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If you only had $100 but a group needed donation to send people help in a disaster, would you donate? Example?

I have deleted and reposted this question as 'tara w' choose to answer with pornographic material.

Could everybody report this abuse, do not look at his/her links as they are offensive.

25 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer late husband and I did do something similar to this once, many years ago...he had been laid off work and we were literally down to our last $100...and, yes, I would still do it again

  • Janey
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I only had 100 dollars in my entire life? no other money on a credit card or in the bank ,wow! I would think if all i had was 100 dollars that they need to send me some help for a disaster because im definitely in one.

    No I dont think I would use it for a charity, I would use it to feed me and other homeless people if I had any money before I got to a homeless shelter I would donate it probably yes.

    Thanks for warning me about Tara W.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    If that was all the money I had I would keep it for myself. I am a very big believer in charity but you do have to make sure your needs are taken care of as well. A wise decision might be to keep the money and see if there is some sort of paid position available in the charitys organization so you can help be part of a good cause while taking care of your individual needs.

  • 1 decade ago

    You got it Mike. The 2.5 percent.

    Anyway, I may donate a portion but if that's all the money I had, I would probably see if there's some other way to help than donations. Example, probably the donations that went to the New Orleans disaster relief. One could have put some energy into that endeavor rather than give his last hundred bucks. My opinion.

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  • Bunge
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I would perhaps donate $10.00 as you have said I only have $100.00, and it would depend on the disaster also, as I have been stung before...

    Beware of certain mobs who collect money for this type of thing as sometimes only a small amount of the money goes to the actual charity/ disaster...

    These people are so bad that they pay themselves huge wages and the poor they are supposed to be collecting for only get a small %...

    I would help the best I could in the given circumstance...

    Blessed Be... )O(

  • 1 decade ago

    I would not give the whole $100.00 because then I would also be a needy person. I would give what I could of the money and offer any services that I could to help them out. Sorry about tara w some people lack judgement in their personal lifes.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes I would donate. Because God has always provided for me, I have never been left wanting. The disaster in New Orleans was horrible! As long as I have shelter, and food, clothing, then how can I deny another?

  • starke
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i in my opinion am a disaster so each payday is like donating to a disaster relief fund. regularly I do community relief fund issues like nutrients drives and heating tips. around right here our failures are concerning ice storms and spring flooding. maximum at present have donated to fundraising activities for Autism and different particular needs classes.

  • 1 decade ago

    If I only had 100 dollars, then I would need that myself to support my two children and the one that's on the way. I would however donate clothing that we don't wear anymore. I know this sounds selfish, but you asked for an honest answer, I gave you one.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    do i get paid on tuesday, where am i now, where am i coming from, where am i going, who's with me. Under the right circumstances i just might drop the whole wad if i were, unemployed, far away in a foriegn country, been wandering for a while, wasn't sure where i would sleep, but if there was a pretty girl with me i'd drop it in the bucket and stay at her place.

  • Sabine
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    *shrug* this is when it gets tough!...being a single mother and supporting my own my family I would say half of it, because I have to take care of myself and my own as well. I'll tell you what, the reason I am learning other languages (5 and in counting) is because I plan to help third world countries, I want to be part of the UNICEF program.

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