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U.S. citizens only please, GUNS!!!!! Why do we have so many? and is it good or bad?

I was reading time magazine (sep 10,2007 issue) and it stated that america is the most heavily armed country in the world. Not militarily speaking but in regards to civilians. The number given was 90 firearms for every 100 citizens. The next closest was india with 4 per 100. My question is this, do you think that it is good or bad? Should we as a country reduce the amount of firearms or just go for at least one for everybody? This is kind of political but if you could ignore that aspect and let me know why you think we have so many guns that would be better. Thank you for your time.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm not sure if I believe Time magazines data. I know an awful lot of people and very few of them own guns.

    I'd be interested in knowing how many firearms Israelis own per person. I'd suspect that percentage wise that their higher than us and that they have automatics.

    I'm a gun owner myself, but I do own several long guns and three handguns. So, my gun ownership would skew that data for the Times.

    I believe we have the large number of weapons, due to our being a relatively young country. It wasn't that long ago that firearms were needed, to place meat on the table and to defend ones homestead or country.

    Then there's the fairly constant exposure to firearms. Since our countries inception, it has been rare for any generation not to require the use of a firearm for one reason or another.

    The American Revolution, The War of 1812, Mexican American War, The Civil War, The Spanish American War, World War 1, World War 2, The Korean War, The Vietnam War, Desert Storm, Operation Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. This list doesn't even cover conflicts of smaller stature like Grenada.

    Americas relationship with firearms is unique unto itself, no other country has this relationship as we do. Is this good, evil or unnecessary? Who can say for sure.

    One thing is undisputed, firearms are inanimate objects. It's what is in the heart, of the person wielding that firearm, that determines if it's use has been good or evil.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is a good thing as it provides a checks and balances to everything and also helps reduce crime (look up stats for crime in England and Australia after gun bans). Why should we limit the number, the legal gun owners are not a danger to anyone and as stated before provide protection to everyone else. Criminals are not going to get their guns through legal methods and would not turn them in if a law was passed. This is protected under the 2nd amendment and is what our forefathers intended. The democrats are trying to turn our government into a totalitarianism society where the government controls all aspects of life. This along with the liberally biased media, (which only broadcast their agenda) are the major problems with this country right now. We have many guns as we enjoy hunting different size animals, target shooting at different distances, self protection and collecting and this cannot be accomplished with one gun per person and it is out right to have them. The last time you failed a test, did you blame your pencil? Sorry about the political aspect, it just seems a matter of common sense to me.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why do we have so many guns in the U.S? Just a guess here but do you suppose that the U.S has so many guns because of something called the right to bare arms? It's our right & some, maybe even most want to exercise that right. What's even more upsetting is knowing that the 90 guns for every 100 people are only the legal & properly registered ones, the guns that are most likely going to be used within in limits of the law, for things such a self-defence or target practice.

    The real question here is......

    For the millions of guns we already know about through proper registration how many more guns are there out there that we don't know about & how are they going to be used.

  • 1 decade ago

    Any figures on gun data in the US is majorly flawed.I own 20 guns right now, that is low compared to the 120 I owned before I got ill several years ago. My children have inherited my weapons, so the family will always be able to defend itself which is a definite necessity today. Within 2 miles of my home there have been 2 home invasions, at least 5 armed robberies, 4 home burglaries and who knows how many assaults. Firearms were only displayed at 2 of these, with knives, razors and in 2 instances groups of 3-6 black males with no weapon diplayed. There have been 2 shootings in this same area with 2 dead at one of these 2 incidents. My question is, "Who in their right mind would say that living in this society there is no need to be armed with at least 2 guns at all times??" My mother-in-law keeps a 13 shot 9mm next to her bed and she's 87. A week ago 3 black kids tried to get in the back door at her house and my wife chased them away with a gun. The guy 2 buildings away had already been robbed for $50 the night before by the same 3. In laws are Italian, living in little Italy part of New Haven, CT. Neighborhood justice was administered to those 3 black boys when they came back 3 days later to rob again. THEY WON'T BE BACK SOON!!!!! We need guns so when the "Hillarys" of the world outlaw them we will already be well stocked. (Most are buried already, just in case that time comes) Criminals don't pay any attention to any laws , how does disarming the lawabiding help to protect us from the criminals? When CT. banned certain guns it actually put more of them on the street.! Lawabiding citizens got scared and began selling their banned guns to friends of friends and in many cases to just anybody!!!! Making these lawabiding citizens criminals according to the law. All because they feared their Govt. and didn't want to go on a list of radicals or whatever. After the weapon registation deadline, even more guns flooded the streets. Only 3-10% of banned weapons were ever registered. STUPID LAWS ! ! ! I cut up several guns because I missed a deadline on registration of 2 guns that were added to the list after legal review by State of CT lawyers. I wasn't about to put them on the street, so I lost a total of $1250 that I had paid for them. I swore any new ban I'd bury my guns, now I have, just in case. Next ban technically I become a criminal Because I won't register or turn in anything. How's that , enough opinion? Hope it helps.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This country was based on the wilderness and everyone had a gun to protect his homestead. Responsible gun ownership has been stressed since our country came about, and even the government has stressed and embraced this concept as well. Responsible gun ownership means obeying the laws of the land and being safe in all you do. It has also helped us get onto a "war footing" very easily, because many inducted into the armed forces over the years already knew how to shoot.

    Hunting and nature appreciation goes hand-in-hand with responsible gun ownership. Not to mention the recreational aspect of just being able to go out and plink at tin cans, shoot at clay pigeons as well as develop marksmanship skills. It is a fun sport that brings enjoyment to all who do it.

    I have a number of guns, and I practice responsible gun ownership. I comply with all laws and respect other people. Having a gun and knowing how to use one does not make me a bad person, unlike what some in the media will tell you.

    Unfortunately, we always have an "element" that takes advantage of our freedoms and uses guns in a harmful way. We have the laws on the books to deal with this. Unfortunately, they are not enforced. Throw the book more at those who violate our freedoms and make we responsible gun owners look bad! We are not all evil, and we all do not shoot at other people! My guns are safely hidden and cannot be used by children who do not know better or those who would do us harm.

    Many older guns are serious collector's items and are beautiful examples of craftsmanship. You will never see one of these at your local "drive-by" shooting.

    Go after the thugs. Leave us RESPONSIBLE gun owners alone! Gun control is a mockery. It punishes those of us who DO obey the law, since the criminal "element" will always be able to obtain them for their purposes. Just ask anyone in England, Canada or Australia.

    Thanks for your question. Did I answer it? People will definitely think twice about invading our country. We can shoot!

    Source(s): NRA Life Member and PROUD American
  • 1 decade ago

    Ignore the political aspect of a question which starts by saying "U.S. citizens only..." will you be eliminating non-citizens with those guns? Sorry I digress. We should reduce the amount of firearms maybe then we could take a step forward toward world peace.

  • Miss 6
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    As a citizen of the United Sates, I have the right to bear arms, I will not relinquish that right. I think we should keep our guns.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you look at our brief history you would understand that our very survival depended on being armed to the teeth. To this day we think our freedom depends on our ability to defend ourselves from what ever comes our way. And the gun helped us to keep our bellies full out in the woods, as it does today.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Shooting a gun is really fun. I don't own one and I would never shoot at anything other than a target at a shooting range if i ever got one.

  • Mac
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    It's our right as law abiding Americans..... I'm a gun owner, I carry everyday and feel very safe with the knowledge I can protect myself and my loved ones.......

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