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One more question guys--Do country guys and city guys think differently about how to treat a lady?

I am still confused about this guy. You see I am from the city, New Orleans, and he is from the country in Mississippi. He is also a few years younger than me, but not a huge difference. I am not used to guys jumping in head first, but this one appears to have.

He tells me that I am his "Fairytale Princess", and that he hopes he knows how to keep me happy. Everything I say I like, or don't like, he remembers. It is like he is totally focused on me, but not in a stalking type way.

I would ordinarily run, but he is my type as far as looks go and he has a nice sense of humor, which is important to me.

Give me some clues, please!!! What should I expect that will be different from the normal city guy. Could he be for real?

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Country guys treat women like ladies; city guys treat them like pieces of property that are to be owned and done with what they please.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    a million) i'm an Atheist. 2) There are no gods or God. 3) Sin? No. Forbidden acts? definite, we've regulations and policemen for a reason. 4) No. 5) I have fun the vacations maximum different individuals have fun. New 12 months's, Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Valentine's Day, and all that(: 6) definite, definite that's. we live by ability of our very own morals relatively than those of a three,000 12 months-previous e book. 7) I grew up as a Baptist Christian for the 1st fourteen years of my existence, yet then i found out the reality and so grew to grow to be Agnostic, then an Atheist some months later. 8) i desperate that Christianity became a merciless faith in line with historic doctrines and myths. And so, I revised my view of the international. 9) that's area of the Catholic perception, isn't it? i think of another religions could have accompanied it, even nonetheless that's easily in line with Catholicism. 10) i think of that that's variety of stupid to perception in issues without evidence.

  • 1 decade ago

    As a "country guy" who now lives in a city, I can tell you I see lots of differences in how women are treated. Usually country guys don't have as many to chose from so they learn to cherish what they like. "Not as many fish in the pond if the one you catch gets away". In the country, (especially with farm boys, family is very important because they spend their lives working together and tend to see both parents more often. Lots of country mothers still are stay at home moms.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am a city guy. I live in Orange County California. It seems to me he truly cares about you. There are few true gentlemen out there. I remembers what you like and dislike because he cares and your opinion. The "fairytale princess" is kinda cheesy but cute. It seems like he is not just trying to get laid but looking for more long term.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Just make sure before u commit....b'cos...he has nothing to lose in this relation, when you say about dreams....status....the platform for ur next generation.....but u have.....

    also...most of these case turn out to be a ego mess....

    make sure u climb the ladder.....u can always pull up someone...

    City boys.....(i'm not talkin' 'bout those bloody last benchers...who always expect sympathies for them being spoilt sports)....educated in good schools....well mannered.....knows how to optimize between family and girl friend.....that space....that support....and every thing in this whole world.......

    but any way this life is a game of go wrong somewhere and u will have to pay for it.....

  • 1 decade ago

    I grew up in the country and moved to the "city". I hate to say it but my "city boy" treats me better then any of those "country" boys ever did.

    BUT thats just my experience with it. I know alot of "city" girls who married "country" boys and have happy healthy relationships.

    What it all comes down to is this. Dose he make you happy? Do you make him happy? That whats it matter where you come from?

  • Sorry I just wanted to make a joke about the words "i am not used to guys jumping in head first" Thats what SHE said!

    Source(s): Good luck with everything
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Of course you're his "fairytale princess", you don't have 4 legs and a furry back...LOL! I'm kidding

    I've found that small town guys just haven't had as much experience with women and therefore they're more grateful and are okay with treating you better.

  • 1 decade ago

    I guess city guys are more sophisticated in very behaviour.

    I guess this guy is run heads and heels over you. You now has to know whether he is your Fairy Prince than only it matches. Check whether his age is a problem??? terms of maturity ha!ha! Anyway give him a try.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well most city guys are more experienced cause well their surroundings but country guys are polite and are family based, so really which one sounds more appealing.

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