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As a parent/relative/friend... what topics do you think need to be addressed within an Abstinence program?

On a committe for my school district to revamp our district Sexual Abstinence program for our students... need topic ideas and opinions please. Be mature in your answers, please please please!!!


I agree with everyone that Abstinence really does not work BUT here in the state of Texas public schools are required to teach the program with more than 50% being about Abstinence. We are trying to be realistic and also teach about being responsible and having safe sex but we have to call it an Abstinence program because of state laws. That is why I am asking for opinions.

Update 2:

Please think and respond to these questions in your responses, as well.

1.As a parent/relative/friend/etc., are you aware any Abstinence program being taught within your school district?

2.Do you agree that in today’s society, more children are becoming sexually active at a younger age and something should be done to combat the issue?

3. Do you think that the education system should hold any responsibility and accountability for holding a district wide age-appropriate seminar/course on Abstinence at all for its students?

4. Given the state of affairs in today’s society, at what grade level do you think

children should start being taught about Abstinence (Please answer by grade

level only, ie. Pre-K, K, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)?

5. While going through your school-aged years, did you ever attend any Abstinence program courses, then called “Sex Education”, held by your school district?

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Personally, I dont' think abstinence programs work. What we should be teaching our children/teens/students is how to be sexually mature and responsible - if that means abstinence is the best for a particular student - Great! But in general teens are going to have sex regardless of whether they take an abstinence only program/seminar. Because these programs leave teens unaware of how to practice their sexuality safely, they are at a higher risk for contracting sexually transmitted diseases adn unwanted pregnancies.

    EDIT: In response to your questions:

    1) I am not aware of any abstinence only programs being taught in my school district.

    2) Actually, in my research I found the opposite to be true. Using nationally representative data, the average age of sexually active teens is about 16 AND the vast majority of sexual encounters that teens have are in committed monogamous relationships. Teens are not "sexually out of control" like some politicians would like to have us believe.

    3) I dont think abstinence only programs should be taught at all. Instead we need to focus on teaching our children how to make sexually mature and responsible decisions. Sex in and of itself is not a bad thing! My research has shown that teens in abstinence only programs are actually more sexually active, have more sexual partners, and are less likely to use contraception.

    4) I don't quite know what you mean by the "state of affairs in our current society". However, I think sexual education should be taught once our children begin puberty, that is around middle school.

    5) I went to a Lutheran grade school/high school so abstinence was the only thing we were taught. In the name of abstinence we were also given misinformation, such as that if both partners are wearing jeans and engaging in petting you can still get pregnant. These are the types of lies that abstinence only programs proliferate.

    Source(s): I have my master's degree in sociology specializing in adolescent sexuality.
  • that is such a good question.

    the most important thing is to have a sex talk with kids.

    i never had one and it really made sex not a big deal to me.. which it should be a big deal. The only person that made me feel like it was wrong when i was young was my sister... because she's a really strong Christian.

    Make the kids (i'm assuming they're kids) ... live the life of a pregnant woman, or a mother, or a father.

    Make the girls wear the pregnant women suits.

    Make the girls and the boys take care of those babies, that are FAKE, but act as tho they are real babies.

    Give them responsibilities.. and literally make them fear being pregnant.

    I woudl also suggest talking about abortion and how it is morally wrong... explain what it is (depending on the age of the kid) because i know alot of people who went through this procedure and copped out of their pregnancy.

    Have couples come in that did not wait until marrige to have sex and what they regret about it

    Have couples come in that DID wait until marrige to have sex

    and how happy they are because they waited


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