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For those who believe in God.... Do you think the burden of proof is on us to prove there is a God?

Factually speaking, there is no way to prove God's existence with material evidence.

If you believe that believers should prove there is a God, why?

Would it make a difference to you personally?

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There is only so much you can say to an atheist type non believer. They'll come around in their time, and experiences that change and shape the soul. When that something happens to them that gives them that touch of faith, once they start seeking with this faith as small as a mustard seed, only then will they start to grow in faith. Then In some way God give them the proof they seek. It's all done in their given time, God's time perhaps..... because God has a plan, and not everyone blooms at the same time.

  • 1 decade ago

    The existence of God is the affirmative position, so His existence is presumed until proven otherwise. Since atheism is the negative position, it falls to them to disprove God's existence.

    I don't understand why atheists are so interested in doing so. If God doesn't exist, why spend so much time talking about it? The problem is that it's very difficult to prove a negative logically speaking, and it is even more difficult to do so with a being like God, who is a sui generis by definition.

  • 1 decade ago

    the existence of God has been both ''proven'' and ''disproven'' many times, mathematically, and my guess is that this will happen many more times before all is said and done. it would be a much better use of my time and energy to help strengthen the faith of those who do believe in God, or at least the possibility thereof. most of the atheists on this site make it very clear that they do not want to believe. even the few that say they would like to believe refuse to humble themselves long enough to learn anything in the first place.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    the load of information is logically on the believer. What that guy "certainty" did became into devote what's declared as the "argumentum advert ignorantiam" or the "charm to lack of wisdom fallacy." that's the fallacy the place somebody argues that something must be authentic as a results of fact it hasn't been proved fake. that is, of direction, retarded. Bertrand Russell's "Celestial Teapot" is a large occasion which exposes how undesirable this line of reasoning may be. Now, that is not any longer a fallacy to anticipate something is fake till that is been proved authentic. working example, in regulation you anticipate somebody is harmless till shown in charge. So assuming there is not any god till that is been proved authentic is logically valid, in spite of the fact that believing there's a god as a results of fact it hasn't been proved fake is wrong and illogical.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Nope. It is not on us believer's to prove ANYTHING concerning HIS VERY EXISTENCE. What is on us is to fulfill the Great Commission (Mt. 28:18-20),

    See, the bible clearly tells all that the heavens and the earth DECLARE the WORK of the LORD; every single soul has an inner compass pointing to HIM, and the scriptures tell us that MAN IS THEREFORE WITHOUT EXCUSE!

    We are to follow the mandate to spread the Good News; the HOLY SPIRIT does the rest!



  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No - we have no burden of proof and if we did we could not possibly fulfill it. You can't convince an unbeliever of anything. We are only required to speak the truth and the Holy Spirit will complete the conversion process if and when the time is right. He reveals himself to those who are able to see and willing to accept, otherwise they remain blind.

  • bwlobo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The burden of proof on each individual to examine the evidence and come to a reasonable conclusion. There is no material evidence for the non-existence of God. There is no material evidence for love, forgiveness or grace. Since when does material evidence determine whether the non-material exists? If materialism is all there is, we are all just dancing to our own DNA.

  • 1 decade ago

    No I do not feel that the burden of proof is on mere humans, when Gods wondrous presence is all around us, showing us his Grace and miracles everday. I think that should speak for itself.

  • Thomas
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Do Buddhists believe in a creator god?

    No, we do not. There are several logical reasons for this. The Buddha, like modern scientists, sociologists and psychologists, believed that religious ideas and especially the god idea have their origins in fear. The Buddha says:

    "Gripped by fear men go to sacred mountains, sacred groves, sacred trees and shrines." *Dhammpada 188

    Primitive man found himself in a dangerous and hostile world, the fear of wild animals, of not being able to find enough food, of injury or disease, and of natural phenomena like thunder, lightning and volcanoes was constantly with him. Finding no security, he created the idea of god in order to give him comfort in good times, courage in times of danger and consolation when things went wrong. To this day, you will notice that people become more religious at times of crises, you will hear them say that the belief in a god gives them the strength they need to deal with life. You will hear them explain that they believe in god because they prayed in time of need and their prayer was answered. All this seems to support the Buddha’s teaching that the god-idea is a response to fear and frustration. The Buddha taught us to try to understand our fears, to lessen our desires and to calmly and courageously accept the things we cannot change. He replaced fear, not with irrational belief but with rational understanding.

    The second reason the Buddha did not believe in a creator god is because there does not seem to be any evidence to support this idea. There are numerous religions, all claiming that they alone have god’s words preserved in their holy book, that they alone understand god’s nature, that their god exists and that the gods of other religions do not. Some claim that god is masculine, some that she is feminine and others that it is neuter. They are all satisfied that there is ample evidence to prove the existence of their god but they laugh in disbelief at the evidence other religions use to prove the existence of another god. It is not surprising that with so many different religions spending so many centuries trying to prove the existence of their gods that still no real, concrete, substantial or irrefutable evidence has been found. Buddhists suspend judgement until such evidence is forthcoming.

    The third reason the Buddha did not believe in a creator god is that the belief is not necessary. Some claim that the belief in a god is necessary in order to explain the origin of the universe. But this is not so. Science has very convincingly explained how the universe came into being without having to introduce the god-idea. Some claim that belief in god is necessary to have a happy, meaningful life. Again we can see that this is not so. There are millions of Atheists, free-thinkers and Buddhists, who live useful, happy and meaningful lives without belief in a creator god. Some claim that belief in god’s power is necessary because humans, being weak, do not have the strength to help themselves. Once again, the evidence indicates the opposite. One often hears of people who have overcome great disabilities and handicaps, enormous odds and difficulties through their own inner resources, through their own efforts and without belief in a god. Some claim that god is necessary in order to give man salvation. But this argument only holds good if you accept the theological concept of salvation and Buddhists do not accept such a concept. Based on his own experience, the Buddha saw that each human being had the capacity to purify the mind, develop infinite love and compassion and perfect understanding. He shifted attention from the heavens to the heart and encouraged us to find solutions to our problems through self-understanding.

    But if there is no creator god how did the universe get here?

    All religions have myths and stories which attempt to answer this question. In ancient times, when man simply did not know, such myths were adequate, but in the 20th century, in the age of physics, astronomy and geology, such myths have been superseded by scientific fact. Science has explained the origin of the universe without recourse to the god-idea.

  • 1 decade ago

    even if there was material somebody rising from the dead saying people believe that Jesus is God and the bible is wouldn't believe it!

    salvation is a gift of God dear.

    Ephesians 2:8-10

    8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9not by works, so that no one can boast. 10For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

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