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Do Christians have a conscience?

Not a baiting or trolling question... Some people might be offended, but that's not my intent.

What I want to know is this - there's an old cliche regularly bandied about here on R&S about how atheists can understand right and wrong.

For me, the question is simple - it's my conscience.

When people actually ask how someone who doesn't believe in some musty old book can have learnt right from wrong, it makes me wonder if they ask the question because they have no conscience themselves?

Or do they just suppress that conscience when it contradicts their musty old books?

27 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    OK let's pretend for a second that there is no God or Creater and everything is here by pure coincidence. Therefore by logic we are all just intelligent animals who have really no need of a conscience or rules to thereby live. It can be argued that we live by these rules so we can live in harmony and such but in reality an animal lives only for it's own purpose and survival. Atheists and Christians alike live for much more. For love, happiness, experiences of life, and all the things that set us apart from animals. Animals do not just develop conscience and emotions it's a characteristic that has been given to us by God. So yes to answer your question Christians have a conscience, but so do atheists. That is why when we are judged we can't argue that we never had an inkling about right and wrong or that there was something or someone that created us. Our excuses will fall on deaf ears because even logically we all know there has to be something or someone more to everything. Our resistance and inability to come to grasps with our own sins and our unwillingness to answer to God for them is the reason people deny even the existence of God.

    Source(s): For you to listen to the voice inside of you, you first have to acknowledge it is there.
  • 1 decade ago

    Don't put my words in stone, but I think people ask that is because of this: If you don't believe in God or an afterlife, then what do you found your conscience on? What makes you decide what is right, and things like that. And if you don't believe in an afterlife and such, why would you worry about listening to your consience, since there would be no consequence for bad actions, unless you're caught. For example, if you, say, kill someone, and recieve the death penalty. If you don't believe in God, then you just die, and that's it. In a way, you're getting off easy.

    Bear in mind I have no practice in actually explaining things like this. I'm no peer minister, after all. (I was raised as a Christian and there are still quite a few issues I'm still trying to make up my mind about.)

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe in that musty old book. and it is not so musty. i am a Christian. that does not mean i am a saint. not at all. it means i am a sinner and a follower of Christ. i learn from that musty old book. it is my guide to living. it is hard for me to believe that one can tell what is right and what is wrong, if they did not know what was right or wrong in the first place. i do not wish to preach, so i will stop here.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think some Christians have a conscience and some don't , the same way some Atheists have a conscience and some don't

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    do not placed my words in stone, besides the undeniable fact that i think persons ask it is once you concentration on that of this: in case you do not think in God or an afterlife, then what do you placed your experience of top and incorrect on? What makes making a determination what's perfect, and concerns like that. And in case you do not think in an afterlife and such, why might want to you worry about being attentive on your consience, pondering the actual incontrovertible truth that there might want to correctly be no effect for risky movements, except you're stuck. For representation, interior the shape you, say, kill every person, and recieve the shortcoming of life penalty. in case you do not think in God, then you definately only die, and that is it. no longer instantly, you have become off worry-free. bear in mind i have no prepare in actually explaining concerns like this. i'm no peer minister, in spite of everything. (i replaced into once raised as a Christian and there are besides the undeniable fact that rather some complications i'm besides the undeniable fact that attempting to make up my mind about.)

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Deep down inside your mind, the parts of it you are not aware of (apparently) , that musty old book still has an affect on you. It made your mindset into what it is now in many ways. The less you see that, the more it is true.


  • 1 decade ago

    Everyone has a conscience. A Christian's conscience measures thought, word and deed by what God's word tells us. We are led by His Holy Spirit and it is up to us to listen to Him.

    Those who do not have the Holy Spirit, have a conscience but, sometimes their conscience is led by wrong forces or only by what they want to be the right thing.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We do in fact have consciences. What SOME Christians fail to realize is that we gain the knowledge of good and evil through experience.

    Source(s): I am a Christian.
  • 1 decade ago

    I believe that the Word of God (right vs.wrong, good vs. bad, truth, etc.) Is found embedded or written in three places:

    - The hearts of mankind

    - The Bible (Scripture)

    - Nature and the Earth / Universe

    All people have some sense of right and wrong from their hearts and the way the world functions. The Bible is just that word in written form.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am a Christian, but I see myself as more spiritual than religious. I have friends of all faiths and non faith. I think a good person is a good person regardless of how he/she believes or does not. I think the only thing that matters here on earth is our actions. Are we kind? Are we understanding? Do we care if others are in pain or need?

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