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Are we obligated to support our government?

If they go against the constitution of the united states which is the original contract with america? Are "we the people" released from our obligation to them? at what point do we fight against a government that has broken this contract with us?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    All of our elected leaders and military personnel are sworn to protect the Constitution.

    Unfortunately, this administration has systematically stripped us of our constitutional rights to privacy and habeus corpus, while at the same time seeking to combine all authority under the one office of the President.

    Never in history has our Constitution been under assault like it has at the hands of Bush.

    All true patriots should be outraged. Blind obedience to a corrupt leader is not patriotism.

    Now would be a good time to fight - or at least impeach.

  • Tim N
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    You are in no way under any obligation to support any government you do not want to. Life is all about choices. However, I might add, failure to support your government could end detrimentally to your health or freedom. The United States was raised from the spoils of revolution. In essence we did not support the government we were subordinated to, so we revolted and through bloodshed threw off the reins of tyranny. I think before you incite a revolution, the more civilized approach would be to move elsewhere.

  • GunnyC
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Everything that the evil and nasty Bush administration has done is with the assistance and approval of the democrats in Congress. Even as a minority party they could if they wanted too stop bills from passing in the Senate; so stop saying Bush-it is the government. My biggest fear in the next election is when they decide the Second Amendment does not say what it says and abolishes private ownership of firearms. Then you may see a second revolution because of you don't then no way would have the means later.

  • 1 decade ago

    What we've lost sight of is that "we the people" is the government. All government power comes from us. We gave up that control over our government when the government dumbed us down with its education system and bribed us with its New Deal welfare state. Now, instead of being sovereigns, we are fat and lazy subjects of the king again. or maybe it's slaves on the plantation. I get confused.

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  • 1 decade ago

    It's past time we fought to take our country back, but people are to scared and chickenshit, and ignorant and busy trying to make that "buck" to stop and see the whole thing is outa wack and ridiculous to the extreme, our government is taking over countries in the of "democracy" left and right, to bad were a "REPUBLIC". Where are your Morals? where is your patriotism Americans? my Grandfather fought to keep us safe from Russians and Germans, so did A **** load of your relatives, and this is how you honor our heritage? by letting it get stolen while you watch TV? some one needs to bomb the capital, yea i said it, and you know what? terrorist IS NOT A DIRTY WORD, terrorists claim they are freedom fighters, GUESS WHAT? THEY ARE! and we should be too.

    If I get sniped tonight you'll know why, cause I told ya to fight.

    Fight now or die later, it's your choice America.

  • 1 decade ago

    "That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government"

    quoted form the Declaration of Independence.

    It is our right and duty to abolish a tyrannical government.

    Our government has stolen our right to retire how we choose (Social Security), our money (high taxes), run our businesses (minimum wage, OSHA, EPA, unions), educate our children (public schools), our charity (Medicar, Medicaid, welfare, etc.), and are trying to steal our rights to our very lives and health (universal health care). We need to abolish our government soon, before it is too late and we have no rights left.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago



    Some might say that point was crossed when Clinton signed the Brady Bill into law.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    according to Jefferson, yes a revolt is the citizens right and duty!

  • 1 decade ago

    We speak thru our elected officials. Keep in touch with yours.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yep, by paying taxes if nothing else.

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