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Can you be too old and too conservative?

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The article brings up an interesting question: Is the Republican party getting too old and conservative. Can a party get too set in its ways to be effective in the political discourse?

As always, with my questions, take your time think it through and answer. One liners and political slams without much substance to them are ignored.


A riot at the ballet. There's an odd visual. You can't kick a lot of butt in toe shoes. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. Can't say I've ever seen a good riot at the civic center but I know that if you sit through a Wagner opera and see the Valkyries, that can get you pretty pumped up. One ill placed comment about an Audi in the parking lot and you might have a pretty decent fist fight going.

Doggy, did you actually stop to read the question?

Jacob, interesting premise that the problems with the republican party are actually the moderates.

9 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    This is a good question. The Republican party does believe in old-fashioned values that go against what people accept in this day and age.

    I don't know what to think about this. Maybe the Republicans will have to find some kind of way to reach out to the youngin's without compromising their values.

    A hard task.

  • 1 decade ago

    The problems the Republican Party faces are due to its lack of real conservatism. This president, like his Dad, has been far too moderate, even liberal in his spending practices. What the Republican Party needs is another real conservative. Remember Ronald Reagan? There has been a lot of history revision about that era. But look at the election results and you will see how a real conservative can inspire people.

    Running for his first term against Liberal Jimmy Carter, Reagan won the Electoral vote count: 489 to 49.

    Running for reelection against Liberal Walter Mondale, Reagan won the Electoral Vote count: 525 to 13.

    You may not remember but after Nixon resigned and Ford lost to Carter everyone was predicting the demise of the Republican Party then, too. But remember, Nixon and Ford were MODERATES. Carter and Mondale were Liberals and Reagan was a real Conservative. You run a real conservative against a real liberal and you get these kind of landslide results. Americans are basically conservative even if they don't know it. Give them the right kind of leader and they will come.

    Why do you think that the most visible democrats run away from the term "Liberal" and try to hide behind "Progressive"? If America loved liberalism so much this would not be necessary. Heck when it comes to being Liberal, Jimmy Carter and Walter Mondale were the A-team. They went down in flames.


  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    What amazes me is that many of your answers accuse the Democratic Party of leaning more to the left than in the past,when in fact the Democratic Party has become a center-right party over the last twenty years.

    this is a function of the right's decades long propaganda program that demonizes the Democrats,accusing them of being socialist or even communist,when in fact,in the rest of the Western world,the Democratic Party is more conservative than most countries' conservatives....

  • 1 decade ago

    I think age has little or nothing to do with it, but it's certainly possible to be too conservative and you don't have to look beyond Y!A to see that. Too many people think the answer to all of our problems is to get more conservative, but they seem oblivious to the fact that those policies got us into the current mess. Worse yet, the neoconservatives have altered the definition of "conservative" to mean intolerant, inflexible, arrogant, warlike, and outrageously extravagant when it comes to spending. We don't need to move any farther in that direction unless we want to be led by a new Hitler. I would do anything to avoid that.


    Jacob, thank you for my best laugh of the day. Reagan started the current neoconservative movement with his outrageous spending. Have you forgotten the terms "voodoo economics" and "Reaganomics"? They mean the same thing...spending vast amounts of borrowed money. At least he had an excuse because he was suffering from Alzheimer's disease. I don't know how Dubya would explain his actions, and we may never know, because he's made it clear that he doesn't feel any need to explain anything to anyone.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The republican party acts older and more conservative than the Catholic church and they have a rigid conservative Pope at this time! But they're both about the same when it comes to having gay people in higher positions!

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I think the Rep. party is going further right, but the Dem party is also going further left, leaving a large vacumn in the middle for Indep. and Libertarian candidates to fill. If the two biggest parties aren't careful the Libert. are going to become a force to be reconned with.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, most liberals are kids and then when they finally grow up they become conservative. It's a old and so well known that even Winston Churchill made a comment about it. Something like "If you're young and not a liberal you have no heart and if you're old and not a conservative, you have no brain".

  • pgb
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    That's a generalization, but it's also a generalization when I say that Democrats attract young people by its trendy nature and who have decided they live in awful country and need to change it.

    Who would you rather have running your country? When is the last time you saw a riot at the symphony or the ballet?

    Nah, no fights over parking spaces. My point was maturity versus loud-mouthed young people repeating talking points and protesting (turned riot) just because it's cool and they have a lot of testosterone flying around and need to be angry at someone.

  • 1 decade ago

    Still better than Liberals: Too young (inexperience) & too dumb (still believes in the ideals of socialism).

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