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I would like pro and con comments about reinstating a military draft.?

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The purpose of an "all volunteer" military was to give people options in the services not available under the draft. In that sense, draft is sometimes seen as more of a deterrent than an incentive.

    But "all volunteer" was intended that all people volunteered... not that they opted not to join at all. In that sense, the draft should be reinstated.

    The US military is probably one of the most technologically advanced in the world. Sadly, the US doesn't have enough people with love of country, sense of duty, and the courage to join. Without personnel, the technology is useless. In that sense, the draft should be reinstated.

    The US military should stand at at least 5% of its population. Were that the case, we wouldn't be wearing out our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. In that sense, the draft should be reinstated.

    Some complain that people should have a right not to serve. In that sense, the draft should not be reinstated. But if more people volunteered, a draft wold be necessary.

    People in the US are spoiled and complacent. They accept no responsibility for conditions but rather blame others. They are afraid to fight and perhaps die, so they blame the government and point to all the soldiers who have died. They are clouding the issue. They have lived in freedom all their lives. They have been given an education. They have been allowed to work where they want. They have lived off the prosperity of their country to the point it's almost bankrupt. When the country says, "Ok, time to pay the piper. You have to pay the price for the freedoms the citizens of this country enjoy," they scream bloody murder. They threaten to flee the country. They have their little temper tantrums.

    If you get in debt, you are expected to pay it back... with interest. The government isn't asking for interest. In that sense, the draft should be reinstated.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I feel one con is that not everyone can handle a military life. It is nice that some feel the call of the duty but not everyone can answer it.

    I feel a pro would be that some young men would benefit from the military experience, especially if they are not going to college and can't seem to find a path down the road known as life.

  • 1 decade ago


    1. Most of the draftees would be leaving the service after two years before they got to the proper level of training.

    2. Massive amounts of troops are not needed in this current war because we are fighting small cells of Salafist Jihadists and not massed troops with armored and aerial support like the two world wars of the 20th Century.

    There are no "pros" other than getting some of Congressman Rangel's unemployed youth off the streets of Manhattan and the Bronx. Since many of them have criminal records, the effect on morale would not be good.

  • Monk
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Con - forcing people to do something they don't want to do is never a good idea.

    Pro - if a draft was in place the iraq war would have been over long ago.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Con- we are currently an all volentee force, no one was forced to join, so we all know the guys we fight next to chose to do it, which for the most part keeps integrity and work ethic inline. If some one is forced to join, will they really care about rules, or following orders, probably not.

    Pro- I forget what General said it but he said, "draftees are great soldiers, if there orderd to do somthing stupid, they have no problem telling their officers straight out, that its a dumb Idea."

  • 1 decade ago

    con- we'd lose a lot of losers to canada..not that they would be missed.....

    Pro- the war would have already ended.....Reinstate the Draft!

    Source(s): pro-draft!
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