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Dear Mr. President?

Take a minute to watch and listen....

"Dear Mr. President...How do you sleep while the rest of us cry. How do you dream when a mother has no chance to say goodbye. How do you walk with your head held high? Can you even look me in the eye, and tell me why?"

What do you think his excuse would be THIS time?!!

I can't wait until his term in office is over. We DESPERATELY need a change. Somebody in office who is TRULY by the people FOR the people.

One comment posted on the response boards to this song is "Revolution America...You need it." Do you agree with that comment in anyway, and if so what do we need to revolt against?


Koala...I have NO party affiliation. At least no one died when Clinton slipped it to his little intern!!!

Update 2:

For those of you who want to call me self-righteous and the other names you seem to enjoy calling while you have 3 fingers pointing back at brother is currently serving over in Iraq. He is part of a mechanized other words...his team are the bomb finders. I'm proud of my brother, more than he will EVER know, but I still feel that Bush is a HORRIBLE president. I did vote, not for him so I have earned the right to complain about the job he has done. Saddam DOES NOT EQUAL Bin Ladden. GW went in to seek revenge for his daddy's embarrassement...nothing more. If you are comfortable leaving in a society under MARSHALL LAW, more power to you but I for one am not and that is the road that Bush has lead us down and good ol' Bush loyals have sat by and they're laurels and said "More power to ya Dubyah!! Before you go accussing someone of something, you better make sure you know what your talking about first...If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all!!!!!

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hardly anyone realises that Mr. George W. Bush probably has the hardest year to be president.

    He would probably not be president if he held his head low and wasn't strong.

    He's got to be prepared, he ran for president because he believed he could take the best care of us! He was selected twice. We cry, we laugh, we scream, we smile. It is life.

    What would happen if we just moved out of Iraq and quit? They'd attack us! You've got to realise that George Bush has us in good hands, however people die every 5 seconds! Not just in the United States, okay? He can't controll people's choices and crap. He only makes the decisions-- he is no dictator.

  • 5 years ago

    Yeah. Its the national anthem of the liberal whining party. Those poor misguided souls who don't have a clue that follow editorial commentary of the liberal media with religious fervor. How about this! Dear Mr. President: What courage you have in the face of terror and domestic detractors all so misguided in disinformation and propaganda to stand up, day- after-day to right what is wrong with the world. How reassuring it is to know, that you, Mr. President, as commander in chief - will do what it takes to protect and preserve this great nation from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Remember folks, that's what a President's job is. And Mr. "W" is doing just that. Bill Clinton, Jaraque Chiraq and all the other EU weenies just want to put terrorist in "time-out" - like its a grade school punishment. The WAR on TERROR is REAL. WAKE UP!

  • 1 decade ago

    How do you get off feeling so self righteous about this crap. Watching that video made me sick. Most of the poor people in New Orleans were there by choice-they decided not to leave when they could leave. After the storm more that 70,000 flooded vehicle were towed out of the city. I know I was there at my job as an ER nurse.

    We have a all volunteer military. The men and women who serve do so willingly. They accept the burden of Democracy. We were attacked many times until on September 11, 2001 they pushed us to far and our President said ENOUGH! We fight the terrorist in their own homes, so we don't have to fight them here in our streets. Our solders choose to fight for their country. They leave their families and go to fight for you and me. They say their goodbyes when they leave. Yes their families mourn their loss but are proud for what they do. I know this from going to many military funerals as part of the Patriot Guard Riders. When I joined the Army so many years ago I did so willingly knowing what my happen. All who join do as well.

    President Bush responded to a grievous attack against our country. If people like you would have had your way in WWII we would be part of the German Empire.

    Keep your self righteous crap to yourself. If your weren't there or haven't served you don't have the right to criticize.

    Finally we do have a legal revolution every 4 years. If you don't like what's happening VOTE! If you don't vote you can't complain.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't think George W. Bush is the problem, I think its politics in general. None of the people running for president are honest people for the people, in politics it's every man/woman for his/herself. Once the perfect leader is chosen, one who cares about each and every person even though he may not know them, we will have found the pefrect president.

    I do agree a revolution is needed, against the big money hoarding corperations in the way of our society's chance to succeed. But this is difficult.

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The next 13 months are going to be the most dangerous 13 months any of us have ever lived. If we get thru this period safely and without major upheaval and martial law, we can all count ourselves lucky.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We need a revolution, yes. The messed up thing is, that song can't be played on the radio! How's that for freedom of speech?

    ***Lawagoneer doesn't even allow email. he is being a coward talking that way, don't listen to him.

  • 1 decade ago

    We need to get back to our original roots. My family helped to build this nation starting in 1621. Assisted in the founding, (Benjamin Franklin), and fought and died protecting it in the Alamo,(Daniel Boone). Helped to run the underground railroad among other things. I am more than willing to do whatever it takes to return this country to it's former glory.

  • 1 decade ago

    Helllllll yes!!! I am SO ready for a revolt and I'm going to be one of the first ones out there waving my red and black flag.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The president can do all those things because he has tons of money that he has made off other people's tears.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I never supported that clown. I still don't Nor do I support his war.

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