sure that children have been hurt in such accidents, but you will never find a home that is perfectly safe for all children! I applaud your awareness of safety for your children!

    Source(s): Friends house
  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I have a similar situation. Our second floor has a nice master for me and hubby but my son almost 3 sleeps in the loft. He has a beautiful banister but no walls. When he wakes from his bed (twin size now) in the middle of the night he comes right in to us and on the rare occasion he doesn't my husband always hears him climb out of his bed.

    What we do is that our son is never allowed to be upstairs without one of us or his big sister (she is 16). We are looking for a new house for walls not the banister issue.

    We are looking for a new house because he has been piling things up for over a year and I am tired of having to gate off both floors to feel safe.

    Do what feels right for you. If it were me it might just be cheaper to call in a contractor and remove the banister and put up some sort of wall that can be easily removed and your banister back up in a few years.

    Good luck!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have heard all kinds of horror stories in news, newspapers, etc.. and if I were you, yes mam, single story or at least one that doesnt have a balcony like that .... leave nothing to chance!! I would sleep better if we were all on the same floor (at least til they are 14 or older!) Good Luck!

  • 5 years ago

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

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  • 4 years ago


    Source(s): Make Better Pictures
  • 4 years ago


    Source(s): Self Defence Training
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