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What is your least favorite book - that you've read from cover to cover?

Mine's White Oleander. Hated it but read it out of duty to my friend, who loved it.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I had to read Moby Dick three times in college (for different literature classes). Sure got heartily sick of it. The book is really thick and has some good action in it, but analyzing it over and over became quite tedious.

  • 1 decade ago

    House by Dekker and Peretti. I bought it and had to read the whole thing because I could not believe a book could be so bad. I also had to find out what the big surprise ending promised on the cover was going to be. The story was basically a bunch of insane Christian zealots chasing a bunch of strangers around a basement that had to be as big as a football field. One of the crazies kept trying to feed dog food to the women and make them his wife. The book was written entirely in sentence fragments. Like this ...

    Walk down the corridor. Turn left. See the crazy Christian zealot. Scream. Turn and run back. Trip and fall. Stumble back to the boiler room.

    The surprise ending was something you knew on about page ten.

    The book was so bad I returned it to Barnes and Noble for a refund. The guy asked me why I wanted my money back. I told him because the book was the worst piece of trash I ever read and Dekker and Peretti didnt deserve one red cent of my money. The guy laughed. He said he read it and he thought it really sucked, too. He gave me a refund. I bought something decent to read.

    This book is so bad I wouldn't even buy it on the bargain table when it cost 7 bucks and the authors get zero royalties. I wouldn't even use it as a hobble to level the legs of my desk. It belongs tossed out of airplanes onto Bin Laden's cave. The man would surrender immediately.

    Pax - C

  • 1 decade ago

    The Great Gatsby. I had to read it for AP Lit class in high school and hated it. Maybe it was because the teacher insisted that every single thing in the book was some type of symbolism for something else. Maybe if I read it again, without the outside influence, I would like it better.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well that is difficult to say because if I am not liking a book, I am going to stop reading it.

    BUT, in school we read Animal Farm and I truly couldn't stand it! But I have read it since, and liked it, so that probably doesn't count. Well, it is going to have to cause allt he other books that I have hated I didn't read all the way through becasue they bore me to tears!


    Pax-C.... THAT IS THE BEST THING I HAVE EVER READ!!!!!!! I was lmaoin.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Walden by Henry David Thoureau. Though I wasnt all that impressed with Jodi Picoult's Tenth Circle either.

  • 1 decade ago

    billy bud by Herman Melville... there is not a more pointless, cheesiest book out there.

  • Royal
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    "red badge of courage"

    I could have been too young, or it could have been a boring boring book....

  • 1 decade ago

    i didn't like fahrenheit 451.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


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