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Do you need to change your name when you convert to Islam?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Obligation of changing one's name upon accepting Islaam


    Is it mandatory for one who newly embraces Islaam to change his or her name?


    al-hamdu lillaah.

    He or she is not required to change his or her name unless it embodies the worship of someone or something other then God, Allaah. However, its amelioration by choosing a new Islamic name is legitimate and encouraged. The fact that he or she would change his or her name from a pagan or non-Islamic name to an Islamic one would be considered commendable--however, it is not mandatory.

    Thus, if one's name is Abdul-Messiah, for example, or similar such names, then he is obligated to change it, as the Prophet (peace upon him) had people with the names Abdul-Ka'bah and Abdul-Uzzah change their names upon accepting Islaam.

    If the original name does not comprise or imply anything forbidden in Islaam, then he or she is permitted to retain it (such as the name George, for example). As noted, though, it is preferable to change it to an Islaamic name, as this also distinguishes him or her from the kuffaar.

    Note that if changing one's name in official documents and records poses a great inconvenience, it would suffice to change it among the people. In this case, he or she is called by his or her new name by friends, acquaintances, and the general public, while offical documents would retain the original given name.

    Islam Q&A

    Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Islam Name Change

  • 1 decade ago

    In Islam, you can pick whatever name you want. If a woman marries a man, she is not required (nor is it a custom) to change her maiden name.

    If you are a non-Muslim named John Lee, you can become a Muslim and still be named John Lee. No problem. Born-Muslims of Indonesia have names in their own mother-tongue, not Arabic.

    But Islam is a religion of the profession of faith, and you would like people to be curious about Islam and God. Therefore many converts pick a Muslim name, although many do not drop their family name. This is so that others would know what his/her religion is.

    Of course this is up to the individual.

    Hope that helps!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    No you don't have to change your name, as long as it's has a good meaning and isn't against Islam, etc. but no it doesn't have to be an "Arabic"Name many of us just do there are many reasons for doing so, I did it so I could be known as a muslim of course my mom and my family and many of my friends still call me Megan, but most of my muslim friends call my Khadijah, one of the things you might consider if you are going into a large community of muslims, than you might want to pick a name to go by because people can have trouble saying your name etc. But you can keep your names as long as it doesn't mean something bad, doesn't worship false Idols, Like if your name was Christian or Christine. Or if your a girl named after an angel because thats what the pagans used to do but otherwise you don't have to change your name.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Changing name has nothing to do with converting to Islam. Infact the prophet peace be upon him changed the names of some people who converted because their names were against Islam. like Abdul Ka'ba (slave of the Ka'ba) and in Islam we are slaves of God alone.

    But of course there is no need at all to do this. I think converts change their names for one of the following reasons:

    -Thinking it's necessary to have an Islamic name in order to convert (which is not correct)

    -To feel like a member of the Muslim nation.

    -To feel that you are a new person with a new start and a new way of life.

    -To let people know about their conversion.

    -Because they got bored of their names maybe

    But for sure there is no need to change your name in order to convert to Islam.

    Source(s): Join a newsletter in English about Islam where we discuss the basic beliefs , common misconceptions: , Islam and terrorism , Status of women in Islam , Stories of new Muslims , and more. the material posted is usually articles for great scholars or people doing academic study. So it's much deeper than just " Islam is the religion of peace and love ...." May Allah guide us all to the right path...
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    TubeDude is a moron...and knows nothing about Islam so ignore his answer...i am a woman and Muslim and am not the property of anyone...same goes with ALL the rest of the women in my family...

    anyway you don't need to change your name..some people say it is reality it is just a name...there are many so called Muslims out there that have Muslim names but don't follow the religion...that name doesn't make them any more it really isn't necessary to change your name unless you personally feel the need to...

    Source(s): I'm Muslim
  • 1 decade ago

    Technically the answer is , NO... however, depending on your mosque, there'd be plenty of pressure to do so... just like in other religions, but especially in islam, most are uneducated in the actual faith and just follow, which is a problem because many of those who are preachers [imams] are NOT the brightest stars in the galaxy...

  • 7 years ago


    But if your real name is Christine, Christian, Christina or something like that, you have to change your name.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    no u dont its up to you..but if you did convert it is likely that you would want to change your name, not becuase you have to its because you wont to and you dont have to change it to muhammed their is plenty of other names to change it too

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Buckweet converted to Islam and changed his name to Kareem O Weet !

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