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  • Give him a heads up or no?

    Taking my ex-husband back to court for more child support. I gave him a break on the amount because he was seeing our child more than the decree stated. But cost of living is rising, I'm definitely covering the majority of costs for our child and he has since gotten a promotion and raise. Also, when I gave him the break on the amount, it was with the understanding that it would be up to the legal requirement within a few years (it's been 3). I'm pretty sure I know how he'll react either way, but I don't want to blind side him with legal papers getting served to him at work. Just looking for some outside opinions here. Up or downsides to letting him know what I'm planning. Thanks!

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Going on week 8 since my wedding and no photos from the photog. Normal?

    2 photogs, husband and wife team, this is not their full time job, they are not printing my photos, only editing 200-250 photos to a disc. First it was 2-4 weeks, then it was pushed back to the week after Thanksgiving and I just got another email from her saying it will be another couple weeks. She has been paid in full, plus the cost of adding her husband as an extra photographer. She's new to professional wedding photography, with plenty of experience in other areas of photography, I researched her, plus several friends recommended her to me. Is 8 weeks a normal amount of time for digital photos? Considering legal proceedings if we get to Christmas with no photos.

    4 AnswersWeddings9 years ago
  • What can a woman do in this situation?

    A woman says she was raped. She went to the police and they won't do anything because she can't afford to pursue it. I just can't believe that this is the reason they won't go after the guy, meaning I don't believe her story. Aren't there public prosecutors like there are public defenders that represent people who could not afford an attorney? How does this work? I'm completely ignorant?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • What should I see in Oklahoma City Friday night and Saturday morning?

    My boyfriend has to go to OKC for work on Friday, we are staying the night and then heading home Saturday afternoon. I think I would like to see some of Bricktown and I know for sure I want to see the Memorial. What else should we try to see in the short time? And what's a great LOCAL place to eat in OKC? No chain restaurant suggestions please, want to eat somewhere we can't get at home. Thanks!

    2 AnswersOther - United States10 years ago
  • How do I tell my 8 year old that her dad and I are not getting remarried?

    We've been divorced for over a year, with a 6 month separation before the divorce was final. My daughter has never talked about us getting back together before and today she drew me a picture and it was her dad asking to "marry me again". How do I tell her delicately? And just in case someone suggests getting back together, it's not ever going to happen, he was a terrible husband (a good father thank goodness) and I spent a decade trying to make it work but I'm not going to put myself through that again.

    6 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • Is he really wanting to watch tv or is he expecting more?

    I met a guy online recently. We've been out twice, talked on the phone, and text often. I like him, he seems decent. On our second date he asked me back to his place to watch a tv show we had talked about over dinner. I felt it was too soon, I've only had two meals with him, so I said I would rather just stay at the restaurant and keep talking. Over texts he's asked me over again, and I honestly have commitments keeping me from accepting, but I don't think I would anyway. This is too soon, right? Or am I being overly suspicious of this guy who really just wants to watch tv with me?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I'm thinking about changing car insurance. Does Geico provide good customer service?

    Their quote to me was amazingly cheap and that makes me a little nervous. You get what you pay for is what I have always heard. Anyone had their insurance through Geico? Good or bad experiences, please.

    11 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • What would you do if ...?

    a neighbor left an anonymous note on your door, politely asking that you take some time and clean up your yard, get rid of garbage and such, trim grossly overgrown hedges and landscaping to keep with the look of a neat and tidy neighborhood, as all the neighbors surrounding your house do?

    9 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • How should I approach the teacher?

    My daughter just started public Pre-K and has been in school less than a month. Over the weekend we were flipping channels and passed by Cartoon Network. My daughter recognized the cartoon from the few seconds before we went to the next channel and said that she watched the cartoon at school. We asked her about it because Cartoon Network is something we NEVER watch at home and she said they watch tv every day in their classroom as well as during PE. She is a very honest child and 90% of the time is accurate on details, however she is 4 almost 5 and I know I cannot completely rely on her for details. I have 2 issues that I need to address with the teacher however, one being that they should not be watching tv during the school day and two, if they must put on something, Cartoon Network is the absolute LAST thing they should be watching. How do I approach the teacher about this, I'm thinking of emailing her first, keep it light and try to get more details. Good idea?

    16 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • How do I help my daughter understand this new phase in her childhood?

    My daughter is almost 5. She is not a tom boy, but she enjoys playing with boys more than she does girls her age. I think it's because up until she was 3 she interacted with boys more than girls, every setting she was in she was almost always the only girl just out of coincidence. She's getting to the age where the boys are thinking "ewww girls" but she hasn't reached that "yucky boys" phase yet. She keeps trying to interact with the little boys but they just shoot her down every time, poor thing. Is there a way for me to explain this to her without her feelings getting hurt? I don't want her to think she can't play with boys at all, because I don't think that is the solution.

    10 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Do you think the new block feature is for all the weenies that can't stand when someone disagrees with them

    Hahaha, yes understand that there are trolls out there who are habitually causing serious problems for YA users, but who do you think is going to use it more, those people who truly are being harrassed or stalked by trolls, or people that can't take the heat when someone disagrees with them? Thoughts? Hope I don't have to block anyone because of posting this question, hahahaha!

    6 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Not that I'm a vengeful person, but isn't' it great when what goes around comes around?

    I have a day care in my home and one of the families I work with removed their child from my care to enroll her in the private school they had been on the waiting list for. Yay, good for them. The child was a terror, loved her, but a complete terror. And the mother was completely inconsiderate and pushed my policies to the absolute limit, especially the health policy. She was always bringing her child when she was sick, even to the point of everyone in the day care, including myself, getting the flu. I called her yesterday to see how the new school was going and she said they had been home sick 3 days within the last two weeks. It was all I could do not to laugh and tell her "What goes around, comes around". Isn't it great?! I'm sorry the child has been sick, but I feel like this mom as gotten what she deserves. So let's hear 'em, what are some good "what goes around, comes around"s that you just laughed out loud about!?! Have fun with this!

    6 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Let's compare. Who got the worst Mother's Day present?

    My husband was trying to be creative and buy something different for me this year, so I have to give him credit for that. However, he thought for Mother's Day I would enjoy a Bartender's Guide book, Margarita mix, Jose Cuervo, these little mini margarita popsicle makers, and a glasses and pitcher set, margarita style of course. He should have just given me a card that said Happy Mother's Day, Ya Big Lush! I mean what do I say when people at church ask me what I got for Mother's Day?! So let's hear it ladies, what is the worst Mother's Day present you have gotten?

    16 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • How can I get this child to calm down enough to go to sleep?

    I have a day care in my home and one of the children I keep had a dose of albuterol this morning before she got to my house. The child has been jittery and hyper all morning. It's like she physically cannot be still. Is there anything I can do for her to get her to calm down enough to go to sleep, it's nap time and she's keeping the other kids awake? Anyone have any experience with kids on albuterol? It's quite shocking and very disturbing to me how different the child has behaved today after the inhaler this morning.

    13 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • I'm going to Vegas for the first time this summer....?

    What are the "must do" things that I should not miss out on while I'm there, beides gambling and getting married, hahahaha. I do plan on doing some gambling but have no idea where to start with that. Any suggestions. Any good shows to see? Thanks.

    5 AnswersLas Vegas1 decade ago
  • You know you're a parent when.....?

    Let's hear some funny things that have happened to you since you became a parent and all you could do was laugh. For example, last night was my husband's and my anniversary. Usually we go out some where nice, leave the 4 year old with a sitter or grandparents. Not last night, we had a classy night out at Pizza Hut!!! We couldn't find a sitter and hey it was Kids Eat Free night, hahahahahaa! Who has some good ones? Let's hear 'em!

    29 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Who else thinks Willow on Days of Our Lives looks like one of the Wayan's brothers from "White Chicks"?

    I do believe she is one of the most unattractive women I have ever seen, and she's not a good actress either.

    7 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago