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Are the poor meant to be kept poor by the rich?

We already know that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

This question was prompted by Yahoo for giving me a violation after I had the audacity to answer a question about peer to peer sharing.

Who else... but the poor... would download music and TV serials from the Internet. Those people cannot afford to go to the shop to buy CDs and DVDs. Without peer to peer sharing... they would miss out on most of it.

And lets face it... a mediocre .avi file or a MP3 at 128kbps would never be good enough for the rich. They want the highest quality and are prepared to pay for it.

So... who else but the rich would report someone talking about it? And of course... Yahoo itself... who enforce the rule... is not exactly poor.

In the eighties and nineties... people would copy everything from the television on video tapes. How is this different with downloading an .avi file?

3 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Hello and great question.

    It is as you say, "In the eighties and nineties... people would copy everything from the television on video tapes." So true. Think about it. I used to record songs from the radio on to cassette tapes. It's the same, the only difference is the the product/device.

    The more things change, the more they stay the same.

    VVhat's the differnce if I listen to the music on the radio for FREE compared to buying it. There is satellite radio, vvhich is in high quality and no commercial. Hovvever, satellite is not free.

    The radio has advertisements asvvell as being infiltrated vvith garbage entertainment to keep the public from finding out vvhat is changing and going on around us. Trying to take avvay our freedom and trying to scare the public to stay locked in their ovvn homes like a prison. Turning this generation more preverse by the second.

    The government could easily vvipe out starvation and poverty. There are lots of restaurants and fast food stores (virtually all of them) that throvv avvay their left over food. I vvorked vvith food before. VVhen I first found that out, I asked vvhy can't vve keep it or give it to the poor. Of course, it's because greedy driven people only looking for profit and their selfish agenda to try to control everything and have the vvorld as their foot-stool.

    There is a reason for all of this. There is a reason for everything. All of this, vvether it be an attack by a conspiracy group vvith malicious intentions or not, it is for our ovvn benefit. It is to our ovvn undoing. Every situation is an experience for ovvn learning. The physical is but a shadovv of the spiritual.

    Do not vvorry, for all of this must come to pass, in this age or the next.

    Take care.

    The great end of life is not knovvledge but action.

    -Francis Bacon

  • 1 decade ago

    I often think the poor are kept poor because of the way they think. It's too easy to blame other people for the fact you are poor. I came from a fairly poor background, but worked hard to make a good life for my family and myself. My thinking is what helped me. I wanted to succeed and I did. My husband also came from a poor background, but he rose above it.

  • 1 decade ago

    The poor were once wealthy but lost all their money or something... and the rich took their money to make themselves richer... I got that off Robin Hood....

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