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What is the logic behind swinging and swingers ? Where did it originate and where is it most practiced?

I gather it has spread to even sharing spouses or is it swopping ?

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    "I gather it has spread to even sharing spouses..."

    Actually that's pretty much what it is. I have no idea where the term "swinger" originated, but the practice of non-monogamy predates Christianity by a quite a bit. Most people seem to find this strange, but it's only strange if you believe that society's current standard - namely monogamy = normalcy and all else is deviance - is in fact the written-in-stone truth of the human condition. I don't. I don't find that logical at all. I find that rather small-minded and unrealistic. A bit like saying that DUH! of COURSE the world is flat! At one time, this was...ahem..."fact". The world has changed a tad (for better and for worse), and now if anyone tried to tell you the world was flat, you'd gently take them by the hand and lead them to a chair so they could get out of the sun while you called 911 for them...because obviously they're either off their meds or have been out in the heat too long.

    The changes that have evolved in society over millenia are not always good. Our arrogance and mental myopia make us incapable of thinking outside the box consistently enough to learn from our past. But occasionally we do, and thus you see "progress" taking a back seat to, for example, an awareness of our environment, our bodies' health, and alternative health care practices. We've seen that maybe these "primitive" cultures weren't so ignorant as they initially seemed to the more technologically advanced cultures. They were just less complicated.

    I'm just suggesting that maybe what seems animalistic and "primitive" may in fact just be misunderstood, and when viewed from a different angle, in fact makes much more sense than "just sticking to good old fashioned cheating".

    Being a swinger (and a woman), I'll give my version of the logic of swinging. It's pretty simple: there's no dishonesty in what we do. Dishonesty, lack of communication and selfishness are at the heart of the corrosion of the marital bond...not extramarital sex. None of these things have ANY place in the swinger's lifestyle. They do, however, play a significant role when one spouse decides to cheat on the other. This is an extremely negative and harmful thing to do to a relationship, and it demeans and undervalues one's spouse (ie: saying that you're lying to spare THEIR feelings...not just to cover your own a** and avoid feeling like a sh*t for breaking your word).

    So...I guess we'd have to define "logic". Whose version of logic is the right one? And who is fit to judge that? The only thing we can rely on is the universal truth that there are negative actions and positive actions. Negative actions are characteristically defined by their inevitibly destructive/harmful effects. Positive actions build up and improve everything around them. Honesty, integrity, love, unselfishness, kindness, generosity of spirit, humour...these are all positive. We could go on at length about negative actions, but I'll sum it up by saying that one of mankind's most stubborn flaws is our fear of the unknown, and worse yet, our fear of learning about that of which we are afraid. This has led to the staggering ignorance that breeds hatred and misunderstanding. Assumptions and generalizations about things we know nothing about (and don't take the time to discover for ourselves) take the lead and truth takes a back seat.

    Beyond this, there's not much I can say that will convince anyone to entertain the idea that swinging is anything other than a sexual sickness. You really have to experience it for yourself to understand it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well... some people are more "open minded" about their relationships and are comfortable in sharing their partners with others (typically only for sex)

    Some define it as ONLY swapping of partners... others practice it as a "social" type thing where various couples will be with lots of other people. Some narrow this down to specific partners for both partners (resulting in triads or foursomes or more) but this more of a polyamorous relationship rather than "swinging".

    Not sure where it originated - it's probably been around forever (husbands had mistresses and concubines or their male equivalents)... where is it most practiced?? ...gosh, I've found swingers is just about every major city (and a lot of small towns, too)..

  • 1 decade ago

    what do you mean where did it originate, that is like asking where did homosexuality originate, it has always been around, it just wasn't talked about as openly. It might not even have had a name until recent years. But they had it in ancient greece and doubt the greeks invited it.

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  • 1 decade ago


  • 1 decade ago

    it is part of nature in many other animals

    some animals like humans tend to be loyal like ducks or other life partner types

    some are more like dogs and like the multi partner thing

    sometimes a relation gets careful just the idea can start a fight

  • 1 decade ago

    Anywhere people get bored having sex within a single marriage there will be swingers. And Mormons started it, with pligmay.


    "Mormons, its really close to morons...."

    Source(s): ME
  • 1 decade ago

    There is no logic behind it. People are playing russian roulette with their health & relationships.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Did you just use the words "logic" & "swinging" in the same sentence?

    Oye vey.. I think I'm going to chuck.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    swapping.that is just gross though and defeats the purpose of marriage.

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