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What would you do if ...?

a neighbor left an anonymous note on your door, politely asking that you take some time and clean up your yard, get rid of garbage and such, trim grossly overgrown hedges and landscaping to keep with the look of a neat and tidy neighborhood, as all the neighbors surrounding your house do?


Just to clarify, I didn't get a note, I'm thinking about putting one on my neighbor's door. They have some bushes that are now approaching second story level, it's bad.

Update 2:

I seriously doubt it's for privacy reasons. You all are aware that overgrown yards and shrubbery leads to rat infestations don't you? I don't want rats coming over to my house because they think they have nice little nesting area at my neighbors.

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    if they asked politely, then i would not respond with any anger... I would just make a conscious effort to clean up when i have some free time

  • 1 decade ago

    I guess as a human being, I would be mad and sad. I would probably want to be a brat and leave everything as is and let my hedges and lawn get even longer.

    I hate busy-bodies! And really, the neighbor should have come to you FACE-TO-FACE. It would have been better etiquette, and you probably would take the suggestions they had better, rather than a random note. Then you could have explained that you've been busy, or whatever.

    Now, with all that said, maybe you just need to buck it up and do a little trimming and cleaning.

    Do you live in a neighborhood with ordinances? Could the city come after you for not keeping things tidy?

    Personally, I live out in the country more, and if I don't want to cut my lawn that week, I feel that's my right. It's MY property you know?

  • 1 decade ago

    I have done things like this before and typically gotten no results. I would recommend a more helpful approach that doesn't put the neighbor on the defensive. If you have older kids or even you could just go over and say "if you ever need a hand with anything like yard work or trimming we'd be happy to help." If they do need help they might just take the opportunity to acknowledge it if you initiate it.

  • undone
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    It gets no more polite than an anon. note. Keep in mind though that the homeowners may have financial or physical reasons for the unkept yard. ( include in your note that you realise this may be the situation).Maybe offer to help them out if you want. You could include in your note a "signal" like "leave a pink hankie on the lawn if you would like us all to pitch in and have a yard-clean-up party for you. Be as nice as possible. good-luck.

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  • kiwi
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Maybe your neighbors feel that taller hedges will give them more privacy. If their yard is otherwise neat, leave them alone.

    If there is garbage laying around, maybe the city officials should cite them. That would be a health issue.

    A note left by you will only cause neighborhood friction. Don't do that.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would get my yard cleaned up asap. When you let your yard look bad, it affects your neighborhood's property value. I don't care for a home owner's association sometimes, but I'm glad we have one. Otherwise people will let their yards go and be an eyesore for everyone. If you don't want to keep your yard nice, you need to move into an apartment.

    Sorry, but that is a sore subject for me!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i will do as i am told for my good and the good of the community. if i cant do those things, i will hire someone to do it for me. it is a shame that everyone's yard is clean except my own.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'd straighten up,you dont want anyone else complaning,cause someone will eventually get the law involved.

  • 1 decade ago

    Mind your business

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