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Can you believe in God 'just in case'?

I have heard this aurgument quite a few times:

(I cut and pasted this just now from an answer to another question)

"...whether God exists or not, its illogical to presume he doesnt. You stand to gain more by believing in God and being Right than you stand to gain by not believing in God and being wrong.

If you fail to believe in God and God exists, you go to Hell for eternity.

If you believe in God and God does not exist, then you have just lead a life less full of hedonism

If you believe in God and God exists, you go to Heaven for all eternity etc."

Does anyone else have a problem with the logic of this, or is it just me?

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i think the farthest one could go would be open to the possibility, but not belief.

  • 1 decade ago

    What if the god that really exists sends all good people to heaven and all bad people to hell except people who pretended to know for a fact another god existed? then all good atheists are going to heaven but YOU ARE GOING STRAIGHT TO HELL. Why not repent when you still have time? Why risk eternity in hell?

    And how can you worship a sadistic god that tortures good people - most of the people who ever lived - for all eternity?

    Pascal's wager:

    "If god exists, it's infinitely better to believe, since you get heaven instead of hell for eternity. If he doesn't, it doesn't matter since you're dead anyway. So overall it's better to believe"

    This is, of course, false.

    Some of the problems with the argument:

    * The implied assumption that god may exist (with a 50% probability, no less!)

    * The assumption that there is an afterlife with a heaven and hell

    * The assumption that the god cares about belief in him/her above all else

    * The assumption that if you believe in a god, it will definitely be the same god that actually exists.

    * The assumption that you lose nothing if it's false. You have lost a great deal, from time praying to a nonexistent entity (some people pray several hours a day!!!) to morality (your god may ask you to hurt other people) and much more besides.

    * The assumption that people can believe in something simply because it benefits them. Would you believe goblins exist for twenty bucks? Why not?

    * The assumption that any god won't see through the "believing just to get into heaven" ploy.

    For more:

  • Lao Pu
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    First, there is no evidence that atheism leads to a hedonistic lifestyle. None at all. It is a poor rhetorical appeal made by the religious to convince other religious people to distrust arguments for atheism.

    Second, what if adhere to the wrong god?

    Third, if there is a supreme being, couldn't that being see through something so transparent as a person perpetrating a false faith for the purpose of guarding against damnation? Don't you think such a being might be insulted by this?

    It's an argument based on bad theology, and doesn't work from an atheistic or a religious perspective. This argument is such crap you could fertilize your garden with it. Hope that clears it up for you.

  • Pamela
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I've often wondered the same thing myself. Most Atheists presume that because we have faith & believe in God that we are robots who lead meaningless, senseless lives with no joy. Having lived BOTH lives I can honestly say that it's only once I found the truth of God & accepted Him in my life that I found joy unspeakable, peace that passes all understanding & purpose. If I was to die only to find there was no such thing as God, Heaven or Hell I would still be content in a life well spent.

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  • F'sho
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    If you hate His truth, you will not come to believe in Him. He will send a powerful delusion to you so that you will not be able to see or hear Him. He did this to Pharoah. He hardened his heart to the extent that Pharoah would be overcome and lose everything. It's like allowing one to learn 'the hard way'. This world is learning the hard way as we speak. And it will get worse. The further you remove yourself from Him the further He removes Himself from you. But you wont have to get to know Him to in order to face His judgement. So even if you've never known Him. Sin will be purged so that the good can live in peace.

    You have to open your mind and heart and receive Him. In the end every knee will bow. That is promised.

  • 1 decade ago

    You say that the bad people go to hell...

    I can't say your wrong... Iwas raised catholic and I more or less still am but its too easy to question our religion....

    I mean what I just said there, bad people go to hell, but isn't God meant to be forgiving and just...

    Surely he would not turn his back on one of "His" people if they were sorry for what they did....

    Therefore just a simple "I'm sorry" should be sufficent to get you into heaven...Although I doubt its that easy....

  • 1 decade ago

    why go to a heaven with a god who punishes you with hell if you dont believe in him?

    have a bit more self respect is my answer to this so called logic problem

  • 1 decade ago

    If you believe in God "just in case," it isn't real. You know it and God knows it. You can't fool Him or yourself.

    You CAN do it, but what's the use?

    Do whatever you want to do. I am a Christian, and I REALLY believe.

    I wish you all the best.

  • 1 decade ago

    No. A person must realize that they have sinned and be repentant for their sins and sin nature. A personal relationship with Jesus is required for submittance, His leadership and the gift of the Holy Spirit.

    I would hate to think that my husband married me and had not made a commitment to me to love me and that is the way that Christ's bride (Christians) must commit to Him.

  • Skunk
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    On the other hand, there are so many who are against God and all who follow Him that one could say that it's not worth it.

    Source(s): God's awesome!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Pascal's Wager! *drink*

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