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Ovulation Test?

I took an ovulation test today (Answer brand) I don't have my box anymore but had two lines, the first line lighter second line darker does anyone have a box and can tell me if I'm ovulating or not? Thanks in advance!

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If the first line is lighter or missing, the test is negative. If the first line is the same color or darker, the test is positive.

    Your test today was negative. Keep testing.

    Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    I just took the same test this past week... wait until the two lines are the SAME shade.. no lighter or no darker.. that means you will ovulate WITHIN the next 24-48 hrs.. so go ahead and have intercourse during the next 24-48 hrs.. hope this helps you.. good luck..

  • 1 decade ago

    i think you may be ovulating. the thing is, it's hard to tell with those kind of opk. i use the clear blue easy ovulating kit that is VERY EASY to read. i see a lot of questions here on YA that people get confused as to wheather they ovulated or not (related to their opk). maybe u want to invest in an eassier to read one.

    reason i love it: i got prego with it lol, and it's easy to read. it's digital, so when u ovulate, acctually 24 to 48 hours before you ovulate, it will show you an egg on the digital screen.

    The Clearblue Easy Fertility Montior, formerly known as the ClearPlan Fertility Monitor follows urine levels of two hormones, (estrogen and lutenizing hormone) to help you predict when your ovulation occurs each month. Recent name change not withstanding, the product is the same and those of you who have access to an old, borrowed or ebay'd monitor CAN use the new Clearblue Easy test sticks in your older monitor.

    Using this monitor is a breeze. You choose the 6 hour window of time each day when you will be most easily able to test. Most people choose early morning. I have to get up very early for work during the week but get to sleep in a little later on the weekends so my monitor is set to request a test anytime from 4 am to 9am on each appropriate day.

    On day 1 of your cycle you set the monitor by pressing one button. Then each day during the time window you set you turn the monitor on. If you need to test, the monitor will tell you so. A test stick is held in the urine stream for 3 seconds then capped and placed in the monitor. The monitor will flash when it is time to remove it. If you walk away and forget about it, the monitor will turn itself off. When you come back you simply turn it back on.

    It will prompt you to remove the test stick.

    In either case once you take the test stick out, you will get one of three readings: fertillity is low, high or peak. Intercourse or inseminations can then be timed appropriately.

    On your first month, the monitor will start asking you to test at day 6 but as time goes on and the monitor learns your individual patterns, it will adjust. In the long run this can be a money saving feature as you may use fewer test sticks per cycle.

    Which brings us to the only downside of this monitor, the cost. When it originally came on the market it was priced around $150.00 (US) and it included 30 test sticks.

    It pays to shop around now because there are still some sites that sell these with the test sticks, while others have completely separated the sticks (which you must have) from the monitor itself. The average online price of the monitor now is closer to $180.00 (US). The test sticks sell in packages of 30 for approximately $50.00 (US).

    All in all, the pros far outweigh the cons and this is a highly recommended monitor for those who wish to add a chemical ovulation monitor to their regimen.

    Now that everyone is on the same page and knows which monitor we are talking about let me say that it is very difficult not to sing the praises of this monitor. It is easy to use, it is flexible, it is reliable and it is smart! Over time it learns your hormonal patterns which means that in the long term you may end up testing fewer times each month but knowing with greater accuracy when you are most fertile.

  • 1 decade ago

    on Answer Brand (and i"m reading from instructions of Answer Brand) the line closest to "thumb grip" is "reference line". you want the "test line" (far away from grip) to be darker than that reference line-or at least similar in color. Hope this helps!! if you need more info-i've got instructions right in front of me. :)

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