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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentLaw & Ethics · 1 decade ago

Sex offender laws too strict?

NEW YORK (AP) -- Many state laws targeting convicted sex offenders violate the rights of people who pose little risk, a leading human rights group said Wednesday. It called for repeal of laws restricting where these ex-offenders can live and for curbs on access to online registries.

Human Rights Watch depicted its report, two years in the making, as the first comprehensive study of sex-offender policies in the United States. It said many of the laws are of questionable value in protecting children from sex crimes, but expose offenders who have served their sentences to harassment and violence.

"These are laws that weren't based on reason - they were based on a few horrific cases," said Jamie Fellner, director of the U.S. program at Human Rights Watch. "But it's very difficult for politicians to demonstrate the courage to urge changes in these laws."

See link -

Question What are your thoughts ?

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Their argument makes sense. It is kind of a crying wolf situation. If too many people are labeled "sex offenders", then the public won't care about them anymore and the worst offenders will be able to blend in with the rest.

  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): Criminal Records Search Database :
  • Liz
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Admittedly, a few sex offenders are the people who were stupid enough to sleep with a boyfriend/girlfriend that was only 17.

    However, the vast majority of sex offenders are sick people who really do need these strict laws enforced. It is a known fact that sex offenders do not recover from their "disease". They will always be sick. No amount of jail time, therapy, or probation will stop them from committing their heinous acts again.

    Could you imagine what will happen if sex offenders get to rejoin society without people knowing who they are? Could you imagine the law suits filled by people once they're child gets raped or the fact that women will have to always be ever vigilant about watching that guy who follows her too long?

    Instead of keeping the people who are sick locked up and under a watchful eye, these so-called human rights people are punishing the rest of America by making them live in complete fear over who can possibly be living in their neighborhood. If the sex offender didn't want all of America to know what they did, maybe they should have thought of that before committing the crime. They gave up all their rights the moment they broke the law.

  • 5 years ago

    That's a good question - I doubt that anyone would disagree that , for the most part, our present laws are not very effective in dealing with sex offenders. Bleeding heart judges, "expert" rehabilitation witnesses and the multitude of differences from state to state in handing out sentences all contribute to a system in chaos. Mandatory sentences might be a good place to start - and paying a little more attention to the reality of the occurrences of second and third offenses instead of the "experts" opinions of whether a pervert still presents a danger to society or not would also be a good policy. I doubt we could afford separate prisons for them - and I'm sure the ACLU would reincarnate their "separate but equal" mantra to sink the idea anyways.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Even if there is only the chance to save one single child from victimization, I believe it is worth the risks. Innocents should be much more protected than adults. I personally feel the laws still can never come close to appropriately punishing those who prey on children. To do so much long lasting damage, to take away someones childhood,.... how horrible those crimes are !

    These laws have been in effect for sometime now, so offenders should be well aware of what the price of their actions will be.

  • 1 decade ago

    As a sex offfender they have commited a crime, and as a parent I want to ensure that people like this go no where near my children.

    The laws should be very tough. I know alot of my friends and neighbors check the national sex offender register on a regular basis for our state and town, and when anything changes we tell each other.

    This is an effort to keep out kids safe. We were shocked to find out that we have an offender in our own small neighborhood which is full of young kids, he lives right in the middle of the area.

    It makes me feel uneasy knowing there is 'scum' living in the area, because that is what he is. But, having the register has given parents the power and reassurance of knowing where people like this are. And, enables you to takes steps to keep our kids safe.

    Do people like this have 'Human Rights' to rebuild their lives after commiting a crime against a child??

    Alot of people would say yes but not on my door step.

  • 1 decade ago

    The offended must live with the acts committed upon them for the rest of their lives.

    Why then is it so hard for the convicted to live with the repercussions of their behavior for the rest of their lives?

    I truly think that if the sex offenders have any rights then all the other convicted felons should have the same rights.

  • 1 decade ago

    My father and my son's father are both considered sex offenders now. Besides serving time in prison and paying fines and restitution, they have not really been victims of the cruel society that we live in today. I honestly think that men and women alike who feel the need to force themselves onto young children, teenagers, or even other adults deserve every bit of punishment they receive. If they are heartless enough to commit the crime, then it won't hurt them one bit to serve the time, pay the fines, and deal with society. I mean, we have to deal with them in society don't we? We get to sit back and wonder if our child, our siblings, our parents, or even ourselves will be the next victim of someone walking around in our neighborhood, whether you live in the ghetto or the suburbs, who seems absolutely innocent until they make their attack and steal something from you that should only be given when willing.

  • ron s
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    there are groups that will stand up for anything. sex offenders are not living next to the grade school playground or in the chat room with a 12 yr old. so, what is the problem. we are talking about convicted sex offenders. you rape a 9 yr old, you should fell lucky that you breath. so we can't protect all children. i am willing to take away some rights from CONVICTED sex offenders to protect as many kids as possible.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think they're too strict in most cases, but there are a lot of people who don't deserve the punishment. Check out this link:

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