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Why don't Democrats want to end the war?

In June Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting's Extra! Magazine wrote: "If the Democrat-controlled Congress wanted to force the Bush administration to accept a bill with a withdrawal timeline, it didn't have to pass the bill over Bush's veto--it just had to make clear that no Iraq War spending bill without a timeline would be forthcoming."

Democratic leaders know that. And here's how I know they know: days after taking control of Congress, on January 30, they invited five constitutional law experts to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee to ask them how they could end the war. Four out of five of the experts swore that the Democrats could stop the Iraq War

"Today we've heard convincing testimony and analysis that Congress has the power to stop the war if it wants to," said Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI). Yet eight months later, there's still no end in sight.

Update 2:


It wasn't me who gave you thumbs down. Congress, however, was under Republican control in 1998.

Update 3:

you_been_schooled - I am opposed to the war. It just seems that Dems aren't relly trying to stop it like they promised (and continue to promise)

Update 4:

From the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998


It should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and to promote the emergence of a democratic government to replace that regime.


Nothing in this Act shall be construed to authorize or otherwise speak to the use of United States Armed Forces (except as provided in section 4(a)(2)) in carrying out this Act.

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Why would they want to end a war they wanted? Congress passed the Iraq Liberation Act under Bill Clinton in 1998 360-38

    If you're going to give me bad ratings than atleast say why or debate me on it. But atleast go look at the act. It was like telling the future.

    Oh and Mr. Idiot no namer (a few answers below mine) YOU definately need to read the act. You are in denial or just don't know wtf you are talking about. It wasn't the GOP... They're all guilty.

    Bill was the President, he is the only one who could have stopped it. But nearly all wanted it. Dems make empty promises. I switched from dem because of that.

    EXACTLY... Section 4(a)(2) MILITARY ASSISTANCE- The President is authorized to direct the drawdown of defense articles from the stocks of the Department of Defense, defense services of the Department of Defense, and military education and training for such organizations.

    - Any fool can see that this is all the authorization needed to start a war to over throw Saddam.

    I'm not calling you a fool... I'm saying that because I've actually had people tell me that the statement means for rebuilding.. But any fool in congress knows that this is authorization before putting their name on it.

    TY for looking at it.

  • 1 decade ago

    you can't just pull out and stop funding. you have to look at all the implications. it needs to be a process where troops are gradually removed. It is something the democrats want to do but there needs to be a solid plan. Until a Democrat or Republican can come up with a solid plan that will get passed nothing is going to happen. We have caused this mess in Iraq which already makes us look bad. Leaving Iraq from one day to the next will look even worse. Iraq is a very unstable country which is completely our fault. For us to leave all of a sudden and leave Iraq in turmoil is horrible. We go over and destroy everything and have no success in stabilizing the situation.

  • 1 decade ago

    Republicans painted a picture to the citizens of soldiers being left high and dry if the Democrats cut funding and people ate it up with a knife and fork!

    We all know that if the Democrats cut funding it would be President Bush who would look irrational if he keeps the soldiers there!

    We have a checks and balances system especially when at war to protect the troops from being kept in a situation by a President that is failing.

    Cut the funding and bring the troops home!

    This should be even easier to accomplish considering there never was a declaration of war by the Congress!!!

    EDIT: I personally feel that there are Democrats that want the U.S. in Iraq for exactly the same reason the Bush administration does! I think there are Capitalists in both parties that are drooling over Iraqi oil and profitting off of bringing a U.S. Capitalist system with U.S. businesses in Iraq! Economic globalization is a something people from BOTH parties can financially benefit from!

  • 1 decade ago

    Dems decided the war/conflict in Iraq is basically a Bush Doctrine thing, Has little to do with our country or democracy in Iraq. The president bet his legacy on the outcome of Iraq without regard to facts or policies that didn't/don't work. He's still struggling with that reality in face of his inability to take advice. He's still doing it though, lording over his/uh our military, like a kid with an old toy.

    You seem to think we can quit Iraq cold turkey? Just tell a President and all Americans they should just 'like it'? Yeah, that'd go over like a lead balloon. You cannot just "unvote" America, Americans in general have to 'get with the program' as well. I think they are 'getting it', and when they do, so will congress et al.

    I digress, Democrats have a bad tendency to want to defuse situations, rather than jump on a band wagon. They jumped on with Bush in the first place and the 'Cons' don't let'em off the hook for it either...being patriotic isn't just a word anymore, so now we have to 'come down' gently off our projected high horses and see the unfortunate results. It's hard work...

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  • The Democrats are in a similar position Hamas was in subsequent to their victory in the Palestinian Parliament; they campaigned to win but were not really sure of what to do if a victory came their way. It is unfortunate but the Republicans and the Democrats are afraid of appearing weak in the public eye in the effort to combat terrorism which is the same political scheme deployed by the late great Reagan in regards to the War on Drugs; same policy different issue. The Democrats still have not learned how to overcome, such a pity!

  • D.A. S
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    They want to be re-elected.

    Contrary to what you might think, all Americans want the war to end, but most of us, the military included, want it to end the right way.

    Remember Vietnam? Congress got their way and the US lost that war as well as world respect. The anti-American liberal Democrats celebrated by spitting on the returning soldiers and called them 'baby killers.' Very proud USA moment.

    If the congress gets their way, all the soldiers died in vain.

    The war on terror has been kept in the middle east instead of your back yard. No gratitude huh?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    If it ended the way Republicans predict, with Iraq being overrun by terrorist groups (and Syria and Iran, etc.), the Democrats running for the Presidency wouldn't have a prayer.

    I think they want to be elected.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Democratic Party needs to win The 2008 Election so they'll play politics with anything ! That's why we Republicans love them so much ! They are just so gullible and predictable !

  • 1 decade ago

    the corporate media says we are winning. 2.49 body bags per day.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes I do.

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