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Internet realtionships?

There are a whole lot of internet sites out there these days that are established for the sole purpose of finding partners for sexual relationships. Yes, I know all about them, and I'm even a member of one or two, but I will ask that you check your moral and religious opinions & judgements at the door if you are going to answer this question.

How do you think sites such as these impact society sociologically. I know my thoughts on the subject, but I'm curious from a sociological standpoint what other people think about this. Again, I'm looking for opinions about the impact on society in general, not opinions as to the sites or the members thereof.


Thanks for some very interesting responses. I agree wholeheartedly with some of the statements, and would beg to differ on thers, but again, it's my personal opinion only.

Again, thanks to all who have taken the time to answer.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Like so many other internet sites, they serve to bring people together looking to share a common interest. It doesn't matter if it's quilting or sex.

    Here's where it gets interesting...the impact on society...

    Honestly, I think the proverbial jury is still out, but I feel the long-term impact will be a positive one. I say 'positive' with relativity.

    Back before the Internet, where would people interested in casual sex go to find others like them? Adult bookstores, x-rated movie theaters, or select seedy bars? These types of businesses were barely tolerated even in the worst neighborhoods. They were judged to be a sign of social degradation.

    Such businesses are rare nowadays. The needs they used to meet are all met online nowadays, and people have the freedom to explore their desires in the privacy of their own homes. Should they choose to act upon one of these desires, they can do so at their own pace, and at their own discretion.

    Doesn't this make it better for all parties involved?

    I feel it does.

    On the other side of the coin, does the ease with which the Internet can deliver such things make it so many more people become involved in such things? Surely there are many who'd never venture to a seedy bar, club, or theater but who now may be experimenting with a new lifestyle. Again, the answer is yes.

    But, if these desires burn within people, and those people choose to explore them, aren't they simply becoming who they want to be anyway? If a percentage of these same people later decide this type of lifestyle is not for them, is it not better that they have learned this and 'gotten it out of their system'? Again, I say yes.

    So, from a sociological standpoint, I feel having such sites demystifies the percieved immorality and makes it much more like a hobby. The effect is one of a larger group of people becoming active to a lesser degree- meaning there will be more 'softcore' participants. This will further serve to soften the societal judgement, much like the judgements held against homosexuals and the like.

    Once people begin to accept that desire is natural, and the want to enjoy pleasure with others is not freakish or permanent, it should become more accepted.

  • 1 decade ago

    These sites are no different then the personal ad's placed in the newspaper. They can be used to find a partner or friend and sometimes a lover.

    The exception to the rule is those who find it necessary to use these site because there relationship is failing or they no longer have interest, that's the bad part. Instead of putting effort into a broken relationship some tend to look for new one before the old ones are over.

    Then when the other partner finds out that pretty much ends it.

    Does that make that person bad, Maybe not. But I guess my opinion on these sites is like going to the casino, if you have the time and money to have fun without hurting anyone then play, if someone could lose something then stay away.

    The one thing that internet dating sites has done is offer the people a little better opportunity to chat, email and otherwise contact one another and try the waters, It's hard to do that in the newspaper.

    I give you a well done for choosing a topic that I am sure will net you some answer that are really different.

    Good Luck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't think they have much impact at all. I think that a lonely person reaches a point...I don't want to use the word 'desperation'...let's use the word 'frustration' instead.

    A person reaches thier 'frustration' level, and decides that they will try a new approach to meeting someone. In pre-internet days, this might have been a personal ad in the local paper. The internet is just an extension of this. It allows people to interact in a way that is non-threatening (at first) and at the same time, very personal (compared to the 'old' ways of communicating).

    However, in the end, you are still left with two people trying to connect (and I mean 'connect' in the deeper sense of the word). No matter what means you use to establish contact, nothing can prepare you for a 'face to face'. That is where the 'real' relationship starts. That's where you become 'vested' in a relationship.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think think it makes a big difference. Those sites are more or less the old bar scenes without the chatting part, but it maximize the opportunities. It helps people who look for a particular interest to find each other. Those who care to look for real dates or friends will have a separate website. Assuming people play by the rules, that is a good thing to sort out the groups, less miscommunication happens this way than the old bar scenes.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think it changes how people look at sex and what not. It gives people the chance to do something that they might not normally do. Sadly though, they have also given some people a way to cheat and do things that perhaps they should not be doing. I personally think they will change the way people look at relationships and what not. Some will use them to get a relationship but some will try and use them to find what they think is missing from their current relationship at the expense of hurting someone else.

  • 1 decade ago

    Its nothing new, its simply another avenue to connect with others that have the same interest as you. They have taken the place of the personal ads in porno mags. As far as impact on society, one could argue that it's a fast track to spreading unwanted disease, and causing unwanted pregnancy, leading to premature death, and more orphans than can be handled.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think finding someone online kinda takes away from getting to really know someone. Most of the time people online over exaggerate themselves , as oppose to meeting someone face to face and being able to get a better feeling of weather or not you want to pursue them, or just move on. So my answer is. I'd rather meet you face to face, than to have a online relationship for three months, finally get to meet you than decide that I've wasted alot of time.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think that it sometimes makes finding a mate to easy, and there is no thought put into what your really looking for . Also one should really be careful , health wise and when you talk with someone on here are they really who they say . sometimes I think we would be much better off to go back to a time when you got to know someone and went out on dates then got married before sex. sex is big business these days and these sites are using us to make profits.

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